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19 agosto, 2020

#QAnon Went #Mainstream - QAnon is #Conspiratorial - #QAnon Booms on #Facebook - #RobertTrump



* New York Times: The Week Q Anon Went Mainstream
* CNN: QAnon is Conspiratorial, Dangerous, and Growing.
* Wall Street Journal: Q Anon Booms on Facebook as Conspiracy Group Gains Mainstream Traction
* San Diego Union Tribune: Racism, Q Anon and ‘Cold Civil War’: Inside the 20,000-Strong Defend East County Facebook Group
* Wired: Q Anon Has Infiltrated the Hollywood Rumor Mill
*Fort Worth Star-Telegram: Rallies, Online Posts Promote Fringe Conspiracy Fantasy ‘Q’: ‘These people are insane’


Nearly three years ago -- when Q Anon was still a cyber “nobody” with an audience measuring only in the few thousands -- the unknown operative(s) assured the original band of disciples that the day would come when the Q phenomenon would go mainstream. For those holdouts who still maintain that Q Anon’s predictions never come true – well, chew on the above-listed headline stories – all issued within the past 48 hours – by various “respectable” organs of the Piranha Press. It’s official now, boys and girls, Q Anon (absolutely known to be part of the Trump inner circle) has arrived at the point in which (((they))) have no choice but to abandon the semi-silent treatment and openly attack it in panicked piranha mode. Game on, bitches!

There are, of course, many other Q posts / predictions which have since also come to pass. Today, we focus on just two posts from late 2017 which directly relate to this predicted “mainstreaming” of Q. They are posts #15 and # 26.

The manufactured and tiresome argument that Q Anon is a "psyop" being used to discourage activism and "let Q handle everything" simply does not hold water. More and more, passionate Q Anon activists are taking their educational cyber-activism out into the streets as the movement -- with Trump's behind-the-scenes blessing -- continues to grow worldwide.

October 31, 2017
Q Post # 15

The corruption that will come out is so serious that deals must be cut for people to walk away otherwise 70% of elected politicians would be in jail ….. A deep cleaning is occurring and the prevention and defense of pure evil is occurring on a daily basis. They never thought they were going to lose control of the Presidency (not just D's) and thought they had control since making past mistakes (JFK, Reagan). (emphasis added)


We are certain that many plea deals of all sorts were made – in which not only were crooks allowed to walk in exchange for the resignations described above (Speaker Paul Ryan, Senators Bob Corker & Jeff Flake, numerous FBI & DOJ officials etc) -- but also to induce the smaller-to-mid-level rats to take down the really big players. Only two days ago did one of these deals become part of the “mainstream” daily news narrative – and it represents a much bigger event than most people realize.


Headline: New York Times (August 13, 2020)
Ex-FBI Lawyer to Plead Guilty in Review of Russia Inquiry

The lawyer, Kevin Clinesmith, 38, who was assigned to the Russia investigation, plans to admit that he altered an email from the C.I.A. that investigators relied on to seek renewed court permission in 2017 for a secret wiretap on the former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.


Now Kevin Clinesmith is not exactly what one would call a household name – but nor is he some low-level nobody. This corrupted Deep State FBI lawyer served in the shadows at the behest of high-level coup plotters. Clinesmith knows everything! Therefore, the fact that “K.C.” has already sung (which is what plea deals are often all about) marks, in our assessment, the beginning of a coming “storm” that will end with the glorious take-down of the untouchable Obongo and the untouchable Killary – and that’s just for appetizers. Remember, Q Anon ideology holds that the shock value of the full exposure of the 2017 coup conspiracy against Trump (which the plea deal with “K.C.” portends) will psychologically prep the public for the child sex trafficking stuff to come later on. 

Bad news for the Deep State coup plotters --- Leftist FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith has already "ratted-out" his superiors in exchange for either a reduced sentence or diminished punishment of some sort.

November 1, 2017
Q Post # 26

"Think about it logically.
The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save & spread (once 11.3 verifies as 1st marker)."

Over the course of the past two years, Q Anon’s multiple coded references to 11.3 as “the first marker” have stumped even the most astute Q analysts (aka “autists”). Could Q have meant “November 3rd” – the date of the 2020 election? Nah, too obvious. And why would that be described as a “marker” – a sign?

The big news about Kevin Clinesmith’s plea deal may finally have solved this riddle. Q Anon code does indeed sometimes use numbers to represent letters of the alphabet – and 11.3 correlates to K.C. -- Kevin Clinesmith – the “1st marker” – timed perfectly to coincide with the Trump-induced “mainstreaming” of Q Anon.

Pass the popcorn.

R.I.P. Robert Trump

We really hope that yesterday’s unexpected death by “heart attack” of the President’s younger brother, Robert Trump, was not some sort of “Sicilian Message” countermove by the Deep State. The timing was odd, to say the least.

We can present no evidence, neither hard nor circumstantial, of foul play -- but nor can any serious student of The New World Order Crime Syndicate rule out such a possibility. It’s what they do. As Q Anon has said many times before: “These people are evil, and sick.”

Condolences to the Trump family.

1. The code 11.3 = K.C. = Kevon Clinesmith --- "the first marker?" // 2. Robert Trump -- R.I.P. -- Heart attack? Or CIA heart-attack gun (here)

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the fringe Q Anon cult is now mainstream news.
Boobus Americanus 2: I saw that Q story. And I also read a story about Trump's brother that just died.


St. Sugar: The two sstories are related I tell ya!!!
Editor: Now now Sugar -- I'll admit that the timing of Robert Trump's sudden death is weird; and that a desperate Deep State is indeed capable of anything ---- but we simply do not have enough data to make such claims.


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