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06 mayo, 2022

Satanic Child Abuse Messaging from Disney

MAY 3, 2022

NY Times: Disney, Built on Fairy Tales and Fantasy, Confronts the Real World

The entertainment behemoth spent decades avoiding even the whiff of controversy. But it has increasingly been drawn into the partisan political fray.



After publishing a recent piece on the corruption of the Walt Disney Empire by (((the usual suspects))), "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times had an epiphany about the popular 2001 Disney animated comedy film, Monsters Inc. Though clearly recalling the Satanic symbolism of the main characters -- one being a one eyed (NWO) creature and the other having demon horns -- we never knew what the plot of the movie was all about, until now. Even if the film plot had been understood back then, few in the "conspiracy theory" ™ community would have been alarmed because only in recent years have we learned about the harvesting and drinking of "adrenochrome."

For the benefit of any newbies still not aware of the what adrenochrome actually is, the following 2020 excerpt from Wired magazine -- though intended to mock us -- sums it up well enough.

"... torture children to harvest adrenochrome from their blood"

It is the terrorizing of a screaming child that releases the adrenochrome into the bloodstream. As described by one of the characters in the 1999 film Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas -- which starred the Satanist Johnny Depp playing the part of a character based on the Satanist Hunter S Thompson -- andrenochrome produces a hallucinogenic high so intense that, "it makes pure mescaline seem like ginger beer." It is also said to contain rejuvenating properties (fountain of youth).

Now, about the plot of Monsters Inc -- direct from IMDB:

"In order to power the city, monsters have to scare children so that they scream. However, the children are toxic to the monsters, and after a child gets through, two monsters realize things may not be what they think." (emphasis added)

Of course, to conceal the actual horror behind the hidden message, the monsters in the film are portrayed as bumbling and lovable characters who don't mean to harm the children. They're actually as afraid of the children as the children are of them. The monsters' task is only to sneak into bedroom closets, collect the children's screams with a special machine, and return the captured screams to the monster factory for energy production. In the end, Monster Inc. discovers that collecting children's' laughter provides more energy than the screams. How nice.

1. Satanist character played by Satanist Johnny Depp (here) gets high on adrenochrome. // 2. Monsters Inc: The horned monster and his Illuminati-one-eyed partner "inadvertently" bring a child into the Monster factory where the harvested screams are turned into energy. // 3. Creepy agents from the CDA (Child Detection Agency) make sure that no traces of contact with children can be found (like a sock which got stuck to the horned monster's back). CDA = CIA?

1 & 2. The one-eye symbolism of Monster Inc is that of the New World Order // 3. In the factory, the children's recorded screams are harvested from the yellow canisters by workers wearing blue helmets (United Nations)

In the United States, about 99% of the children who go missing are found, usually having been taken by a parent in a custody battle. According to FBI statistics, an average of 350 people under the age of 21 are abducted by strangers in the United States each year. The ones who never make it back home have almost always been raped and killed. At-home stranger abductions are very rare, but they do occur.

Clearly, the real monsters in our midst aren't satiating themselves on the adrenalized blood of kidnapped American and European children -- way too risky and hence, not enough supply. In the "developed nations," the children are most likely obtained through the purchases of babies or adoption of foster children. Mary Kokoris Podesta, for example, the mother of the infamous Podesta pedo-monsters, had "adopted" 25 kids in all, we learned from her son, Tony the Terrible himself.
*Editor's Note: the original source for that astonishing bit of data (which I saw) was later memory-holed. Secondary source linked -- here

But it is in the poorest areas of the poorest countries where "Monster Inc.'s" middle men -- posing as UN-NGO-affiliated "aid workers" or "Christian missionaries" -- and their well-paid local trafficking contacts obtain most of their supply from. That would explain why ex-President Bill Clinton visited Haiti in 2010 to spring the Clinton-affiliated "Christian missionary" and accused child kidnapper Laura Silsby out of prison.

Trump hinted at -- and Q promised us -- the eventual exposure of the Haitian Horror. Let's wait and see.

Art imitates life -- Fallen Demonrat Lobbyist power broker Tony Podesta and his "wife" collect "artworks" depicting Satanism and child sex abuse -- Images 2 & 3 (so similar to the Monsters Inc. movie) are from their favorite artists. (here)

Why was the Clinton foundation so determined to spring Laura and her demonic gang out of a Haitian prison?


Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that the far right is really attacking Disney hard.

Boobus Americanus 2: I don't understand it. My kids love Disney films.

St. Sugar: Your sstupid kidss are being GROOMED and you don't even know it, Boobuss!

Editor: As the groomers and blood drinkers laugh in his face.

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