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09 enero, 2024

There Never Was a “New Corona Virus”, There Never Was a Pandemic


There Never Was a “New Corona Virus”, There Never Was a Pandemic

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky, December 05, 2023

The implications are far-reaching because the article refutes and invalidates ‘everything” pertaining to Covid pandemic. These include the policies related to The Lockdown and the Covid-19 “Vaccine”, not to mention the infamous Pandemic Treaty and The World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset”. 

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Failure of Kiev’s “Counter-Offensive”. Russia’s “Operation Z”. Will Russia Take Avdeyevka?

By Drago Bosnic, December 04, 2023

Ever since the failure of the Kiev regime’s much-touted counteroffensive, one that was supposed to “turn the tables” and “drive Russian forces behind the Urals”, the mainstream propaganda machine has been fighting tooth and nail to justify the failure, while some have engaged in straight up denial and stubbornly tried to portray it as a supposed “win”.

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Religious Diversity of the Middle East

By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović, December 04, 2023

The Middle East is commonplace from which three global religions originated: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  All three confessions recognize the Prophet, Abraham.  

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The War on Gaza: How the West Is Losing. Accelerating the Transition to a Multipolar Global Order?

By Amir Nour, December 04, 2023

What is of a paramount importance to assert at the outset is that the ongoing assault on Gaza did not start when Hamas militants launched the “Al-Aqsa Flood” military operation on 7 October. In this respect, an epic parallel information warfare is raging, pitting Israel’s backers in the West against the Palestinians and their supporters across the world.

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Whistleblower Calls for WEF Founder Klaus Schwab to be Arrested Over “Crimes Against Humanity”

By Ethan Huff, December 04, 2023

Pascal Najadi, the son of fellow WEF co-founder Hussain Najadi, is speaking out as a whistleblower against the current top dog at the globalist foundation, accusing him and other leaders of “crimes against humanity.”

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Who Are You Betting On to Win, Hamas or the US and Israel?

By Rima Najjar, December 04, 2023

There may be no evidence to support the claim of an international Jewish conspiracy for world domination, but there certainly is plenty of evidence to support Jewish domination of Palestine and the Middle East region as a whole.

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The Fools on Capitol Hill. Washington Is Run by Israel’s Proxies

By Philip Giraldi, December 04, 2023

Americans remain largely ignorant about the extent to which foreign influence pervades the United States government, and I am not referring to the fraudulent claims made by Hillary Clinton that Russia has interfered materially in US elections. The real threat comes from elsewhere.

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Fetuses Are Developing Cancers. These May be Turbo Cancers. Worse, DNA Contamination, Contained Within Lipid Nanoparticles (LNP), May be Crossing the Placenta Into the Fetus

By Dr. William Makis, December 04, 2023

Pilar Peters was pregnant with triples in 2022. However, in Dec. 2022, doctors found a lump on one triplet, and babies were born via emergency C-section on Dec. 27, 2022. Baby Theo was diagnosed with Stage 4 Sarcoma and died on Jan. 31, 2023.

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Never-ending Wars, Famine and Injustice: This Society Is Making People Ill. Mental Causes of Physical Illness

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel, December 04, 2023

Many decades ago, the World Health Organisation of the United Nations (WHO) published statistics on neuroses among the peoples of Europe and the United States, which showed that ten percent of people in Western Europe and America suffer from acute neuroses (mental illnesses). A further 30 per cent of the population are more or less neurotic. Today, there will be many more. Neurosis has psychological causes, but often triggers organic, physical complaints.

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Two Months that Shook the World: The First Phase of the Gaza War

By Mouin RabbaniJeremy Scahill, and Murtaza Hussain, December 04, 2023

On December 1, Israel resumed its bombing campaign against Gaza, and the civilian death toll is once again rising. Both Hamas and Israel accused the other of violating the temporary truce.

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