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24 octubre, 2014

#CIA-MOSSAD Doctor "Infected" with #Ebola


NY Times: Craig Spencer, Doctor in New York City, Is Sick With Ebola
Dr. Craig Spencer, who returned from Guinea last week, remains in isolation at Bellevue Hospital Center. Authorities are tracing anyone who might have come into contact with him recently.

NY Times: Ebola Vaccine, Ready for Test, Sat on the Shelf
An Ebola vaccine effective in monkeys was not tested in humans until now, after the severe outbreak in West Africa forced governments to step in.

Ebola Mania just got a huge new 'booster shot' with the news that one Dr. Craig Allen Spencer has returned to the media capital of the world, infected with the Ebola virus. Dr. Spencer, 33, was placed in isolation at New York's Bellevue Hospital on Thursday after reporting a fever and gastrointestinal symptoms. He had been treating Ebola patients in Guinea for, get this, Doctors Without Borders - the notorious CIA front run by the mega Globalist-Zionist Bernard Kouchner.

As we had explored in previous rebuttals, African villagers have accused Doctors Without Borders of deliberately spreading Ebola and chased them away with clubs and machetes. Now, Kouchner's gang of deadly doctors is taking their game to America. Along with the Spencer article comes another front page announcement which reveals that a previously shelved Ebola vaccine is ready for "testing". Thanks. but no thanks!

Kouchner's 'Medecins Sans Frontieres' is loaded with Jewish Doctors who care so very deeply about the Black 'goyim' of Africa. On right: Kouchner pals around with the evil George Bush.

We maintain that one of the objectives, or at least one of the major unintended consequences, of Ebola Mania is for the neo-con warmongers to destroy Obongo the Reluctant Warrior. Along those lines, neo-con billionaire Donald Trump wasted no time in blasting Obongo in a 'tweet':

"If this doctor, who so recklessly flew into New York from West Africa,has Ebola,then Obama should apologize to the American people & resign!"

The combed-over con man then added:

"I have been saying for weeks for President Obama to stop the flights from West Africa. So simple, but he refused. A TOTAL incompetent!"

And this:

"I never thought I'd say it in my lifetime, but President Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Sotoro, is a far worse president than Jimmy Carter!"

Trump appeared on Israeli TV to endorse the re-election of Bibi Satanyahu:
"You have a great Prime Minister. There is nobody like him."

Ebola Mania is absolutely killing Obongo. This infected doctor story now makes it seem as though Obongo is utterly useless and incompetent when it comes to protecting America. Of course, we already know that he is useless and incompetent, but that's for many other reasons, not for his "mishandling" of an Ebola "crisis" which does not exist.

The Ebola scare is causing frightened single female and girly-man voters to abandon the Democrat Party in droves. Even Blacks have soured on 'brother' Obongo and are expected to stay home during next week's Congressional elections. Between the ISIS scam and the Ebola Hoax, Satanyahu and his gang of warmongers have really stuck it to Obongo, and good.

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