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30 marzo, 2017

#FakeNews #USEmpire #YemenGenocide: #US #NATO #SaudiArabia

Fake News and the Unravelling of US Empire, Yemen Genocide: US-NATO Using Saudi Arabia
By Global Research News

Url of this article:http://www.globalresearch.ca/selected-articles-fake-news-and-the-unravelling-of-us-empire-yemen-genocide-us-nato-using-saudi-arabia/5582024

Selected Articles:
Fake News: The Unravelling of US Empire From Within
By Prof. John McMurtry, March 27 2017
The ruling big lies of the US money party and corporate globalization have divided into opposing camps. The Press and the President denounce each other non-stop on the public stage, while US dark state agents take sides behind the scenes.
Shooting the Messenger, The Last Bastions of Independent Thought
By Mark Taliano, March 26 2017
To counter the conspiracies against truth and justice, open debates about “forbidden topics” need to be amplified, not suppressed. Taboos need to be shattered. Hasty conclusions need to be rejected. And the modern-day Inquisition needs to be dismantled. Failing this, the “consensus of ignorance” will prevail, and humanity will continue on its downward spiral of death and destruction, as it rejects trajectories of Life and Prosperity.
What is undeniable is the fact that those who ‘promote human rights’ are the perpetrators of the most heinous crimes, including the Genocide in Yemen. To deny their complicity is to deny humanity.

London Terrorist Attack: Westminster’s “Jihadis Come Home”
By Gearóid Ó Colmáin, March 26 2017
One year to the day after the Brussels terrorist attacks, a terrorist drove a car into Westminster parliament buildings killing four people and wounding several others. The British public are in shock. Westminster is considered to be a monument to British ‘democracy’. The date 3/22 will be remembered among those who mourn over the skulls and bones of loved ones lost to terrorism. Today, many of those mourners are in Syria. Just a few hours earlier, 50 destitute families staying at the al Badiya Dakhilya school in the village of Mansoura on the outskirts of Raqqa, were blown to pieces after an air strike by the ‘international coalition’. The Pentagon said it would “investigate” the atrocity. The British Government and its Western partners were silent. Thirty-three people were murdered.
Trump = Obama = Bush = Clinton, On Four Core Issues
By Washington’s Blog, March 27 2017
On a superficial level, Trump and Bush couldn’t be more different fromClinton and Obama. Indeed, pollsters say that many people voted for Trump because they wanted change … Just like they voted for Obama because he promised “hope and change” from Bush-era policies. But beneath the surface, Trump, Obama, Bush and Clinton are all very similar on 4 core issues.

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