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29 mayo, 2023

U.S. Gun Violence During the COVID Crisis: Teenage Deaths and Injuries Increased by 64.8%


By Gun Violence Archive and Global Research, April 05, 2023

The following table. from the Gun Violence Archive confirms a significant increase of reported cases of deaths and injuries during the three year period of the Covid Crisis (2020-2022).
By Abayomi Azikiwe, April 05, 2023

Taura Brown, a dialysis patient fighting eviction from the Tiny Homes on the west side of Detroit, has been a target of the Cass Community Social Services (CCSS) non-profit agency which claims that it is providing shelter for homeless people in the city.
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, April 05, 2023

President Donald Trump is being arraigned on the basis of sealed charges.  It is unclear why the charges are sealed.  Imagine arresting someone on the basis of charges kept from the person.  It happens in America as it did in Stalin’s Soviet Union.
By TRT World, April 06, 2023

Taiwan has pushed back against threats of retaliation by China, ahead of an expected meeting between the island’s president and the US House speaker that will underscore her administration’s claim to sovereignty.

Widely circulating videos from inside the Al-Qibli prayer hall of the Al-Aqsa Mosque show Israeli police brutally beating Palestinian worshippers who had been performing the religious practice of Itikaf during Ramadan.
By Don Hank, April 05, 2023

The West knew that the Constitution of the Russian Federation calls on the RF to defend groups of Russians anywhere who are attacked militarily. And, in a deliberate provocation, the US-installed Kiev regime started attacking civilians areas in the Russian-speaking Donbass and murdering ethnic Russians.
By Antonio Tujan, April 05, 2023

Peace is not simply the absence of war. A call for world peace has to take account of the causes of un-peace – these four major contradictions in world of humanity that create violence against the people and the planet.
By Richard Becker, April 05, 2023

More than five centuries after it was formulated in a series of papal decrees, the Vatican issued a formal announcement on March 30 repudiating the Euro-supremacist “Doctrine of Discovery.” In essence, the “doctrine” said that all lands not occupied by “Christians” passed into the hands of the European conquerors as soon as they were “discovered,” and their inhabitants enslaved.
By Dr. Emanuel Garcia, April 05, 2023

We know that for a while the many, in their illusions, have cherished their so-called individuality and autonomy. They have traveled far more widely than should have been their wont, and much less expensively than ever.
By Andrew Korybko, April 05, 2023

In order to remove any doubt that Lula is deliberately aligning with the US in the grand strategic sense and wasn’t just misled into doing so, leading Russian officials wanted to make sure that he and his team knew the Kremlin’s position on their proxy war with NATO in Ukraine.

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