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20 julio, 2022

The Heroic Archbishop Viganò: The Corrupt Billionaire Agenda, “SARS-CoV-2 Virus Is Nothing but a Seasonal Flu”


If in the last two years we had been faced with a true pandemic, caused by a deadly virus for which no other cures existed except for a vaccine, we would be able to think that the emergency was not intended. But this is not what happened: the SARS-CoV-2 virus is nothing but a seasonal flu that could have been cured with existing treatments and effective prevention based on strengthening immune defenses.
By Jordan Schachtel, July 18, 2022

Sure, there’s zero scientific evidence that mRNA vaccines are working, but that doesn’t mean you should abandon your faith in Big Pharma’s money making machine, according to the Public Health bureaucrats in Washington D.C.
By Jan Oberg, July 17, 2022

This short article aims to merely illustrate – not prove – the difference between security political intellectualism and ignorance. It does not focus on peace – theories, ideas, concept or policies – simply because none of the personalities appearing below are in the business of peace.
By F. William Engdahl, July 17, 2022

Acting on an initiative from the Biden Administration, by November 2022, conveniently at the onset of the next flu season in the northern hemisphere, the World Health Organization, barring a miracle, will impose an unprecedented top-down control over the national health regulations and measures of the entire planet.
By Matthew Ehret-Kump, July 17, 2022

Since China’s Arctic extension of the New Silk Road was first unveiled in a January 2018 white paper, a process of Arctic development has been unleashed which represents one of the most important and under-appreciated developments on Earth.
By Pepe Escobar, July 17, 2022

The War of Economic Corridors is now proceeding full speed ahead, with the game-changing first cargo flow of goods from Russia to India via the International North South Transportation Corridor (INSTC) already in effect.

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