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09 noviembre, 2016

The Coming #TrumpRevolution in The #UnitedStates

By Global Research News

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By Prof Rodrigue Tremblay, November 09 2016
Trump’s rhetoric and proposals have been squarely anti-establishment and anti-status quo, both domestically and internationally. As such, Trump’s victory is a political revolution in the making because it announces a break from American policies pursued by both Republican and Democrat U.S. administrations since the 1990’s. For this reason, Trump’s election inspires both fear and hope.

By Joachim Hagopian, November 09 2016
This article was first published in March 2016 under the title Ruling Elite Grows Desperate to Destroy Trump’s Presidential Bid In the wake of the November 8 elections, it is important to reflect upon the prospects of a Trump presidency.

By Moon of Alabama, November 09 2016
My “not Hillary” hunch for the election was right. That is, I believe, how Trump won. No so much by gaining genuine votes but by taking them from the crappiest candidate the Democrats could send into the race. This was not a “white vote”. Trump did better with black (+5) and latino (+2) voters than Romney. Racism does not explain that. Clinton promised more wars. Those who would have to fight them on the ground rejected that position.

By Diana Johnstone, November 09 2016
The real meaning of this election is not, as bitterly disappointed Hillary supporters still maintain with tears in their eyes and fear in their throats, a victory for racism and sexism. The real meaning of this upset is that Wall Street’s globalization project has been rejected by the citizens of its homeland. This has major implications for the European nations that have been dragged along into this ruinous project.

By Bob Fitrakis and Michael Welch, November 09 2016
Global Research’s Michael Welch reports from Columbus, Ohio The pontificating about what happened on the evening of November 8, 2016 has begun, and will no doubt continue for years to come. The mechanics of ‘stripping and flipping’ the vote is well understood. Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman have written extensively on this subject. The disenfranchisement of racially and economically marginalized voters who would likely have voted for Democratic candidates is a factor the pundits are not discussing.

By Stephen Lendman, November 09 2016
The greatest risk of a Hillary electoral triumph was possible nuclear war on Russia – perhaps China and Iran to follow. Her defeat lets peace activists exhale for the first time in the campaign – but not relax. He wants increased military spending at a time America’s only enemies are ones it invents. How aggressive he’ll be geopolitically remains to be seen.

By Jonathan Cook, November 09 2016
The earth has been shifting under our feet for a while, but all liberals want to do is desperately cling to the status quo like a life-raft. Middle-class Britons are still hyperventiliating about Brexit, and now middle-class America is trembling at the prospect of Donald Trump in the White House.

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