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12 junio, 2014

Idiotic U.S. Policy Is Making Al Qaeda Stronger Than Ever

Islamic Jihadis Take Over Second-Biggest City In Iraq … But Al Qaeda Wasn’t Even IN Iraq Until the U.S. Invaded

The U.S. “war on terror” has increased terrorism.

Here are the number of terror attacks in Iraq between 1979 and 2011 courtesy of the National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism Global Terrorism Database (part of a joint government-university program on terrorism, is hosted at the University of Maryland):

Al Qaeda wasn’t even in Iraq until the U.S. invaded that country. And U.S. policy in Libya is partly responsible for sending an influx of Al Qaeda terrorists – and heavy weapons – into Iraq.

And now things are getting a whole lot worse …

You may not have heard, but Al Qaeda allies took over the Iraqi city of Fallujah 6 months ago.
And today, Al Qaeda-linked extremists in Iraq captured Iraq’s second-biggest city, the major oil center of Mosul.

(The jihadis call themselves “The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria”.   The fact that the U.S. is backing Al Qaeda in Syria is probably a continuing factor).

To make matters worse, the army fled, so the militants seized huge caches of U.S. supplied weapons, including humvees:

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McClatchy notes the extremists captured:
A civilian airport, a military airport, a military division headquarters, a border crossing with Syria, a weapons depot, government offices, banks and television stations.
Conflict Reporter tweets:
#UNBELIEVABLE FOOTAGE … #ISIS conquers the Iraqi army headquarters in #Mosul, takes/destroys all #US #MRAP|s
They also captured one or more black hawk helicopters. As Conflict Reporter tweets:
#Mosul airport is normally crowded with #Blackhawk and #Kiowa helis. Let’s see how many ended up in #ISIS hands…

One person tweets:
Black Hawk, one of ghaneemas taken by .
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Moreover, there were:
Surreal scenes in #Mosul, #Iraq as US trained troops leave behind their uniforms and flee from #ISIS to #Kurdistan. pic.twitter.com/eUyL65lnWa
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And mass chaos as civillians tried to flee.  As the BBC reports:
About 150,000 people thought to have fled Iraq city of #Mosul after militants take control http://bbc.in/SurMVl pic.twitter.com/6MzMlp59me
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Mission accomplished

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