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08 junio, 2024

WHO Official Admits Vaccine Passports May Have Been a Scam


WHO Official Admits Vaccine Passports May Have Been a Scam

By Paul D Thacker

The World Health Organization’s Dr. Hanna Nohynek testified in court that she advised her government that vaccine passports were not needed but was ignored, despite explaining that the COVID vaccines did not stop virus transmission and the passports gave a false sense of security.

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The US-Israel War Against Iran Will be the Beginning of the End of Western-Zionist Dominance in the Middle East

By Timothy Alexander Guzman

Following Israel’s terrorist attack on the diplomatic building of the consulate of Iran in Damascus, Syria that resulted in the deaths of several officials of the Iranian military including a highly respected IRGC official, Mohammad Reza Zahedi is essentially the beginning of the end for Western-Zionist power structure in the Middle East. 

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Not to Forget US-NATO Armed Aggression. 1999 – 2024. The Belgrade Declaration

By Belgrade Forum

The NATO aggression embodied the undoing of the legal order of peace and security in Europe and the world, established on the outcome of the Second World War. Today, the Balkans is more unstable, Europe militarized on dangerous tracks, without autonomy, identity and vision.

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US Drones Useless in Ukraine. Russia’s Electromagnetic Waves Technology Used to Neutralize Enemy Attacks

By Lucas Leiroz de Almeida

US aid to Ukraine with drones is proving insufficient on the battlefield. Recently, the Western media admitted that American unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in Ukraine are ineffective in combating Russia. The case clearly shows the weaknesses of Western military technology, which has proven useless when tested on the battlefield.

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U.S. War Secretary Austin Just – “Frankly” – Outlined the Road to Full-scale NATO-Russia War. Jan Oberg

By Jan Oberg

Austin here reveals how the real NATO is anything but what you are told: it’s offensive, pursues out-of-area operations (e.g. Yugoslavia), willing to fight an opponent we are told is a huge threat and NATO is inferior to. And, thus, it has operated in complete violation of its treaty’s peaceful, defensive provisions.

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War and Peace in an Ocean of Lies. Does Anyone in Washington Care About Israel’s Crimes? Dr. Philip Giraldi

By Philip Giraldi

One would have thought that the fake intelligence fabricated by a group of Zionists in the Pentagon and White House to launch the misadventures in Afghanistan and Iraq would be as bad as it could possibly get, but the Joe Biden team has outdone even those unfortunately unindicted criminals by allowing itself to be maneuvered by friends in NATO and by Israel into situations that are one step short of nuclear war.

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Bombshell: Molecular Geneticist: COVID mRNA Shots Were ‘Designed’ to ‘Destroy Humanity’

By Peter Koenig

Would you believe, Michael Nehls, MD, PhD, molecular geneticist, immunologist, author, and educator, reveals as an insider that the mRNA shots, falsely called vaccines, were from the beginning designed to “destroy humanity”.

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