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05 mayo, 2021

Our Humanity, Our Identity

By Kai KisielinskiPaul Giboni, and et al., May 02, 2021

The study below was reported in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (Publication date April 20, 2021) and details the harm caused by mask wearing and adds to a growing body of under-reported, censored and suppressed public health information that contradicts the biomedical narrative that masks are safe and effective and recommended by the CDC.
By Robert J. Burrowes, May 02, 2021

Politically savvy individuals know that democracy has rarely existed and probably never outside small groups of humans who deliberately organize themselves to share power or grant it temporarily to one or a small number of people for a particular purpose. In most contexts, ‘democracy’ is simply a label used to deceive the unwary into believing that ordinary people have a say in how we are governed. But this has never been the case in any political framework on a larger scale.
By Fidel Castro Ruz and Prof Michel Chossudovsky, May 02, 2021

This interview with Fidel Castro provides an understanding of the nature of modern warfare: Were a military operation to be launched against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the US and its allies would be unable to win a conventional war, with the possibility that this war could evolve towards a nuclear war.

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