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06 marzo, 2022

Putin Cures Covid

Waaaah! Waaaah! --- Yet another crying crisis actor with dry eyes. The daughters seem fine though.

MARCH 3, 2022

NY Times: An Exodus of 660,000 Echoes a 20th Century Europe at War

The demon propagandists at the UN are now claiming that there are 660,000 (Satanist alert! Satanist alert!) Ukrainian refugees fleeing from the big bad Putin. (((They))) couldn't make it 666,000 -- too obvious. Using magically multiplying "Covid" math, or Demonrat Party mail-in ballot math -- you can bet your bottom shekel that the number will climb and climb and climb. Yes, "We are all Ukrainians today." (barf)

Speaking of Stupid-19, have "youse guys" noticed how, all of a sudden, nobody is actually speaking of Stupid-19? All glory to Vlad the Bad! Not only is he cleansing corrupt Ukraine of Globalist domination, but in just a mere matter of days, he has cured the world of Stupid-19. From cover-to-cover, Sulzberger's Covid Times contains only one minor interior page article about how coronavirus affected people's sense of smell. Nothing about death counts, new "cases ™," new "variants ™." It as if the "pandemic" of mass death had never existed, at all.

The "Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times has already nominated Vlad the Bad for an IgNobel Peace Prize. Let's add to that another one in the field of Medicine --- the first "twofer" in the history of these "prestigious" awards. Hail Putin!

660,000 in last 6 days--- Oy vey!

For Peace

For Medicine

President / Dr. Putin has liberated East Ukraine AND cured Covid.

Will Stupid-19 simply fade away into the rear-view mirror of history to take its place among other played out and by now "old news" scams such as "Weapons of Mass Destruction," the 9/11 false flag attacks, the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, Israel's attack on the USS Liberty, the Tonkin Gulf scam, the assassination of the Kennedy Brothers etc? Or will these monsters be publicly exposed and publicly punished for what they did to us for two whole years? They'd better be! You hear that, Mr. Q and Mr. Trump? We'll have to wait and see how far "The Storm" goes.

With the exception of the Holohoax -- which has remained sacrosanct for 75 years now -- most "conspiracy theories" ™ about heavily propagandized and emotionalized events which were at one time "the flavor of the month" (or year) can eventually be presented to calmed down normies for rational analysis. Review some of the "anomalies" of say, the official story of Pearl Harbor, or the JFK assassination, for example, and many of them will actually give you a respectful and fair hearing.

Unfortunately, because the event in question is no longer "the flavor of the month" -- normies cannot get passionate about what they have just learned. It poses quite a dilemma for us truthers. You see, whilst a major event is happening and everyone is 24/7 engaged, normies are too whacked-out of their frickin' minds to even listen to reason, let alone evaluate it. But after the mass mania passes and their passion calms, the issue is already "old news" to them. This is the curse of the real historian. Ugggh!

1. Normie during the event: "That's not true!!! You're a paranoid conspiracy theorist!!! Trust the science! Putin bad!" // 2. Normie after the event: "What you're saying is all very interesting and plausible, but that was a long time ago." // 3. Tell it, Herr Hegel. Tell it!

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in The New York Times today that there are an estimated 660,000 Ukrainian refugees now.

Boobus Americanus 2: That damn Putin! He's another Hitler!

St. Sugar: %$#^ &*(*^% %$^$#@ !!!!!!

Editor: Sugar. Watch that kitty litter mouth of yours, We don't want you getting expelled from heaven.


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