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21 septiembre, 2020

#Directed #Energy #Fires #DEW


Since the birth of the Climate Con in 1979 -- fka "The Greenhouse Effect ™," aka 'Global Warming ™," aka "Climate Change ™" -- the devious denizens of Fake News and Fake Academia never missed an opportunity to speculate how any given weather-related (or potentially weather-related) disaster might have been the result of man-made CO2. No fake scientist or journalist would dare say that this or that particular heatwave, drought, hurricane etc. would not have happened were it not for our "emissions ™." Even the normies would question such bold and absurd assertions. But now (as in just within the past few days!) the Climate Con Artists have thrown such caution into the fiery winds.

From the article:

"Hotter, drier seasons, driven by the burning of fossil fuels, have made the world more prone to erupt in flames. “We don’t have a fire problem; we have many fire problems,” said Stephen J. Pyne, an emeritus professor at Arizona State University who studies wildfires and their history. 'It has to do with fossil fuels and climate.'”

Not the slightest bit of equivocation or qualification there. How much "youse guys" wanna bet that the Globalists will also find a way to link Stupid-19 to "Climate Change?" ™ -- Search Engine time:

Headline: Washington Post (April 15, 2020)
Climate Change Affects Everything, Even the Coronavirus

(Palm to face, sighing, shaking head)

1. Newsweek Cover from 1988 -- Some of you "Generation Xers" may not remember when the Climate Con was referred to as "The Greenhouse Effect" -- a nit-witted designation that was eventually scrapped because even the Fake Scientists thought was an idiotic analogy.
2. Egghead Professor and author, Stephen J. Pyne blames the fires on "fossil fuels." Ah, show us the shekels, professor. Show us the shekels.
3. A warming planet is said to facilitate the spread of diseases from animals to humans.

There is something deeper -- and far more sinister -- than usual about this sudden definitively stated link between the Climate Con and the pre-election fires raging mainly in California, but also in Oregon and Washington. We do believe that Deep State arson is at play here (duh) -- and yet, the evil runs still deeper than even most "alternative" news sites even dare to suggest. Back in November of 2018, yours truly was placed under a 30-day FakeBook timeout for posting a TomatoBubble article containing the following observations about the horrible California fires of those days:

"Now, let's hop aboard the "Crazy Train" and follow the hard data to where it leads us -- specifically, to the horrible reality that these hellish infernos are the product of deliberate "Deep State" arson. And we ain't talking about operatives with gasoline cans and lighters setting trees ablaze in the middle of the night. No. These fires manifest laser-like burn patterns because they were initiated, guided and intensified by, well, lasers -- Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs).

These DEW's are no longer the stuff of science-fiction or "conspiracy theory" ™. Even the mainstream media has reported on this technology and actual military demonstrations can be seen on You Tube videos. The means to engineer such strange fires from high-altitude planes or even from outer space exists."

There's no doubt about this one, boys and girls -- and the bizarre burn patterns (melted homes and cars, yet undamaged bushes and trees nearby) proved it. California neighborhoods were blasted from above back then -- and are again being torched -- from space (as well as by land arsonists) -- now. The potentially "good news" (for lack of a better term) now is Nutter Mike & St. Sugar the Crazed Conspiracy Cat have now got a pair of heavy-hitters riding along on this same space-based DEW "Crazy Train" -- namely, Q Anon and, by logical extension, Donald Trump.

1. From one of the 2018 California fires -- Mysterious blue beam from high above captured on I-phone video.
2. 2018: Cars melted, including the paint and rubber tires -- yet nearby trees not even singed.
3. Dialogue from 1987 movie, "Robocop" :

Jesse Perkins: Good evening, I'm Jess Perkins with Casey Wong. Top story: Santa Barbara. 10,000 acres of wooded residential land were scorched in an instant when a laser cannon aboard the Strategic Defense Peace Platform (aka "Star Wars") misfired today during routine startup tests. Casey?

Casey Wong: Yes, it was a day of mourning for the families of 113 known dead at this hour. Among them: two former United States presidents who had retired in the Santa Barbara area. A day of mourning for a country.

Q Anon has been calling out these latest fires as Deep State arson for about a week now -- and linking stories about ground-based suspects being caught red-handed. But what's really got this writer energized are the recent posts cryptically linking DEW's to the fires. Oh yeah, boys and girls, Q Anon just "went there" -- which may have something to do with the fact that the whole of the Piranha Press is suddenly screaming that the fires are -- without a doubt -- caused by "Climate Change ™."

Q Post 4726 / September 16
MIL SAT application(s).

The first link is to a speech given by Defense Secretary Mike Esper in which he states, at 1:35, that Russia and China have "weaponized space" with "directed energy systems" mounted to satellites. The second link is to a U.S. Air Force video demonstrating the awe-inspiring destructive power of DEW's. Ignore Esper's "Russia & China" stuff. And "MIL SAT application(s)" refers to the militarization of satellites with these horrific inferno machines.

Q Anon's real message here (issued amidst the contextual flurry of arson accusations) calls for the Q "digital army" to start researching about DEW's. Oh, and by the way -- remember that Dr. Judy Wood woman that even some smug 911 Truthers ignorantly mocked for stating that it was DEW technology which "dustified" the Twin Towers? --- Well, she's right ya know. And maybe that's where these Q "crumbs" will lead us to in due time.

Stay Tuned.

1. Fools laughed at 911 Truther Dr. Judy Wood when she talked about DEW technology. Now Q Anon & Trump are publicizing DEW's.
2. Where's the "pancakes?" Two man-made mountains reduced to instant powder and aerosol!
3. Cars and firetrucks were melted FROM SPACE on 9/11 -- just like the California "Climate Change" fires.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that scientists now believe that the West Coast fires are the result of Climate Change.
Boobus Americanus 2: Oh dear, as if the Covid wasn't bad enough, now the climate fires.
St. Sugar:
It ain't the frickin' climate Boobuss -- it's the DEW's!
Editor: Trump - via Q - has now indicated that he knows this. Let's see what happens after the post-election emergency decrees.

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