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07 noviembre, 2017

It Was #LordBalfour Who #Ignited #Zionism

By Global Research News

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The Balfour Declaration: World Zionism and World War I
By Adeyinka Makinde, November 03, 2017
If Jewish leaders such as Chaim Weizmann could call on the Jewish Diaspora in America to use their influence to bring the United States into the war to rescue a desperate situation, then Britain would do what it could to help bring to fruition the Zionist dream of a Jewish state in Palestine.

UN Panel: Sanctions Needed Against Israel to Stop Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
By Darius Shahtahmasebi, November 03, 2017
The U.N. recently launched a scathing critique of Israel’s occupation when the U.N. rapporteur for human rights in the occupied territories delivered a report condemning Israel’s conduct to date.

The Toxic Legacy of Balfour and British Colonialism in Israel-Palestine
By Richard Silverstein, November 03, 2017
Balfour himself was not a Zionist. He didn’t even like Jews. Nor did most of the British élite of the day. Youssef Munayer even calls Balfour a “white supremacist,” which is precisely right.

Balfour Declaration: Britain Broke Its Feeble Promise to the Palestinians
By Jonathan Cook, November 02, 2017
Britain assisted the Zionists as best it could, given the need to weigh its imperial interests. Restrictions on immigration were introduced under the severe strain of a three-year armed uprising by Palestinians, determined to prevent their country being given away.

Hamas: Balfour Declaration Crime of Century
By The Palestinian Information Center, November 01, 2017
The statement noted that Britain, during its occupation of Palestine, worked by all means to implement the Balfour Declaration and appointed pro-Zionist British officials to pave the way for the establishment of a “national homeland for Jews in Palestine” ignoring the rights of the Palestinian population of this country.

The Balfour Declaration: A Country in Denial over 100 Years of Betrayal
By Chris Doyle, November 01, 2017
The tensions over the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration are accelerating to the long-expected fever pitch, outside Israel-Palestine and nowhere more so than in Britain.

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