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31 enero, 2016

#Surveillance, #HumanitarianInterventionism, and #MediaDisinformation in #AmericanPolitics

By Global Research News

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By Binoy Kampmark, January 29 2016
It should seem axiomatic to Congressional credibility that the people’s representatives should have hearings
about the Republic’s affairs in the open. 

By Common Dreams, January 29 2016
Following release of new document and emails, Gov. Snyder told he must ‘explain to the people of Flint why his administration trucked water into a state building while allowing residents to drink unsafe water’ 

By Ezili Dantò, January 29 2016
OAS you’re not welcome in Haiti, Haiti does not need another OAS electoral coup detat like 2010. Haiti stands as one with this one message to the new OAS mission that has invited itself to Haiti. 

By Dr. Meryl Nass, January 29 2016
On October 30, 2015 the NY Times published an in-depth article on the heroin epidemic, focused on New Hampshire, which saw the greatest increase in deaths from drug overdoses (74%) in the US between 2013 and 2014. 

By Stephen Lendman, January 29 2016
Trump looks unstoppable, the likely Republican presidential nominee, way outdistancing other aspirants in polls consistently. 

By Bill Van Auken, January 29 2016
A little less than five years after launching a war against Libya on the “humanitarian” pretext of preventing a supposedly imminent massacre, the United States and its European allies are preparing a new military assault against the oil-rich North African country under the bloodstained banner of the “war on terrorism”.

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