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07 septiembre, 2020


 1940: Commie Charlie Chaplin Attacks Hitler

 by Mike King

Though it may be forbidden to make such elephant-in-the-room observations in polite company, it has never been much of a secret that Hollywood, since its inception, has been dominated by Jewish Moguls. Naturally, these master illusionists of the big screen -- in service to the international Jewish Declaration of War against Germany and in anticipation of America’s eventual entry into the war -- did their part to wage the propaganda war against the big bad "Nazis."

Warner Bros. had released the first directly anti-Nazi film in 1939 with Confessions of a Nazi Spy. Other studios followed with such films as The Mortal Storm (MGM), Man Hunt (Fox), The Man I Married (Fox), The Great Dictator (United Artists) and many brief anti-German newsreels which ran before all films. This effort was considered a serious enough problem that in September 1941, a handful of "isolationist" (pro-peace) U.S. Senators set out to investigate Hollywood for warmongering.

The Senate investigation into Hollywood's war agitation resulted in a Senate Resolution aimed at both radio and movies that “have been extensively used for propaganda purposes designed to influence the public mind in the direction of participation in the European War.” The effort to expose the Jewish

moguls by establishing an investigative subcommittee was countered with the usual scoundrel's appeal to "freedom of speech" -- so nothing became of it.

Globalist-Judea declared war on Hitler's Germany in 1933. The Hollywood moguls became important weapons for the propaganda element of that war.

Preparing American movie-goers for war -- Jewish Hollywood helped to shape false perceptions of Hitler and Germany. The game continues to this day.

The most significant and lasting propaganda blow to come out of Hollyweird in 1940 was The Great Dictator -- a comedy-drama written, directed, produced, scored by and starring the over-rated "British" comedian and child-sex abuser/pervert (here), Charlie Chaplin. According to secret FBI files, Chaplin was a Communist of Jewish origin. Keep in mind that this mocking movie was released at a time when the United States was still formally at peace with Germany and Japan as Franklin Demono Rosenfeld continued to assure the nation that there would be no U.S. entry into what was at the time solely a German-British conflict. 

Chaplin's film mercilessly mocked Hitler. He played both leading roles -- the ruthless dictator and a “persecuted” Jewish barber. Like all Chaplin films, The Great Dictator was hyped-up by the Jewish media and therefore became popular with audiences. It was Chaplin's most commercially successful film and nominated for five Academy Awards.

1. In an age of strict moral codes, commie pervert Chaplin's corny comedy often sneaked-in subtle sexual innuendo. Note his erect walking stick as he stares at a nude statue. // 2. Mocking the local police. // 3. Chaplin with fellow pervert communist scum and personal friend Albert Einstein. In 1952, the commie comedian was banned from re-entering the United States due to his subversive political activities and immoral behavior.

Chaplin was raised without a father and his mother was committed to an insane asylum when he was just 14. This is consistent with FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover's observation that most Communists are insane -- often the products of childhood neglect and trauma.


1. Chaplin was barred from returning to the U.S. because he was a Communist degenerate. // 2. Years later, a rapidly reddening U.S. honored him with postage stamps. // 2. As did Castro's Communist Cuba!

The Great Dictator closed by reading a “serious” speech (embedded below) – delivered by the Communist Chaplin while still in “Nazi” uniform. The mass of empty and impassioned platitudes continues, to this day, to impress the easily impressed. Here's an example of his pious puke -- vomited out at a moment in time when Hitler was sincerely pleading for peace and an end to a still-localized war which has not yet degenerated into a global bloodbath:

Chaplin: "Even now my voice is reaching millions throughout the world - millions of despairing men, women, and little children - victims of a system that makes men torture and imprison innocent people. To those who can hear me, I say - do not despair. The misery that is now upon us is but the passing of greed - the bitterness of men who fear the way of human progress.

The hate of men will pass, and dictators die, and the power they took from the people will return to the people. And so long as men die, liberty will never perish."

Blah - blah - blah. But it is the final line of Chaplin's devious discourse which really gives the game away:

"Let us fight to free the world - to do away with national barriers - to do away with greed, with hate and intolerance. Let us fight for a world of reason, a world where science and progress will lead to all men's happiness. Soldiers! In the name of democracy, let us all unite!

No borders and a one world “democracy” ruled by your class of “elite” pedo-pervert warmonger scum, eh Charlie? No thanks.

The Great Dictator is juvenile pre-war Red propaganda produced and acted-out by a sex-mad pervert and over-rated piece of human garbage. It is best known for its closing "iconic" 3.5 minute speech full of moronic buzzwords and cheesy platitudes that are STILL wowing idiot normies who stumble across it for the first time.

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