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24 abril, 2015

#Holohoax #Magic: 13 #Stadiums Into 1 #Garage - #Holocaust

How Do 13 Football Stadiums Fit Into A Garage?
By Mike King
NY Times: Former SS Member, on Trial in Germany, Says He Was ‘Morally Complicit’ at Auschwitz
Oskar Gröning, 93, is charged with complicity in the murder of 300,000 prisoners at the Nazi death camp in 1944.

Rebuttal by
The Anti-New York times
This story went un-rebutted by The Anti-New York Times because your sensitive reporter here gets too emotionally rattled upon learning of these sad cases of 90+ year old SS heroes being legally terrorized for an event that never happened. E-mails from the usual ignoramuses trickled into the inbox: "Hey asshole. Even this ex-SS man now admits that there were gas chambers. I suppose you think he made it all up? Eat shit, Nazi!" 
Why even respond to such demoniacally demented drones?
But when some loyal supporters wrote in, expressing worry and confusion over Oskar Groning's "confession", and writing to the effect: "Mike, What does this mean? I don't get it. Why would Groning say this?" - it was time to rebut the rubbish, and issue it as a "Free Sample Day".

Oskar Gröning, a former SS member who worked at Auschwitz-Birkenau, during the first day of his show-trial in Lüneburg, Germany.

Friends! Any defense attorney worth a nickel would be engaging in extreme legal malpractice if he were to advise his SS client to say anything other than what Groning said; which is, "I am so sorry." Seriously people, can you imagine what Merkel's Marxist minions would do to this poor man if he were to compound his "crime" with the additional "crime" of "Holocaust Denial", in a courtroom in occupied Germany, no less? Herr Groning's only shot at enjoying a few years of liberty is to grovel and admit that the "gas chambers" existed.
Oh ye dear readers of weak faith! Stay away from the Devil's Loudspeaker (TV). Take heed of the admonition from the 1973 classic film 'The Exorcist'. Recall the scene in which Father Merrin, the senior priest, sternly cautions the younger, inexperienced Father Karras to avoid engaging in any debate or conversation with the devil that is possessing the little girl. Here is the line:
"Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. We may ask what is relevant but anything beyond that is dangerous. He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don't listen to him. Remember that - do not listen." 
Be he physical or metaphorical, this is how the Devil operates, by mixing truth with lies; and sowing
the seeds of confusion where there shouldn't be any confusion at all. Unfortunately for Father Karras, he allowed the words of the cunning demon to get into his head and rattle him, with tragic consequences for both priests. And that is what happened to the few beloved fans who sent in those concerned E-mails so suddenly filled with doubt, all on the basis of this hyped-up Groning story.

The Exorcist teaches us to not even listen to demons.The same applies to the Marxist TV, new-sites & newspapers. Turn them off before the lie gets into your head!

In keeping with today's spiritual theme, it is time for a quick "booster blessing" of truth from your journalistic Exorcist here at The Anti-New York Times.

The WikiPedia entry for the Holocaust- TM sums up the official story very well. In a nutshell:
"From early 1942 until late 1944, transport trains delivered Jews to the camp's gas chambers from all over German-occupied Europe, where they were killed with the pesticide Zyklon B. At least 1.1 million prisoners died at Auschwitz, around 90 percent of them Jewish"
You see, we are expected to believe that 1.1 million people (officially and suspiciously reduced from the 4 million that had been claimed for 50 years!) were herded into a "gas chamber" the size of a 3-car garage, then killed by bug-spray (Zyklon B), right under the noses of Red Cross camp inspectors, while inmate soccer games were going on in an adjacent field. The hard-working killers (or their slaves) then had to enter the poison room (perhaps wearing HazMat suits?), pick up each dead body one at a time, and then feed them one-by-one into a funeral parlor sized oven for cremation. Whatever happened to that famed German efficiency?

1 - "One down, 1,099,999 to go....Mein Gott! Ze must be a better vay!"
2 - Jewish math. Even after an official mark-down of 3 million, the 6 million claim magically persists.

There is so much impossibly wrong with this Fairy Tale scenario that entire books have been written to scholarly debunk the moronic madness that is Holocaust Mania. But let us just briefly focus on a single aspect of this fraudulent fable we irreverently refer to as "The Holohoax"; namely, the numerical logistics. This piece is a good "starter" for that special person in your life who could use a good "exorcism".

Let's have a look at the "gas chambers":

Images 1 & 2 are of the Soviet-era reconstruction of the "gas chambers". Image 3 depicts the ruins of the what is said to the original "gas chamber". Jewish Holohoaxers and Polish museum curators concede that what is shown to gullible tourists are NOT the actual "gas chamber". As you can see, both the "original" and the reconstruction are not very big - the size of a 3-car garage.

Now, lets have a look at a typical, sold-out NFL football stadium:

Met Life Stadium (New Jersey / home of the NY Jets & NY Giants)
Capacity: 82,000

1,100,000 / 82,000 = 13.4 football stadiums full of people "gassed" in a 3-car garage.

A 'Baker's Dozen' full of NFL stadiums, "gassed" in small increments in a room that looks like this....

Excuse us, dear reader. We'll be right back....

Fit the stadium population into that "gas chamber".... 13.4 TIMES!

Gas Chamber - Stadium (Size Comparison)

And just imagine; for 50 years they got away with telling us that it was 50 stadiums! (below)

After people started asking questions, the HoloHoaxers dropped the 4 million down to 1.5 million, and now it is officially down to 1.1 million. It's still a lie!

Let's kill this lie! Please share this piece far and wide.

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