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02 mayo, 2022

UK Home Secretary Priti Patel Was Part of CIA-linked Lobby Group with Husband of Assange Judge


By Reporters Without Borders, April 21, 2022

On 20 April, the Westminster Magistrates’ Court signed an order confirming the alarming next step in the more than decade-long case against Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange. Following more than two years of extradition proceedings in UK courts, Assange’s fate has once again become a political decision for the Home Secretary – the very office that made the political decision to green-light the US extradition request in 2019.
By Jonathan Cook, April 21, 2022

There is nothing innovative or humanitarian about Britain’s new policy of shipping asylum seekers, “on a one-way ticket“, thousands of miles to central Africa. Nor is there anything surprising about the choice of destination: Rwanda. Boris Johnson’s government has simply copied wholesale a programme established by Israel eight years ago.
By Jon Rappoport, April 21, 2022

Project Veritas has just released a leaked recording of a December 2020 Zoom call, during which AstraZeneca CEO, Pascal Soriot, stated that millions of people, whose immune systems are compromised, cannot receive the COVID vaccine.

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