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25 noviembre, 2013

Johnson&Johnson = Cancer


Johnson & Johnson admit that their baby products contain cancer-causing chemicals
Johnson & Johnson admits: Our baby products contain cancer-causing formaldehyde

The point of this article is to bring awareness to hidden ingredients in our ‘care’ products. Too many of us don’t listen to those who try to speak the truth. It is only when a great amount of pressure is applied when our government admits of dangers like arsenic in chicken meat.
After consistent pressure from the public and groups like EWG, the personal care giant, Johnson & Johnson, announced in 2012 that it would voluntarily remove hidden formaldehyde from their baby products like baby shampoo and baby washes by the end of this year (2013). You don’t see formaldehyde listed on the back of your bottle of “no more tears” shampoo? Formaldehyde is “hidden” in these products in ingredient names like “DMDM hydantoin“, and “1,4 dioxane” (which is “hidden” in listed ingredients like “fragrance”.
“There’s a very lively public discussion going on about the safety of ingredients in personal care products,” said Susan Nettesheim, VP for product stewardship and toxicology for J & J.
Lively discussion? If someone was selling you shampoo for your baby that had cancer causing agents hidden in it, I hardly think the discussion with that person would be “lively”.
About the known cancer causing (as listed on the US EPA carcinogen list) chemicals, Ms Nettesheim says, “…as a scientist I will sit here and tell you these things are perfectly safe.” I wonder what shampoo she uses on her kids?
To J & J’s credit, they are also going to phase out other harmful chemicals like pthalates and parabens which have estrogen-like properties and are suspected to be linked to hormone related cancers and can still be found in other hygiene products like deodorant. They plan to phase these chemicals out in their adult brands as well by 2015. Johnson & Johnson also operates under squeaky clean names like Neutrogena, Aveno, and Clean & Clear.
Hopefully this will have a domino effect and other big names will follow. I would score this as a victory for everyone who wants to wash their kid’s hair without risk of exposing them to carcinogens. - See more at: http://livefreelivenatural.com/johnson-johnson-admits-baby-products-contain-cancer-causing-formaldehyde/#sthash.IT1mU4CR.dpuf

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