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27 mayo, 2021

Antony Blinken Continues to Lecture the World on Values His Administration Violates

By Glenn Greenwald, May 11, 2021

Continuing his world tour doling out righteous lectures to the world, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Thursday proclaimed — in a sermon you have to hear to believe — that few things are more sacred in a democracy than “independent journalism.”
By Mike Whitney, May 11, 2021

Why would anyone allow himself to be injected with a substance for which the long-term adverse effects are completely unknown? It’s extremely dangerous. And, yet, millions of people around the world have already been inoculated with a hybrid concoction that was not approved by the FDA, did not meet the same rigorous standards for safety as previous vaccines, and which is vastly more lethal than any vaccine in modern times.
By Dr. Gary Null and Richard Gale, May 11, 2021

Had the FDA and Anthony Fauci’s National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Disease (NIAID) started approving existing clinically-proven and inexpensive drugs for treating malaria, parasites and other pathogens at the start of the pandemic, millions of people would have been saved from experiencing serious infections or dying from the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Why federal health officials never followed this strategy is a question the mainstream media refuses to ask.
By Rep. Ron Paul, May 11, 2021

Centers for Diseases Control (CDC) Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky has “recommended” that children wear masks while playing. Her offered reason is to ensure Covid is not spread by “heavy breathing” of children near each other while around a soccer ball.
By Dr. Joseph Mercola, May 11, 2021

Utilitarianism, which is now being increasingly promoted, is a discredited pseudo-ethic that has repeatedly been used to justify horrific human rights abuses. It is based on a mathematical equation that some individuals can be sacrificed for the greater good of the majority.
By Julian Rose, May 11, 2021

Rising-up almost perceptibly now, in an increasing number of individuals, is a powerful urge to give expression to truth at its profoundest level. This is the life-force itself, demanding action and urging all who feel it to step forward into the front lines of a great battle. The battle to overcome the purveyors of gross injustice and stand firm for the global manifestation of truth. 

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