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15 abril, 2016

#Rothschild's #OpenWar On #BRICS & #Trump

Escape from Planet Rothschild

If you are pinched for time but want to know, in an instant, what nations are on the 'hit list' of the Rothschild Globo-Crime Gang (aka 'The New World Order'), a mere glance at some of the negative covers of Britain's "prestigious" weekly, The Economist, will tell you all you need to know. Conversely, if you want to know who the NWO's preferred agents are, look for a puff-piece cover. It really is that simple and there is no reading required!
Though it boasts a respectable 1.6 million print circulation (1/2 in UK and 1/2 in USA), and overall cover impressions numbering well into the 10's of millions (due to its premium placement in airport newstands), its real influence, much like The New York Times, lies in its ability to 'influence the influential -- businessmen, investors, academics, politicians, journalists and ambitious climbers of every stripe. There can be no doubt; The Economist is one of the lead fish of the international Piranha Press.

The Economist (UK) and The New York Slimes give direction to the rest of the Piranha Press.

And who is it that holds this awesome power to shape the thoughts and policies of the world's lesser
movers and shakers? The Economist belongs to The Economist Group -- which had been partially owned, but since 2015 is now majority owned by the British branch of the Rothschild family and the Italian Agnelli family (of FIAT - Chrysler fame) through its holding company, Exor. (here)
Other shares are held by private investors, including the editors and staff. The Rothschilds are represented on the Board of Directors by Lynn Forester de Rothschild (wife of "Sir Evelyn" de Rothschild); and the Agnellis by John Elkan (part Jewish grandson of legendary billionaire industrialist Gianni Agnelli). Now we know why Team Obongo paved the way for Agnelli's FIAT to takeover 52% of shares in Chrysler back in 2009!

The gangster families who control 'The Economist'
1 & 2: Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and his wife Lynn are very friendly with the Clintons.
3: Sergio Marchionne, CEO of FIAT-Chrysler, with Obongo -- the man who facilitated the transfer of an iconic American company into the hands of the Rothschild-connected Agnelli dynasty.

Thanks to puppet-boy Obongo, ex-American Chrysler is now European FIAT-Chrysler (FCA). Does the Rothschild Crime Family control the Agnelli Crime Family?

Rothschilds and Agnellis --- that's some serious Bilderberger-ish 'rarefied air' we're talking about! And these global monopolists, as telegraphed through their influential magazine covers, do not like the growing independent power of the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) trade and finance bloc -- established under the leadership of Russia's Vladimir Putin in 2008 (later expanded to include the 'S' (South Africa) in 2010). 

Rothschild and friends can't control BRICS and its growing list affiliated allies, at least not totally. And it's really pissing them off!

The difference between BRICS and NWO blocs such as the EU and NAFTA is that BRICS members, and growing affiliates states, do not surrender any of their political sovereignty. BRICS is about cooperation, whereas NWO is about consolidation. BRICS is about a multi-polar world, whereas NWO is about a unipolar world. Therin lies the secret code, the "Rosetta Stone" for making sense of the geo-political scene and the constant bad press directed at BRICS nations.
No more reading required at this point (though you really should study Planet Rothschild, Volumes I & II). Just take in the juvenile covers and feel the dangerous (as in potential World War 3?) hatred behind the images.





* Anti-White Leftist South Africa does indeed have many serious problems, but that is not why the Globalists are targeting its President, the idiot Jacob Zuma.

This one smears all 4 of the original BRIC nations on a single cover!

On a side-note, notice which American poltical figure Rothschild's Economist hates the most: 

Trump's admiration for Putin, disdain for NATO, and overall 'America First-ism' doesn't fit the Rothschild-Agnelli-Bilderberg agenda.

So, the next time you hear or see a negative report in the Piranha Press about any of the BRICS nations, understand that regardless of whether the story is true or not (usually not), the real motive at work here is the dangerous game of world domination, being played by Rothschild and friends --- and puppets.
For the complete story, read PLANET ROTHSCHILD -- available as a pdf, Amazon paperback or Kindle. It will change the way you look at the fake world that has been pulled over your eyes.

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