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12 abril, 2016

#Vaccines - Must Read!

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Jim Stone

Vaccine Troll Methodology
One of the main things vaccine trolls do is to say people who are against vaccines "do not understand science" and imply that if you are against vaccines, you must be stupid. I recommend people answer such trolls with the following, because it is pure science, and when you do re-post, ask the troll, "what about THIS science?"
The following sequence of presentation works. This was quoted from this web site and posted to a popular forum, (GLP) where it took off like wildfire. The forum then deleted it. If you re-post this elsewhere as it is presented, it is guaranteed to work, what happened at GLP proved it:
Here is exactly how the brain destroying vaccines are made: Forget Thimerosal, this is the science behind how it is done.
OP posted: (quote from this web site)
For every vaccine, you need a medium to grow your pathogens in (pathogens which are neutralized after being grown, but will still trigger an immune response.) In the past, when vaccines were beneficial, the pathogens were grown in animal tissue, such as dog, monkey, cat, etc. If there was an adverse reaction to vaccines grown in animal tissue, the worst that would happen is you would get an allergy for that animal. Vaccines were the reason for pet allergies in the past.
The criminal elite knew all along however, that if there ever was a way to grow pathogens in human tissue, that it would be possible to cause many people to develop an immune reaction against their own bodies, and that as a result they could create any malady they wanted by causing people's immune systems to attack their own bodies. And in the mid 1980´s this became possible. And the autism stats coincide with the introduction of vaccines grown in human tissue PERFECTLY.
Now a majority of vaccines are grown in human tissue derived from abortion. And when, as an unavoidable consequence human tissue is attached to whatever pathogen they grow, the immune system identifies the pathogen, and everything that is with it, as the enemy. They claim they get ALL the human tissue out of the vaccines to avoid this problem but this is a lie, because it is proven that vaccines grown in human tissue have 2 micrograms per milliliter of human DNA in them, and that is just DNA, the human proteins and other human materials are present in amounts that are orders of magnitude more. When the immune system sees these materials in the presence of a pathogen, it gets programmed to destroy not only the pathogen, but all materials related to it and then proceeds to attack the body.
This is not opinion, it is the result of research I did years ago in cooperation with a PHD in pharmacology, who warned me this is exactly what the new vaccines are designed to do - re program the immune system's macrophages to destroy whatever in the body the people who control the vaccine manufacturing process want destroyed. In the case of the MMR vaccine, this is obviously the brain. Every child who receives the MMR vaccine gets at least a 10 point IQ reduction for life, and the worst hit develop full blown autism.
And when I explain it this way to medical doctors, I have never had a single one say "no, that cannot be so", they all see it as a self evident truth.


How to choose a (safer) vaccine This will not help you avoid vaccine problems completely, but will
at least help you choose one that is the least damaging option if you are forced to.
The vaccines listed in red are the most dangerous vaccines. These are vaccines that can trigger auto immune disorders against the body itself, because they are derived from human cells that had their origins in abortion. Even if the origin was not abortion, creating vaccines in human cell cultures would be just as dangerous. Massive problems with autism occurred after vaccines that were grown in human cell cultures were created, the link is so obvious that it amounts to proof that it was done on purpose to damage any child that received them, with the worst damage showing it as autism.
The most important information is below this table, this is a lengthy article.


Anonymous Coward: Thanks for posting I read it all it sums up a lot of what I have read over the years (scientific papers etc.) Keep up the good work
Op continues: (quote from this web site)
The NYU child study center in New York KNOWS THIS. They know this because it is such basic medical self evident truth that it is flatly impossible for ANYONE involved in the study of autism in even more than a surface way to not know it. And their blocking of the showing of Vaxxed PROVES THEY KNOW IT BEYOND ALL DOUBT.
The excuse they used to get human cell cultures into the vaccine production process was that "it avoided all chance of having animal DNA cause problems". Such problems showed themselves as allergies to pets, (if you get a vaccine that is based on cat or dog cell cultures, you are likely to become allergic to cats or dogs) and this is because there is no way to completely remove the host cells from the pathogens they were used to grow. Since these cell fragments are in the presence of the disease they were used to grow, both are identified by the immune system as an enemy of the body, so when a cat or dog is around after getting the shot, an immune response is triggered toward the cat or dog, which manifests itself as an allergy. So the lie was created, that if human cells were used, allergies and other side effects would be avoided.
The problem with this is, they can't get the human cell fragments out of the vaccines completely either. And they know it. When a vaccine created in a human cell culture is injected into a human, those cell fragments, proteins, and DNA fragments are identified by the immune system as an enemy of the body also, just like a dog or cat cell fragment would be. Since the "enemy" is seen by the immune system as the body itself, it causes the immune system to turn the allergy inward, against the body itself, and the immune system then proceeds to attack the body from the inside. The results are devastating, and have been labeled "auto immune disorders". When the "auto immune disorder" triggers an attack on the brain, it results in reduced intelligence and the worst affected exhibit this as autism.
There is no conceivable way the vaccine manufacturers, FDA, and all other medical professionals do not know this. If your doctor denies this, your doctor is either totally incompetent, totally ignorant, or an outright scammer. Maybe your doctor trusts the system and walks the world with a brain that is turned off. But more and more, doctors are at least aknowledging that many of the vaccines are awful, though it seems they never cared to figure out why.


Op continues: (quote from this web site)
Truthful researchers know EXACTLY WHY: Autism Link to Foetal Tissue in Vaccines
A recent study by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has confirmed 1988 as a "change point" in the rise of Autism Disorder rates in the U.S. - a date that pro-life leaders say correlates with the introduction of fetal cells for use in vaccines.
While the EPA study does not speculate into the cause of the jump in autism rates, and makes no mention of aborted fetal cells, the researchers point out that it "is important to determine whether a preventable exposure to an environmental factor may be associated with the increase."
According to the pro-life group Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI), which specializes in vaccine research, that "environmental factor" may well be the use of aborted fetal cells in vaccines.
The group pointed out in its most recent newsletter that 1988 is the same year the U.S. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices began recommending a second dose of the MMR vaccine, which included cells derived from the tissue of aborted babies.
Analyses of autism rate data published by SCPI identify 3 clear change points in U.S. autism disorder trends: 1981, 1988 and 1995, all of which the groups claims roughly correlate with the use of vaccines (Meruvax, MMRII, and Chickenpox) that were cultivated with the use of tissue from aborted children. The group says that it has been unable to identify any other factor that might correlate to the change in autism rates.
My comment: The correlation is so obvious that denial is beyond criminal. The power structure knows exactly what is going on with this. There is an overt attempt underway to divide mankind into two groups - the masses who have been destroyed by vaccine triggered auto immune responses, and the elite, who know how to avoid their own weapon and are therefore never hit by it.


Op continues:
Vaccine Science & Options
Vaccines help eradicate many diseases throughout the world.
The production of vaccines involves growing a virus in living cells. Historically they have been manufactured by using animal cell lines that contain the Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) of that animal. Within the final product some residual living DNA remains as a contaminant in the vaccine as it cannot all be filtered out. In 1979 changes were introduced to vaccine manufacturing previously made in animal cell lines to manufacturing in human fetal cell lines. Therefore with each dose of the vaccines newly manufactured on human cells we are injecting children and adults with residual human fetal DNA and in some cases a retrovirus.
It is a well understood scientific fact that loose, living human DNA in a human can insert into the genome of that human. As the DNA in the genes govern the function of cells, such DNA insertions can seriously disrupt the function of the invaded cell. If this lose DNA invades the genes governing the function of a nerve cell in the brain, such disruption can have devastating consequences. Therefore, SCPI researches the potential health risks of the residual human DNA found in the products we use.
Many scientists have now hypothesized that cancer and other childhood neurological diseases such as autistic disorder are caused by mutations in the childs DNA. This conclusion is based upon finding numerous mutations in the brains and/or blood of such children which cannot be found in their parents, these are called de novo mutations. They are caused by something that happens to the child after birth. SCPI researches have extensively reviewed the potential health risks posed by this residual human DNA. Based upon that research, SCPI does ongoing research and seeks to raise awareness of the potential health risks of manufacturing medical products on human cell lines.
The chart above came from Sound Choice.org and I can clearly state they are under attack and are in the censor bot big time. Google will not pull them up until you type their name directly in which proves censorship, because it is Google's job to help you find web sites, and if you already have the name, you already found it, and it will be obvious if Google stops you at that point.
SECOND THING WITH THAT WEB SITE: The web filters lie and call it an attack site, especially the actual chart, if you decide to try to download it from the original source. Click This:
[link to cogforlife.org]
(Google Chrome WILL Give you problems with this, use Firefox or Explorer instead)
It is the original source for the chart above. You will probably get a warning screen. If it comes in, the slander bots were programmed to quickly respond to what I posted and you won't realize just how much this is getting attacked. If you see a warning screen, have fun trying to download it and witness the censorship first hand. There is a reason why I ripped it to GIF and posted it as an image that comes in automatically, and that is because there are five separate warning screens telling you it is a virus, and the last step will say "file does not exist" and only when you hit "try again" will it come in. The elite do not want that chart out in the general public, and this proves it.


This should be PERMA-PINNED, dude!
That is the easiest and best spelled-out explanation of what is going on with autism... and PROBABLY a lot of other current diseases people have in the U.S.A. that I have read yet! Great job. I'm bookmarking this for further reading--keep this going. It is really important.

You know what OP?
I knew this in my heart years ago. It just came to me one day.
And now you have confirmed what I already knew.


speechless. I've done my fair share of homework and never knew this. Better copy this thread it may disappear. Thanks for sharing.


The thread went on and on like this. I am certain it will eventually get flushed permanently (after getting put back up but not on the front page) so I will go through it and get some of the testimonies of those who have been wrecked by vaccines put up. Here are a few:

This shit makes me so angry sometimes...
I had to get a second round of shots when I moved to a different city between 2nd and 3rd grade. I went from being the most motivated, most competetive, most intellectually advanced, most socially aware, and most loved kid by both my peers and teachers... I went from all of that to not knowing how to talk to people and make friends, to having horrible gastrointestinal problems, to not caring about trying in school (because I still did fine without even trying), to having anxiety for no reason, to having horrible allergies...
I was scouted by Duke University in the 2nd grade. I was a leader and second teacher for my peers, both male and female. I knew how to break down all divisions, I was a uniter. After I got the 2nd round of vaccines, I was devastated. I was so confused and went through so much humiliation up throughout high school.
Today, I'm 28 years old and I have to take supplements to function in daily life. I am, however, now taking large strides to attaining my own happiness. I have found the love of my life, I love what I do (manage a farmers market), and I have moved outside of the city right on a river in the hills. I attribute all of this to my continued love of the Creator and all of humanity and to my constant search for what is True in this crazy world.
But still, I have vivid memories of the standout kid I once was... and sometimes it makes me so angry...
Of course they are making us allergic to ourselves. I'm sure this is rooted in the depopulation agenda. When a woman gets pregnant, the body will identify the fetus as a foreign invader thus increasing the likelihood of miscarriage.
It's a crazy world, people. Stay strong.

thank you for this information, again, I will send it to my daughter who has ignored what vaccines did to her first set of kids, and is now responsible for two more ... and slightly more aware ...
unfortunately she chose to give her kids the worst vaccine (MMR) and avoid the other (less harmful) ones... even though as a kid, she had Measles Mumps and Rubella and it didn't effect her in any way shape or form PERMANENTLY
wtf Mothers - are you thinking... WHY would you take ANY risk of being responsible for ruining you child's life... are you that retarded (too) ?
Interesting, my whole personality changed at a point in my life that I recall a tetanus shot. I"ll have to think about that.
Any info on the meningitis vaccine? I don't see it on the list. I'm killing myself for letting my college bound kid get it as it was "mandatory" even though I was against it. I didn't research hard enough because it was apparently not has difficult as I had been led to believe to waive it. He had the worst year of his life after that. I hate myself every day for giving him that. I think it's an excuse to get all the kids later who might have escaped some of the worst vaccines 20 years ago.
I developed mild OCD after having a tetanus vaccine. It lasted a couple years and ruined my life. Lost my job and got divorced.
I am fine now by drinking a half gallon of water a day and a half gallon if green juice and running 3 miles a day for 6 months.
I went from no allergies at all to serious pet allergies after receiving the tetanus vaccine, now 15 years later it finally cleared up and I don't care what I get impaled on I won't be treating it with a vaccine.
I've been aware of this for a few years now. I explain to people they become allergic to their own bodies in much the same way you become allergic to bees. The proteins are injected triggering an immune response. Also explains the peanut allergies. Some of the vaccines contain peanut oil.
The instant the MMR vaccine hit my body I lost consciousness and began to convulse.
Not long after I became too wimpy to do my job. I got depression and headaches. I was never as robust as before the MMR. Over time, I got symptoms of lupus.
I avoid docs. They have proven only helpful for doing things like setting broken bones.
Docs, you have accrued bad karma. I know you didn't mean to. Think before you post here.

My cousin has a young baby and he hates vaccines but I can only pray for them because society and the system pretty much have people locked and strapped in. God have mercy. If it were safe it wouldn't be so forced, its obvious some bullshit is going down and people having hard core Stockholm syndrome.
It will be like after Hitler blew his head off and the Germans went to the camps and were like "OH! They were killing people in our back yard the whole time!"

I have looked into this also (serious study on this topic,) and you are right - the multivalent (combo) vaccines are worse. If the law ever comes down that it is detention camps, child theft, or vaccines, and they really can force the vaccines, IF YOU HAVE TO and you have a choice, try to assemble everything you need to the bare minimum from vaccines that only treat one thing and get a bunch of shots. Also, when you choose your vaccine, make sure you get one that was not grown in aborted fetal cell cultures. The 8 chan link that goes to the chart came from one of my posts, and it will help you avoid vaccines grown in fetal tissue, which are no doubt the most damaging. You should be able to opt out of those and ask for an alternative on ethical grounds.
However, it will not guarantee you are safe, because they are now splicing human genes into other organisms, (yeast is a common one) and the yeast will now produce proteins and DNA that are only in the human body. Vaccines made that way are bad also.

Here is the entire post, as it appeared on this web site Saturday morning:
More on the Autism scam
The article about the organization that had VAAXED pulled will be top posted tomorrow, because it might have the address for some of the main players who are developing the most damaging possible vaccines.
To say it in a line: It appears research and feedback for what will work to produce the next generation of brain destroying vaccines is being done by the Autism Research Center in New York. On that note, GB wrote (and this is really damning) :
"Read your article about the movie "Vaxxed" being pulled and did a little looking into who's running those hospitals mentioned in your article. Spent a fair amount of time checking out their web pages and couldn't find hardly any info on whose in charge of the hospitals or their purse strings.
Here's what I did find out and it's no surprise:
Rockland Children's Psychiatric Center? Good luck finding out whose in charge of this outfit.
---- Bellevue Hospital Center. Another outfit that keeps who's in charge hidden on their web page. Which tells me one thing.
------------ Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research, funded by New York state, and by the feds and run by Jews.
Security is provided by "The New York State Office of Mental Health Police (OMH Police) is a law enforcement agency that provides safety and security services to the New York State Office of Mental Health." Budget is almost 4 BILLION a year. How much goes to 'security' is unknown. Maybe they have some sham outfit like ICTS helping them out?
"Mental Health Police" staffed by Chosenites at all levels.
--- Bonus: The one whose in charge of city finances, Scott Stringer, and the 160 BILLION in NYC pension fund monies, has an interesting past. Any bets as to how much of that money is invested in Israel?
My response: Good work, and the amount of money you are talking about here would go a long way towards rebuilding America's highways. Five billion budget to protect a "mental health" facility? What are they doing there that requires that level of security? If you were running a research center that was focusing on destroying an entire race and civilization, perhaps such a budget, to keep the utmost secrecy, would be needed. The security budget alone proves corruption at the highest level, fitting that it would be happening in the vicinity of those who are using the children they damaged with the last batch of vaccines as guinea pigs to figure out how to make the next damaging vaccine "better". I have explained this quite well in the main report for those of you who did not see it.
The people who are working to formulate the next batch of brain destroying vaccines may have busted their own selves by blocking Vaxxed at Tribeca.

The real reason why Vaxxed was pulled
There are many reasons being tossed about with regard to why Vaxxed was not shown at the Tribeca film festival in New York. Here is the real reason: Powerful people owned a center for research on autistic children, and did not want a slow down in the flow of children through that center. NO SHT. And Vaxxed was also banned in Houston because it "went against mainstream medicine, which Houston provides funding for."
We now live in a nation with a phony government put in power by rigged elections, and evil cronies who actively seek the destruction of children, just to make sure their supply of destroyed children is not cut off. NO SHT.

Here is a statement from the NYU Child Center's website:
"At the Child Study Center, the Center for Neurodevelopmental Disorders (CND) is committed to research in neurodevelopmental disorders, leveraging establish[ed] strengths in Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD and animal studies on early development, as well as collaborating closely with our clinical partners."
The Center has an Autism Spectrum Disorders Clinical and Research Program, where it carries out orthodox and "cutting edge" work on autism.
And the Center is expanding. This is a big-time operation: "The NYU Child Study Center has three main affiliates: the Nathan S. Kline Institute for Psychiatric Research (NKI), Rockland Children’s Psychiatric Center (RCPC), and Bellevue Hospital Center." A film that claims to show a link between the MMR vaccine and autism would be a hideous affront to the NYU Child Study Center, where Craig Hatkoff, co-founder of the Tribeca Film Festival, sits on the Board.

YES, NYU CHILD CENTER REALLY ONLY WANTS TO HELP THE CHILDREN. So they need children to help, RIGHT? Why cut off the flow with a stupid film that might dent your business? Read more here
And now I will say it like it is: Craig Hatkoff IS THE ENEMY. He has set his "Autism research center" out in the open, as an open target of action from parents with destroyed babies. He has seen this film, and blocked it, to ensure autism thrives. That is an act of war against humanity, from someone who false fronts a position of "trying to help". It is the same old filth we see everywhere, but this time we have a name, address, and organization that is actively seeking to create as many autistic children as possible.
You cannot tell me that anyone who runs an autism center does not know the cause of autism is vaccines, especially after seeing and denying this film. If he thought the film was bunk, he would not have stopped it. If it was bunk, showing it would not have impacted his business. A MAJOR "AUTISM RESEARCH CENTER" HAS CONFIRMED VAXXED IS REAL, AND SHUT IT DOWN. AND THEY HAVE AN ADDRESS:


I cannot get over to Park Avenue to discuss this issue with them, perhaps someone else can. And I suggest you bring back up, because I have learned from experience that when you get criminals of the type that run places like these, if you mumble ONE WORD of truth - if you even mention their blocking of this film, or that vaccines cause autism, they will IMMEDIATELY CALL THE POLICE even if you did absolutely nothing wrong. And you won't know they called, the police will just magically show up. Record everything if you do anything. This center is no doubt at the center of the autism scam, and NO DOUBT provides feedback to the elite establishment about how to tweak the vaccines to do damage in a more "preferable" way. I do not believe it is their goal to stop autism, I believe it is their goal to make autism perfect.
It makes little difference that this center said "vaxxed should be shown, but just not in New York". Them saying Vaxxed should be shown is their false front of openness, if Vaxxed should be shown, according to them, there is no better place than their own back yard. The same excuse was given in Texas - "that it should be shown, just not here", and by saying this, they avoid complicity in the autism scam, while they silence the truth and ensure every child has a chance to be destroyed. YES, THAT SHOULD BE SHOWN, GO SOMEHWERE ELSE.
Every scam, such as the MMR vaccine and other damaging vaccines - EVERY SCAM needs it's feedback to help it improve, and that scam has to be out in the public to be useful. I believe the NYU child study center is one such feedback source, giving the vaccine makers the latest updates on what their vaccines did, and what can be changed to make them "better". And they hung their own behinds out to dry by blocking Vaxxed, and allowed the public to know beyond a doubt exactly WHERE a major hive of child destroyers hangs out.
Here is exactly how the brain destroying vaccines are made:
Forget Thimerosal, this is how it is done: For every vaccine, you need a medium to grow your pathogens in (pathogens which are neutralized after being grown, but will still trigger an immune response.) In the past, when vaccines were beneficial, the pathogens were grown in animal tissue, such as dog, monkey, cat, etc. If there was an adverse reaction to vaccines grown in animal tissue, the worst that would happen is you would get an allergy for that animal. Vaccines were the reason for pet allergies in the past.
The criminal elite knew all along however, that if there ever was a way to grow pathogens in human tissue, that it would be possible to cause many people to develop an immune reaction against their own bodies, and that as a result they could create any malady they wanted by causing people's immune systems to attack their own bodies. And in the mid 1980´s this became possible. And the autism stats coincide with the introduction of vaccines grown in human tissue PERFECTLY. Now a majority of vaccines are grown in human tissue derived from abortion. And when, as an unavoidable consequence human tissue is attached to whatever pathogen they grow, the immune system identifies the pathogen, and everything that is with it, as the enemy. They claim they get ALL the human tissue out of the vaccines to avoid this problem but this is a lie, because it is proven that vaccines grown in human tissue have 2 micrograms per milliliter of human DNA in them, and that is just DNA, the human proteins and other human materials are present in amounts that are orders of magnitude more. When the immune system sees these materials in the presence of a pathogen, it gets programmed to destroy not only the pathogen, but all materials related to it and then proceeds to attack the body.
This is not opinion, it is the result of research I did years ago in cooperation with a PHD in pharmacology, who warned me this is exactly what the new vaccines are designed to do - re program the immune system's macrophages to destroy whatever in the body the people who control the vaccine manufacturing process want destroyed. In the case of the MMR vaccine, this is obviously the brain. Every child who receives the MMR vaccine gets at least a 10 point IQ reduction for life, and the worst hit develop full blown autism.
And when I explain it this way to medical doctors, I have never had a single one say "no, that cannot be so", they all see it as a self evident truth.
The NYU child study center in New York KNOWS THIS. They know this because it is such basic medical self evident truth that it is flatly impossible for ANYONE involved in the study of autism in even more than a surface way to not know it. And their blocking of the showing of Vaxxed PROVES THEY KNOW IT BEYOND ALL DOUBT.

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