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13 junio, 2023

Preparing to Wage a Nuclear War? Nuclear Attack F-16 Fighters to Ukraine


By Manlio Dinucci, June 03, 2023

The United States has begun a training programme for the Ukrainian Air Force in the use of F-16 fighters. Several European NATO countries participate in this programme: Denmark, Holland, Poland, Norway, Belgium, and Portugal. Other countries have offered to help with the training. The same countries will supply Ukraine with F-16 fighters. They are conventional dual-capable and nuclear fighters.
By Dr. Binoy Kampmark, June 05, 2023

What is it about government contracts that produces the worst results and poorest returns? Those clods behind such deals, notably in the poison chaliced field of public transport, seem so utterly incapable at even modest competence.
By Dr. William Makis, June 05, 2023

I find it interesting that EU’s top court has just ruled, two weeks ago, that co-pilot sudden deaths are now considered “normal” because “any person may, at any time, unexpectedly fall ill or die.” That’s quite the legal argument from EU’s top judges.
By Paul Anthony Taylor, June 04, 2023

A recent press release announces a new partnership between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the multibillion-dollar Rockefeller Foundation. Stating that the aim is to strengthen the WHO’s so-called ‘Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence,’ it describes how the Rockefellers are investing $5 million in “partners working with the WHO,” apparently with the goal to “cultivate global networks for pathogen detection and strengthen pandemic preparedness capabilities.”
By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, June 04, 2023

One of the most disputed topics with regard to the concept of war is the idea of a Just War – a war held to be founded on the principles of justice in principle caused and conducted in the name of humanity like, for instance, self-defense or protection of minority groups, etc.
By Study Finds, June 04, 2023

If you’ve seen the “Terminator” movies, you probably remember the terrifying robots that could repair themselves after gruesome injuries. Now, real life scientists have developed a synthetic skin for robots that “heals” itself and possesses a human-like sense of touch.
By Simon Hooper, June 04, 2023

British intelligence agencies are facing a new investigation over their alleged complicity in the torture of two Saudi men at CIA “black sites” prior to their detention at Guantanamo Bay.
By Dr. Gary Null, June 04, 2023

If there is one overarching message that has come from the scientist and physician whistleblowers who have informed and warned us about the Covid-19 vaccines over the last three years — from people who were formerly esteemed within the medical establishment and who believe in vaccines and used them in their medical practices — it is that the Covid-19 vaccines have been shown to be neither safe nor effective.

In the light of recent developments in Ukraine, Global Research is reposting this article first published in November 2010 which includes Fidel’s statement on the dangers of nuclear war, which are now imminent in relation to the ongoing war in Ukraine.
By Scott Ritter, June 02, 2023

Biden called the increase in cost “Putin’s Price Hike”, but the American people saw through the subterfuge, as the sticker on the pump proved. If anything, the increase in gas prices prompted many Americans to look at the sticker after examining the bill, and sarcastically proclaim, “Thank you, Joe Biden.”

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