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26 abril, 2021

SHOCKING: Newly-released data shows over 56,000 reports of adverse events following COVID injections


(NaturalHealth365) Did you know “healthcare providers are required by law” to report certain adverse events to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) operated by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)?  The emphasis above — underlined and bolded — comes directly from the HHS website, which has become immensely popular since the COVID shot rollout began in the United States.

Immensely popular, of course, but still grossly underutilized.  According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fewer than 20% of healthcare providers report to VAERS.  This data comes from an old 2005 survey, so we can only hope now that the COVID injection craze is on in full, more providers are sounding the alarm on the thousands and thousands of adverse events occurring after their patients get the jab.  But as anyone involved in a drug experiment would wonder: how many more of these adverse events will occur … and how many are being dismissed, missed, or downplayed?

U.S. government alerted to thousands of deaths, serious injuries, adverse events reported within days, weeks following COVID injections

The Children’s Health Defense recently reported that as of April 9, 2021, there have been 56,869

reported adverse events following the COVID shot, “including 2,342 deaths and 7,971 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and April 1, 2021.”  More recently (April 13), the CDC announced on their website that reported deaths since December 2020 have climbed to 3,005.

Of course, mainstream media, pro-jab healthcare providers, and public health officials are quick to dismiss these reported adverse events, citing that just because these events are reported doesn’t prove they were caused by the COVID injection.  This is true and important to keep in mind.  However, it should be noted that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated in a December 2020 briefing document on the Pfizer COVID jab that there is “currently insufficient data to make conclusions about the safety of the vaccine in subpopulations such as children less than 16 years of age, pregnant and lactating individuals, and immunocompromised individuals.”

It would follow, then, that the reports of adverse events in VAERS should be thoroughly investigated and contribute to data clarifying the true safety of these experimental drugs.  And yes, even the FDA itself nods to the value of VAERS when it calls for the continued use of “active and passive safety surveillance” of these drugs.  So, should we really be so dismissive of these thousands of reported events?

By the way, VAERS has gained some notoriety for being a bit clunky and not very user-friendly.  But, in case you were curious, the CDC offers step-by-step instructions on their website – including instructions here.

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Here’s what the FDA had to say back in December 2020 about the potential problems with a massive COVID shot rollout

In the same December 2020 briefing referred to above, the FDA also admitted to some alarming limitations of this ongoing national experiment.

  • Use of the COVID jab “in large numbers of individuals may reveal additional, potentially less frequent and/or more serious adverse events not detected” in trials (trials which were notably compromised by the unblinding of placebo groups)
  • The risk of “vaccine-enhanced disease over time, potentially associated with waning immunity, remains unknown and needs to be evaluated further in ongoing clinical trials and in observational studies,” which refers to the phenomenon that people who got the COVID jabs may actually have a WORSE response if exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the future

This is a massive national rollout of experimental and unapproved drugs.  Continue to do your own research.  Be curious about why some are so willing to downplay or minimize reports of adverse effects.  Ultimately, it is up to each and every one of us to make informed decisions about our own healthcare.

Sources for this article include:


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