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11 noviembre, 2015

#Mainstream #Medicine Accidentally Handed Us Hard Core Backhanded #Proof that #Vaccines Cause #Autism

Jim Stone

I did not know this up until yesterday, but mainstream medicine handed us hardcore proof that vaccines cause autism, in a way that can never be put away. Up until the year 2000, Asian countries had their own vaccine manufacturing, and provided their own for themselves. But after this, they mostly began purchasing vaccines from American and European firms, and when they did, autism rates exploded by hundreds of times over. I am talking increases of over 20,000 percent. 

And one would be a fool to believe it is not intentional, the people who make the shots are not stupid. Who is at the hub of the new world order, which needs a stupid and complacent populace? American and
European Jewry. And I am not going into how British royalty is part of it all, and most likely Jewish as well because that is irrelevant in this case.

POINT PROVEN: After Asian nations started accepting Western vaccines, their autism rates went up to 1 in 35 children. That would be an apocalypse, and obviously, those not destroyed down to full blown autism after vaccination are mostly destroyed anyway. "Still functioning" does not mean you got away unscathed.

The biggest war against the world's people is happening via the needle. Vaccine trolls will point to cold hard facts - that in the past vaccines were usually beneficial, while ignoring the other now obvious cold hard fact - that evil people got control of the supply and are using childhood vaccines as a tool of world domination. That is all there is to it, and any time you post to a forum or blog that has vaccine trolls running amok, calling people who are against vaccines "scientific illiterates", make sure you tell the troll they are right - that in the past vaccines worked, and then back slam saying that now they have been weaponized, and the autism stats are proof.

Say things like "you can put anything in a needle and call it anything you want, and the autism stats clearly prove that what is in that shot is NOT a vaccine at all". That will get them scrambling.

"Dear troll, I am not going to allow a "vaccine" to "jew" my child's intelligence down".

Dear troll: Can you prove what is in that shot? Scammers are everywhere, have you ever heard of corruption, or are you that stupid?

Dear troll: Science has indeed proven that vaccines work. But what if the children are now being vaccinated against their own intelligence? Ever think of that possibility?

Dear troll: GET ALL YOUR SHOTS, that way you won't have to worry about me skipping mine, you will by default be protected from my ignorance if the shots really work!

We have to win this vaccine war and get the people responsible shut down and called to account. If we do not, we are finished as a species.

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