Coronavirus solution:
Shanghai government recommends vitamin C for COVID-19
by: Jonathan Landsman | March 4, 2020
(NaturalHealth365) Remember the other day, we reported on three clinical trials being done in China to see how vitamin C would affect coronavirus patients? Well, it’s official: the government of Shanghai, China is openly admitting that vitamin C is helping to reduce the symptoms experienced by coronavirus patients.
Naturally, we all know that pharmaceutical interests – here in the United States – will never popularize this “action step” in the face of a growing (viral) health crisis. They would rather focus on the possibility of greater restrictions on personal freedom, quarantines, and (of course) the need for vaccine development. Fear mongering and maintaining a strong support of (toxic) drug usage seems to be the only areas of interest for conventionally-trained sick care “professionals.”
But, today, we release an official announcement from the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service that we hope will be shared far and wide.
Shanghai Government Officially Recommends Vitamin C for COVID-19
Written by Andrew W. Saul
These dosages are approximately 4,000 to 16,000 mg for an adult, administered by IV. This specific method of administration is important, says intravenous therapy expert Atsuo Yanagisawa, MD, PhD, because vitamin C’s effect is at least ten times more powerful by IV than if taken orally. Dr. Yanagisawa is president of the Tokyo-based Japanese College of Intravenous Therapy. He says, “Intravenous vitamin C is a safe, effective, and broad-spectrum antiviral.”
Richard Z. Cheng, MD, PhD, a Chinese-American specialist physician, has been working closely with medical and governmental authorities throughout China. He has been instrumental in facilitating at least three Chinese clinical IV vitamin C studies now underway. Dr. Cheng is presently in Shanghai continuing his efforts to encourage still more Chinese hospitals to implement vitamin C therapy incorporating high oral doses as well as C by IV.
Dr. Cheng and Dr. Yanagisawa both recommend oral vitamin C for prevention of COVID-19 infection.
An official statement from Xi’an Jiaotong University Second Hospital (2) reads:
“On the afternoon of February 20, 2020, another 4 patients with severe new coronaviral pneumonia recovered from the C10 West Ward of Tongji Hospital. In the past 8 patients have been discharged from hospital. . . [H]igh-dose vitamin C achieved good results in clinical applications. We believe that for patients with severe neonatal pneumonia and critically ill patients, vitamin C treatment should be initiated as soon as possible after admission. . .[E]arly application of large doses of vitamin C can have a strong antioxidant effect, reduce inflammatory responses, and improve endothelial function. . . Numerous studies have shown that the dose of vitamin C has a lot to do with the effect of treatment. . . [H]gh-dose vitamin C can not only improve antiviral levels, but more importantly, can prevent and treat acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress (ARDS).”
Why do U.S. media outlets continue to ignore the positive effects of vitamin C?
The answer is obvious. Time and again, whenever a safe and effective (natural) remedy is presented for a particular illness or condition – it’s immediately marginalized or “discredited.” And, we’re always reminded to “follow the (drug) advice” of our doctors. This is all about pharmaceutical industry control over our sick care system.
But, instead of getting angry, we – at NaturalHealth365 – strongly encourage all of our readers to seek out more information that will empower you to make informed decisions about your own health.
By the way, I (personally) do not routinely get IV vitamin C treatments. But, if I were infected with the coronavirus – I would immediately get it done.
My “normal” routine is to mix vitamin C powder with water or my greens drink – every morning and some more C throughout the day, depending on how I feel. In addition, as an added immune system boost, I take 1 – 2 teaspoons of liposomal vitamin C for increased absorption into my cells.
Please note: this is just my personal routine. Everyone has a unique situation and, if you’re not feeling well, you should always seek out the guidance of a well-trained, experienced (integrative) healthcare provider.
Don’t forget, a strong immune system is the ultimate defense against any dis-ease – especially the threat of bacterial or viral infections. Stay well hydrated, get a good amount of rest, keep physically active, eat well (organic fresh food, as much as possible) and be sure to take plenty of vitamin C – every day.
Stay tuned to NaturalHealth365 for more updates on the coronavirus, as more information becomes available.
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