NY Times: Maria Sharapova Admits Taking Meldonium, Drug Newly Banned by Tennis
NY Times: Maria Sharapova’s Admission Sends Her Sponsors Fleeing
Due mainly to her numerous endorsement contracts, the lovely Russian tennis sensation Maria Sharapova is was the world’s highest-paid female athlete. In an instant, her tennis career and endorsement contracts have now gone up in flames. Her supposed offense? -- She tested positive for meldonium, a "performance enhancing" drug that was added to the banned list only weeks ago.
Her real offense? -- Maria is a beautiful blond Aryan Orthodox Christian from the country headed by Vladimir Putin -- who is a big fan of Sharapova. Making matters worse, she refuses to renounce her Russian citizenship and become an American, even though she has lived in Florida since she was seven years old.
The Daily Mail: Maria Sharapova Says She is Proud to be Russian and Would Never Turn Her Back on
Her Homeland (here)
Get the picture now?

1- Carrying the Olympic Torch at the Opening Ceremonies for the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi -- her home town and second residence.
2- Love of country and folk is a big no-no in the eyes of the Globalists.
Sharapova maintains that she was unaware of the change before receiving notification of her positive test. This seems very believable because the obscure drug was buried in an updated list of banned substances sent to tennis players in the form of an E-mail! Sharapova said her family doctor began prescribing the then-legal drug ten years ago, in 2006, after several health problems arose, such as frequent cases of the flu.
“I was getting sick very often,” she said. “I had a deficiency in magnesium. I had irregular EKG results, and I had a family history of diabetes and there were signs of diabetes.”
Sharapova’s lawyer said after the news conference that meldonium brought these ailments under control. But the anti-White, anti-Blond, anti-Russian Piranha Press is now in feeding frenzy with the gutless corporate response being equally out of proportion. From the article:
"The commercial fallout was swift. Nike, one of Sharapova’s longtime sponsors, announced in a statement that it was suspending its relationship with her “while the investigation continues.” Sharapova has her own clothing line with Nike, with whom she signed an eight-year extension in 2010 that could reportedly be worth up to $70 million."

Typical corporate cowardice: Nike, TAG Heuer, Porsche --- all running for cover in fear.
The authors of the article that appeared in The Slimes' Sports section, Clarey and Tierney, ought to be commended for presenting the facts of this case in a fair and objective manner which almost portrays Sharapova an unfortunate victim of bureacratic bungling and innocent ignorance. Sharapova's lawyer is again quoted:
"But Haggerty said enhancing performance was never Sharapova’s intent.
“Maria was completely unaware there was any performance-enhancing capabilities to it whatsoever,” Haggerty said. “All the things, the medical conditions she was being treated for with this drug, had nothing to do with enhancing her performance. It had to do with her getting her health to a normal baseline.”
Evidently, the Sports reporters of Sulzberger's Slimes are not filled with the same red-hot hatred for Russia manifested by the felonious fiends who ink the News and Editorial stuff. This sympathetic portrayal was not the case with the other featured article by Sidney Ember (cough cough), the headline for which gloats: Maria Sharapova’s Admission Sends Her Sponsors Fleeing.
Embers breathlessly lists the sponsors who immediately "suspended relations" with Sharapova -- including Nike, Porsche, TAG Heuer and Evian. At age 29 (getting old for a tennis player), the two-year suspension being contemplated could effectively end both Sharapova's stellar tennis career and lucrative marketing career in disgrace.
One has to wonder if deduce that the sudden banning of meldonium, announced by adding the drug's name to a long list sent out by E-mail, was an elaborate trap intended to ruin the patriotic Russian. Meanwhile, American tennis star Serena Gorilliams, who will turn an ancient (in tennis terms) 35 years of age in a few months, just keeps getting bigger and stronger and faster (though injuries do appear to be finally catching up with her) as the politically correct Tennis World, fearful of being accused of "racism"TM, just 'looks the other way' at her oh-so-bloody-damn-obvious use of steroids (here).

Serena at age 20 vs Serena at the "old age" of 34 -- bigger, faster, bulkier, stronger and better than ever. But let's pick on Maria Sharapova for meldonium - a substance just added to the ban list a few weeks ago!
Will the injustices and double-standards ever cease? Maria Sharapova may not exactly die of starvation now, but where does this lovely and classy Russian lady go to get her good name back -- now that the denizens of the Piranha Press have dirtied it with their deceptive diarrhea? Good Lord! The under-handed nastiness of the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) is as clever as it is evil.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in today's New York Times that Maria Sharapova's sponsors are all dumping her over this doping scandal.
Boobus Americanus 2: It serves her right. Performance enhancing substances have no place in tennis.
"Unlesss you are a Black Tranny ssttaight outta Compton. Then you are entitled to inject all the frickin' ssteroidss you want!"
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