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25 noviembre, 2015

Don't Believe the #WarPropaganda

Jim Stone

There is a classic piece of war propaganda floating around the web that was supposedly written by a veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, saying how bad all the Muslims are and how "clean cut" looking Muslims you would never suspect of anything rape their children and every woman in sight, with the women constantly cowering in fear, and it goes on line after line ad nauseum.
FACT: Practically all war propaganda involves rape of innocents on a massive scale by the "enemy" that is supposed to be attacked. This is to make the enemy look totally unworthy of all sympathy and totally deserving of annihilation.  

PROBLEM: In this day and age, a very large number of people simply are not stupid enough to buy war propaganda anymore, especially with the web, so spurting off a piece like that is risky business, plenty of people are going to call B.S.

This is an old classic - During World War 2, the Japanese people were told that before an American man could become a soldier, he had to kill his parents to prove he was heartless enough to do battle. The Japanese propaganda outlets then said: The American soldiers killed their own parents, what will they do to you and your family?

The Japanese believed it, and it showed in the way they fought the war. Kamikaze pilots were common, and it is a fact that the first people to break the sound barrier were Japanese soldiers piloting human guided bombs into American warships. The very first guided bombs were in fact Japanese on suicide drops, with their last acts being to pilot bombs into warships. Why would the Japanese go to such lengths to protect their homeland? Because they believed the B.S. the propaganda outlets in Japan fed them.

So when you hear about all the child rapists in the Arab world, or see an ISIS attack on World Wrestling, REMEMBER THIS LESSON FROM THE JAPANESE, war propaganda works GREAT!

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