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26 octubre, 2021

Hatred for us non-jabbed

SEPTEMBER 14, 2021

NY Times: Biden Is Right: Vaccine Refusal ‘Has Cost All of Us’

By: The NYT Editorial Board


The totalitarian swine at Sulzberger's Manhattan Madhouse are in full Soviet-style collectivization mode over vaccine mandates. It isn't merely their enthusiastic support for mandatory jabbing that shocks the senses. What's singularly galling is the attempted incitement of Normiedom to hatred for us non-jabbed "refusniks." This is eerily similar to what the 1920s Bolsheviks did to publicly shame and vilify the Kulaks (small to mid-size land-owning farmers) who resisted the Lenin / Stalin agricultural power grab before finally -- through mass arrests and engineered famine -- liquidating the suddenly-hated farmers "for the common good."

Hazmat suits and hip waders on, boys and girls. Let's dive into Sulzberger's cesspool to clean up these fallacious and incendiary arguments.

1. Let's call it what it is ... COMMUNISM! // 2. Hateful anti-Kulak propaganda poster: Broad translation: "Kulaks are the most beastly, rude, wild exploiters, who always resurrect the power of aristocrats, kings, priests and capitalists." / 3. Hateful and stupid cartoon aimed at anti-vaxxers. If they could, they would gladly incarcerate or kill the unvaxxed "Kulaks" of today.
The Editorial Board: As Americans contemplate the prospect of a second winter trapped in the grip of Covid-19 ...
Analysis: Oh the bloody drama! It wasn't the Stupid-19 common cold that "trapped us" last winter, it was the WHO-mandated lock-downs.

The Editorial Board: ... remember that it didn’t need to be this way.
Analysis: Here comes the HATE. You see, according to the Judenpresse, it's only "this way" because of those of us who haven't been vaxxed.

The Editorial Board: Vaccines were developed in record time, ....
Analysis: Is that supposed to be reassuring?

The Editorial Board: ... and have proved to be both incredibly safe ...
Mass genocidal, the jab is not. But to say "incredibly safe" is, shall we say, a "baseless
" assertion. A certain percentage of people will always have an adverse reaction (including, in some cases -- death) to any vaccine. That's why pharmacies won't allow a jabbed guinea pig to leave immediately after being injected.

The Editorial Board: ... and stunningly effective.
Analysis: "Stunningly effective," eh? So then, if the magic jab has rendered the members of "The Editorial Board" so "stunningly" invulnerable to this common cold, then why would you all even care whether or not the non-vaxxed get it or not. You're safe, right?

The Editorial Board: Nearly two-thirds of eligible Americans have accepted these facts and done their part by getting fully vaccinated. 
Analysis: I highly doubt that two-thirds claim. It's probably between 40-50%.

The Editorial Board: Yet tens of millions more have not,.....
Analysis: Those damn Kulaks!

The Editorial Board: ... allowing the more contagious Delta variant to sweep across the country

Analysis: Delta, smelta! How can there be a "Delta variant" of Stupid-19 when the original itself never existed?!

The Editorial Board: Right now, the list of the very sick and the dead is made up almost entirely of the unvaccinated.
Analysis: So, if we Kulaks are the ones reaping -- "almost entirely" -- the consequences of our inaction, then leave us alone!
You aren't forcing irresponsible fat people to diet and exercise -- so why mandate unnecessary jabs for us?

The Editorial Board: But as long as the virus continues to spread widely, it can and will evolve in ways that put everyone at risk. 
Analysis: Oh. I get it now. Because of the unvaxxed, the variants will have variants of their own -- until one day, a new super-duper-never-seen-before variant will still infect the normies who took the jab.
"Trust the science," eh?
Brutal scorn and mockery for the "vaccine hesitant" Kulaks. 
The Editorial Board: As incursions on bodily autonomy go, this is pretty mild stuff.
Analysis: Having a substance -- with potential adverse effects -- injected into people's bodies against their will is not "mild stuff." It is offensive and oppressive.

The Editorial Board: Yet vaccine resisters ...
Analysis: "Vaccine resisters"
  (Kulaks) -- the tyrant always sticks a label on those he wants to oppress.

The Editorial Board: ... carry on about violations of their freedom, ignoring the fact that they don’t live in a bubble, and that their decision to stay unvaccinated infringes on everyone else’s freedom — the freedom to move around the country, the freedom to visit safely with friends and family, the freedom to stay alive. 
Analysis: Total psychotic projection here. As they attempt to crush the freedom of the "selfish" Kulaks, they accuse us of hindering their freedom. 

The Editorial Board: Hopefully, the new vaccine rules will give the private sector cover to do the right thing ....
Analysis: Ah, the old "public-private partnership" -- a marriage made in Hell between the Communists and the Monopoly Capitalists of Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum.

The Editorial Board:  There is also a growing rage at those recalcitrant Americans unwilling to do their small part to end this pestilence.
Analysis: Kill the Kulaks!

The Editorial Board: Ingenuity and investment have produced a rare medical miracle that could end this brutal pandemic, ...
Analysis: "Brutal pandemic," my ass! All of the "deaths" are the result of mis-classification due to incentivized death certificate fraud and rampant hospital murders.

The Editorial Board: ... and yet millions of Americans are thumbing their noses at it, forgetting that being part of a society means looking out for one another. 

Analysis: Evidently, the oh-so-civic-minded Slimes scribblers consider the incitement of 160 million vaxxed Americans to hatred for the other 160 million non-vaxxed Americans constitutes "being part of society" and "looking out for one another."

The Editorial Board: To those who are still holding out on getting a vaccine, spare us the appeals to freedom.
Analysis: "Shut up and give the state your farmland, you Kulak dogs!"

The Editorial Board: If you are fed up with masking and distancing and shutdowns and all the other intrusions of a global pandemic, show some patriotism and humanity and get the shot.
Analysis: We try to keep this a family-friendly site -- but sometimes, ya just gotta say to these demonic entities --- "Go F yourselves, Communists!"

1. Klaus Schwab is the main architect of the dangerous "public-private partnership" which has developed over the course of the past half-century. The New World Order system differs from pure Communism in that it seeks to dominate and utilize stockholder-owned corporations, not eliminate them. // 2. An ugly 1931 caricature of a peasant-"exploiting," gun-owning, collectivization-resisting Christian Kulak leaning on equally ugly caricatures emblematic of the Russian Orthodox Church. // 3. More hatred targeted at the anti-vaxxers. It's the same tactic as a century ago because it's the very same (((people))) behind it. (cough cough)


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Boobus Americanus 1: I read a scathing editorial in the New York Times today blaming the unvaxxed for the continuation of Covid.

Boobus Americanus 2:  Selfish and uneducated people are putting us all at risk!

St. Sugar: Not quite, Boobuss. It's your blind obedience to tyrantss that iss putting uss at rissk.  
Editor: Fortunately, there is indeed a growing international backlash against Stupid-19 tyranny -- and it appears that "The White Hats" planned it that way.


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