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20 septiembre, 2016

#AmandaPeet Is A #Vaccine #Globalist Who Wants Every #Child Force #Injected

Photo by RedCarpetReport
When the anti-vaccination movement began to slip through the crevices of Hollywood, Pharmaceutical companies became terrified. For decades, they’d had Hollywood’s influence in their back pocket. Suddenly, however, Jenny McCarthy was upsetting the apple cart. But it wasn’t just McCarthy, many of Hollywood directors and actresses began to delay or even completely reject vaccines. In 2012, Amanda Peet rose from the ashes of her dead career and suddenly began advocating vaccines. 

Peet’s central theme was that her brother-in-law, a “well-respected researcher at Children’s Hospital in Philadelphia” was more qualified to advise her on her children’s vaccinations. It was a slight to her Hollywood colleagues who, again, at the time, were skeptical. Peet was immediately and shamelessly convinced that being skeptical of, or questioning pharmaceutical companies, was a criminal act. So she acted at the command of her Researcher brother-in-law and made a video disparaging the anti-vaccination movement as a whole. 

“all my friends weren’t vaccinating their children, so like with all things with my children, I would defer them to my brother-in-law,” Peet recalls of her time deciding if she should vaccinate her children. “It’s so bewildering and frustrating, that we have the medicine, and it’s just not getting to children,” she continues.

The problem isn’t with Peet making a personal decision for her children (that’s the right we all want). The issue is that Peet is really a cohort, or celebrity voice, to Pharmaceutical companies. That’s not
advocacy; it is bribery, and it is disingenuous, to say the least. Peet’s brother-in-law works with Paul Offit, who prides himself in defending pharmaceutical companies and shutting down anti-vaccination movements, even if just at the skeptics level.

In 2008, CBS News exposed Offit for being on the take by Big Pharma.
Then there’s Paul Offit, perhaps the most widely-quoted defender of vaccine safety.
He’s gone so far as to say babies can tolerate “10,000 vaccines at once.”
This is how Offit described himself in a previous interview: “I’m the chief of infectious disease at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a professor of pediatrics at Penn’s medical school,” he said.
Offit was not willing to be interviewed on this subject but like others in this CBS News investigation, he has strong industry ties. In fact, he’s a vaccine industry insider.
Offit holds in a $1.5 million dollar research chair at Children’s Hospital, funded by Merck. He holds the patent on an anti-diarrhea vaccine he developed with Merck, Rotateq, which has prevented thousands of hospitalizations.
Peet’s first daughter, Frances, was vaccinated (maybe even by the golden hand of Offit, who knows?). But it was Peet’s second daughter who created a frenzy. Molly came down with pertussis. Molly was vaccinated. The “Offit style” response to this event was that Molly was between her second and third vaccinations, but one must question where the little girl contracted pertussis in the first place. Again, she WAS vaccinated. The puzzle starts to fit together easily once you take a breath, and fully consider the evidence. This event led Peet to become a soldier in the war against parental rights. Peet would begin saying things like “It’s not about your child, it is about your neighbor’s child.” The typical senseless propaganda.

Peet’s fascism wasn’t something she attempted to hide, either. Instead she painted pictures in our minds.
“We have to shut that door,” says Peet. She says she likes the image of a door that’s almost shut because it’s possible to close it off completely – or to have it burst open once again, unleashing the virus on parts of the world from which it seemed banished.
For Peet, it’s not allowing even a crevice of counter-thought in the brain. Skepticism be outlawed, and parents who don’t vaccinate be criminalized.

Between 2007 and 2012,f Pharmaceutical companies began to realize that they had a PR nightmare on their hands. People were growing skeptical of vaccinations, and Pharmaceutical companies were no longer looked at as trusting sources for information or influence. Pharmaceutical companies can canvas every city in the world with propaganda, but if people aren’t trusting them as the source, it falls short of the goal. So Pharma decided on Amanda Peet as the perfect purveyor of their agenda. She’s a celebrity with influence, a mother of children (one which contracted pertussis) and well-spoken. And, most importantly, on the take. Her relationship with Offit provides as much as we need to know in this arena.

In 2015, Peet targeted “rich parents” who chose not to vaccinate as her target for slander.
‘Most of the nonvaccinating parents I know of go to the same couple of pediatricians. If, as a pediatrician, you keep insisting that these diseases are rare, and you persist in spreading the message that the measles outbreak is a case of media hysteria, that’s tantamount to encouraging people not to vaccinate,’ Peet said
Parental rights seem to remain on the take to the highest bidder.

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