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02 julio, 2018

#QANON: The #Fireworks are Coming

NY Times: The Conspiracy Theory That Says Trump Is a Genius


Q ANON POST // JUNE 28, 2018:
You have more than you know.

Regular readers know by now that in spite of Sugar the Crazed Conspiracy Cat's animal urge to go full-blown "Q-tard," TomatoBubble.com, under the capable stewardship of your logical Editor & Publisher here, has maintained a cautiously optimistic "wait & see" approach to the by now 100's of cryptic posts by "Q-Anon" at the forum "8-chan."

That the poster possesses rare knowledge, spooky prescience, (a $10 word for the ability to make prophetic predictions) and is directly connected to Trump has all been established beyond any doubt. Anyone who has followed the posts and predictions about "The Storm" since last October, as well as Trump's own obvious tweets and actions linking him to Q, would know that Q is not some smart-ass wiz kid hoaxster playing around in his mom's basement. No sir. This has all the earmarks of a military intelligence operation aimed at the CIA (we hope) -- and the mockery heaped upon Q by Slimes' scribbler Michelle Goldberg (cough cough) may be a sign of just how worried "they" are.

1. At a recent pep rally, Trump pointed out and fist-pumped a fan wearing a Q-shirt. 
2. The Q Anon / Storm "conspiracy theory" is spreading like wild fire. 
3. Ex-baseball star Curt Schilling is being attacked in the press for coming out "Q."

There can be no doubt that Q is 100% real. The only question all along has been and continues to be: Will Q's promises of a final and full public disclosure of the Satanic evil of international Globalist establishment ("Trust the plan" has been one of Q's oft-repeated mottos) finally come to fruition --- or, will the exposure and subsequent arrests only be limited to high-ranking Democrats and certain "Deep State" operatives who had tried to frame Trump for "colluding" with Russia and other misdeeds?

As we have stated on repeated occasions, though we would fist-pump and cheer any punishment meted out to scum such as the Clintons, Mr. & Mr. Obongo (not a typo), McCain, the Podesta Brothers, et al, -- unless and until the full monstrous nature of the NWO's crimes against humanity -- such as child rape, child snuff-murder porn, child trafficking, 9/11 inside-job, false-flag hoax
shootings, the creation of ISIS, organized voter fraud, the murders of JFK, RFK and JFK Jr., the murder of Justice Scalia, and soooo many other acts -- are exposed to the sleeping masses, then the whole Q game would, in the grand scheme of things, only amount to some fun-to-watch entertainment.

Q-Anon Billboards are popping up -- Above: Oklahoma and Georgia 

The good news to report is that, one way or the other, the suspense over Q will, according to Q himself, all be over very soon. In language that is no longer even remotely cryptic or coded, Q has in recent days put himself on the spot by promising that the final "fireworks" are set to go off, starting in July, after the Trump-Putin summit. Again, according to Q, the revelations, set to come out in a very public way, will "terrify" an American public that will be "lost" and in need of "guidance" from us when it all comes out. He further adds that the Fake News' escalating attacks on both Q and Trump are clear indications that certain powerful people and their minions are very afraid of the coming "public awakening." Ya gotta admit, boys and girls, the Marxists and their libtarded dupes, even compared to the standards of their own usual insanity, are clearly becoming totally unhinged over something.

Following Q and the mental meltdown of the Left is loads of good fun, but unless horrors such the 9/11 false flag, the fake shooting and bombing hoaxes and the child rape / murder scandal known as 'Pizzagate" are not fully exposed, then America remains doomed in the long run. Q has said and / or hinted that the evil will all come out. Let's see.

Never before has Q put himself on the spot to this degree -- which means that we should all know within the next month or two if indeed the top-level Satanic pedo-monsters of the New World Order are about to be taken down "worldwide." Have a look at the recent Q-posts below and see what we mean about the sudden and surprising level of Q's specificity. Also linked down below is a webpage containing all of the posts by Q and other various "Anons" going back to 2017.

Jun 28 2018 >>1952748It must happen.Conspiracy no more.Think of every post made.It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?What do they fear the most?Public awakening.If they ask.They self destruct. They know this is real.See attacks.The build is near complete.Growing exponentially.You are the frame.You are the support.People will be lost.People will be terrified.People will reject.People will need to be guided.Do not be afraid.We will succeed. Timing is everything.Think Huber.Think DOJ/FBI reorg.Think sex/child arrests / news.Think resignations (loss of control).How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics).We are the majority (growing).WW (worldwide).Sheep no more.TOGETHER.Q


Jun 28 2018 
Server or JA = truth exposed (SR).D’s (Democrats) are in crisis mode.AWAN is bigger than you can imagine.Putin / U1 will come out post summit (July 13/ Putin-Trump) - they will try to apply artificial MSM heat to cancel.These people are corrupt beyond belief. America for sale.Sold out.Q


Jun 28 2018 
 (Q posted newspaper image from Trump rally in North Dakota)

Are you ready?

Jun 28 2018
Why are they trying to ‘normalize’ this (pedophilia)?https://nypost.com/2018/03/05/facebook-survey-asks-users-if-they-condone-pedophilia/What is coming?Do they really believe this will EVER be swallowed?Will the progressive LEFT defend and support these actions once those guilty are brought to LIGHT?These people are SICK!They do NOT love this country.Q


All of the the 2017 & 2018 Q-posts (and some responses) posted at 8-chan can be found (here)

Remember Trump's threat against Killary during one of the debates?

Headline: Washington Post: (October 2016):
Trump: If elected, I’ll appoint a special prosecutor to look into Clinton’s emails
"Donald Trump said during Sunday's presidential debate that, if elected, he would appoint a special prosecutor to look into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server while she was secretary of state.

"I didn’t think I’d say this and I’m going to say it and I hate to say it. … If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception," Trump said."


Is Mueller actually working WITH Trump as part of "The Storm" to take out the evildoers? Could we be witnessing a massive and brilliantly devised reverse-psychology "sting operation?" Or just an elaborate "limited hangout" scam that leaves the big NWO bosses untouched? --- Stay tuned.

Boobus Americanus 1: I keep hearing about this Q-Anon. You think there is any validity to it?
Boobus Americanus 2: Nah. It's just a right wing conspiracy theory.

Sugar: Dear God, if thiss Q is for real, pleasse let me live long enough to sseee it happen -- jusst sso I can throw it in Boobuss' sstupid frickin' libtarded face.
Editor: If Q turns out to be legit, you will baby girl, you will. ---

And thanks to youse guys for your well wishes, prayers and advice. After some injections and some medication, Sugar is eating much better and has lots more energy. Any added strength and weight will help to prolong the fight against cancer and, hopefully, give her one more Christmas with us. KEEP PRAYING FOR HER!

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