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23 marzo, 2022

‘There are 25+ US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine’: Tulsi Gabbard


By Rep Tulsi Gabbard and OpIndia, March 15, 2022

The former US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard Sunday posted a video on Twitter reiterating claims about US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine. Expressing concerns over the “inadvertent or intentional” breach of these dangerous pathogens, Gabbard called for an immediate ceasefire around these US-funded laboratories in Ukraine.
By Alexandra Bruce, March 15, 2022

Millennials actually saw the highest increase in excess deaths of any other age group, due to the mandates imposed upon them, in order to keep their jobs, 7 times higher than the Silent Generation (those aged 85+).
By Eric Zuesse, March 15, 2022

Because of your underlying assumption that ONLY WRITTEN agreements count, I just now did some research on whether America’s now having unilaterally cancelled Russia’s membership in the WTO (World Trade Organization) so as to be able to tariff at sky-high rates Russian imports into the U.S. is legal. America is a signed member of WTO, and so is Russia.

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