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15 enero, 2024

The Virality Project's Covert War on Health Freedom Advocates Involved Coordination with Big Pharma

Posted on: Wednesday, December 20th 2023 at 7:15 am

Written By: 
GMI Reporter


new report by Matt Taibbi revealed that Stanford's Virality Project sought input and potential funding from pharmaceutical companies while partnering with social media to suppress even factual "vaccine misinformation", raising conflict concerns around censoring content unfavorable to their products and violating free speech

New FOIA documents reveal that Stanford's Virality Project, a content moderation program working with social media platforms to flag "vaccine misinformation," sought input and potential funding from pharmaceutical companies.[1] The project's founders reached out to HHS, Operation Warp Speed, and pharmaceutical "chief information security officers" in late 2020 to "gauge their interest."[2]

Virality Project partners like Twitter asked Stanford what "true content" to moderate, including "true stories of vaccine side effects" and "celebrity deaths after vaccine."[3] Rather than focusing on clear disinformation, the project focused broadly on content that "undermines" vaccine uptake, encompassing even truthful personal accounts of negative reactions.[4] Despite founders warning against "overly punitive moderation," the project ultimately helped suppress legitimate reports of post-vaccination issues to increase vaccine confidence.[5] The likely pharma financial contributions and tight coordination raise conflict of interest concerns around censoring content unfavorable to their products.[6]

Even more disturbingly, the Virality Project colluded with social media platforms to intentionally suppress factual content and constitutionally protected speech from health freedom advocates like Sayer Ji questioning fast-tracked Covid vaccines. Ji, founder of natural health website GreenMedInfo, was placed on a censorship list of 12 so-called "disinformation dozen" individuals to be deplatformed and silenced.[7]

Presenting science-backed vaccine injury concerns, these critics were baselessly vilified by Virality Project partners as "public health threats" supposedly endangering lives simply by sharing their research and views. With no evidence behind these allegations, social media outlets buried, demonetized or outright banned these voices to prevent "vaccine hesitancy."[8]  

In effect, the Stanford-led effort nullified First Amendment rights to raise vaccine safety issues or advocate bodily autonomy free from coerced pharmaceutical injections. Sweeping labels like "anti-vaxxers" granted justification to quash unacceptable opinions under the pretense of protecting public health. This remains an outrageous betrayal of constitutional principles by government agencies, academics, and tech platforms.[9]  

That calls for informed consent around experimental medicines were attacked as disinformation also reveals the extent scientific institutions have become politicized and corrupted by pharma funding, no longer searching for truth but enforcing dogmas that sacrifice individuals to preserve narratives.[10]  

This covert war on health freedom advocacy makes clear the danger of consolidated technocratic control over online speech. We must maintain autonomous, self-sustaining platforms like www.Greenmedinfo.com and www.unite.live to provide information that is not under corporate or governmental control, or fascistic allegiances between the private and public sector for that matter, intent on depriving the world the information required for informed medical choice.[11] 

Our future relies on exposing the roots of censorship intertwined with pharmaceutical and military-intelligence funding. Truth and justice demand accountability for this outrageous abuse of power that should deeply concern anyone valuing modern democratic principles and health freedom.

If you like what we do at GreenMedInfo.com, please consider becoming a membermaking a donation, or supporting us by shopping at our store or taking a course like our popular Regenerate Masterclass. Thank you! 


[1] https://taibbi.substack.com/p/twit...  

[2] https://taibbi.substack.com/p/twit...

[3] https://taibbi.substack.com/p/twit...

[4] https://taibbi.substack.com/p/twit...

[5] https://taibbi.substack.com/p/twit...

[6] https://taibbi.substack.com/p/twit...

[7] https://childrenshealthdefense.org...

[8] https://taibbi.substack.com/p/twit...

[9] https://taibbi.substack.com/p/twit...

[10] https://taibbi.substack.com/p/twit...

[11] https://taibbi.substack.com/p/the-t...

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of GreenMedInfo or its staff.

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