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11 junio, 2024

WHO Official Admits Vaccine Passports Failed; WHO Knew Vaccines Didn't Prevent Transmission

Posted on: Saturday, April 13th 2024 at 3:00 am

In a groundbreaking court case, a top WHO vaccine expert has admitted that COVID vaccine passports were unnecessary and misleading, as the vaccines failed to prevent transmission. This revelation, along with the tireless efforts of health freedom advocates, exposes the unconstitutionality of these passports and the erosion of fundamental rights under the guise of public health. As the truth unfolds, it is time for citizens to demand accountability from their governments and protect their liberties against overreach and coercion.

In a stunning courtroom revelation, Dr. Hanna Nohynek, the World Health Organization's chair of Strategic Group of Experts on immunization, testified that she advised her government against implementing COVID vaccine passports, as the vaccines did not stop virus transmission and the passports gave a false sense of security.1 The admission came to light during a lawsuit in Helsinki, where Finnish citizen Mika Vauhkala is suing the government after being denied entry to a café for not having a vaccine passport. Dr. Nohynek stated that the Finnish Institute for Health knew by the summer of 2021 that the COVID-19 vaccines did not stop virus transmission, yet vaccine passports continued to be required.1

Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a British cardiologist, will also testify in the case, stating that "during the COVID pandemic, some authorities and medical professionals supported unethical, coercive, and misinformed policies such as vaccine mandates and vaccine passports, which undermined informed patient consent and evidence-based medical practice."2 In his written testimony, Dr. Malhotra emphasizes that "there was never any evidence justifying any COVID-19 vaccine mandates, passports or any of the other coercive measures adopted by various governments worldwide."2 He also argues that "the time has come to stop misleading evidence flowing downstream into media reporting and clinical decision making and resulting in unethical and unscientific policy decisions."2

The revelations from Dr. Nohynek and Dr. Malhotra raise serious questions about the necessity and efficacy of COVID vaccine passports, which restricted citizens' freedoms and may have provided a false sense of security during the pandemic.

These findings align with the concerns raised by health freedom advocates, including Stand for Health Freedom (SHF), who have been at the forefront of educating Americans about the unconstitutionality of vaccine passports. In mid-November 2022, leaders of the G20 countries met in Bali, Indonesia and made a sweeping declaration that included an endorsement of proof of vaccinations for global travel. President Joseph Biden agreed, posting the Bali Declaration on Whitehouse.gov. However, this does not represent the will of the vast majority of American people and shows the White House bypassing the democratic process and the Constitution by creating international "nonbinding" agreements that should require the consent of the U.S. Senate.3

As of November 2022, 20 U.S. states have banned vaccine credentials, while only six states support vaccine passports through law.3 It is clear most Americans do not want vaccine passports affecting their rights. The U.S. Constitution protects the right to travel, privacy, and informed consent. A vaccine passport for travel cannot stand if the Constitution is honored.

SHF points out that requiring citizens to show proof of vaccination to travel freely violates fundamental rights enshrined in the Constitution, including freedom of movement, bodily autonomy, privacy, and informed consent. Through petitions, calls to action, and providing resources for citizens to contact their representatives, SHF has mobilized health freedom advocates to push back against the implementation of vaccine passports at both the state and federal levels. Their efforts have contributed to the 20 states that have banned vaccine credentials, demonstrating the power of informed and engaged citizens standing up for their constitutional rights.3

As the push for digital identities linked to health data intensifies globally, SHF continues to sound the alarm and empower Americans to protect their liberties from government overreach and erosion of privacy in the name of public health. Their work serves as a vital counterweight to the international agreements and public-private partnerships driving the adoption of these invasive technologies without adequate public debate or constitutional scrutiny.3

The combination of Dr. Nohynek's admission and SHF's ongoing efforts to protect health freedom highlights the importance of questioning the legitimacy and constitutionality of vaccine passports. As more evidence comes to light, it is crucial that citizens hold their governments accountable and demand the protection of their fundamental rights and liberties.

Make sure to get involved with Stand for Health Freedom to ensure your fundamental medical rights are protected. Join for free here.


1. Thacker, P. D. (2023, April 12). WHO Official Admits Vaccine Passports May Have Been a Scam. DisInformation Chronicle. https://disinformationchronicle.substack.com/p/who-official-admits-vaccine-passports

2. Malhotra, A. (2023, November 29). Statement COVID-19 Vaccines Safety and Efficacy by Dr Aseem Malhotra MD for Mika Vauhkala. https://draseemmalhotra.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/dr-aseem-malhotra-helsink-court-statement.pdf

3. Stand for Health Freedom. (n.d.). WHO'S CALLING THE SHOTS? VACCINE PASSPORTS ARE UN-AMERICAN. https://standforhealthfreedom.com/whos-calling-the-shots-vaccine-passports-are-un-american/

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