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18 enero, 2025

Green leafy vegetables slow cognitive decline by 11 years


green-leafy-vegetables(NaturalHealth365)  Almost no one argues that veggies are good for your health.  But with the growing popularity of functional medicine and the return to the concept of “food as medicine,” we’re seeing more and more research showing just how good vegetables are for your body and brain health.

Consider recent research published in the peer-reviewed journal Neurology.  The study examined the effects of daily consumption of green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, kale, arugula, and Brussels sprouts on brain health.  You’ll be pleased as green peas to see the results:  Participants who ate these veggies regularly showed measurable benefits for their cognitive function.

new study from the Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging adds to this growing body of evidence.  This large-scale analysis, which followed over 10,000 participants across two longitudinal studies, found that higher vegetable consumption, particularly green leafy and cruciferous vegetables, was associated with better cognitive performance and slower cognitive decline.  These findings highlight the remarkable impact of vegetables on maintaining brain health as we age.

Eating green leafy vegetables protects brain health, according to a promising study

The prospective study mentioned above involved 960 participants aged 58-99 years from a cohort known as the Memory and Aging Project.  Investigators followed these subjects over a mean of 4.7 years and had them complete both food frequency questionnaires and cognitive assessments.

After analyzing the data, the authors discovered that the participants who reported the highest level of leafy green vegetable consumption had slowed their rate of cognitive decline by an average of 11 years compared to people who reported the lowest consumption of leafy greens.

This is consistent with other data and suggests that the powerful antioxidant phytonutrients found in green veggies can protect and enhance brain function.

To be clear, eating vegetables isn’t a panacea for preventing dementia and reducing the risk of cognitive decline.  We’ve discussed several other ways to maximize brain health throughout life, especially as you age.

The authors’ simple takeaway is that ” consuming approximately one serving per day of green leafy vegetables and foods rich in [phytonutrients] may help to slow cognitive decline with aging.”

Need more green in your life?  Try these five tips for eating more vegetables

If you or your family members aren’t huge fans of veggies yet, believe us when we say it’s well worth the effort to start trying to change your minds.  The good news is that veggies can taste GREAT when prepared correctly!

Here are some handy tips for making the move toward a more plant-based diet:

  1. Be sure to lightly saute, roast, or steam your veggies.  Many people don’t like eating vegetables raw, so they forgo them altogether.  Additionally, many people can’t eat raw veggies because of a syndrome called oral allergy syndrome, which leaves them with an uncomfortable tingling in the mouth or even stomachache.  This happens because of an allergic reaction to plant proteins that get broken down (denatured) when cooked, so cooked veggies are often more palatable.  While cooking may impair some nutrients, in other cases, it may actually help your body absorb them better.
  2. Pair veggies with healthy fats like extra virgin olive oil or grass-fed butter to optimize taste.  Plus, fat-soluble vitamins in your leafy green veggies (like vitamins A, E, and K) can be better absorbed when consumed with fat.
  3. Mix your veggies (and your kids’ veggies) into other recipes, like a smoothie.  To increase interest and texture, you can also try cutting veggies into fun shapes, like crinkle cuts.
  4. Allow your child to choose one or two veggies at the grocery store.  This will get them involved and excited about what they’re eating, which can help instill healthy habits for life.  It’s also helpful to teach your children about veggies and how they help their bodies (using language appropriate for their developmental stage).
  5. Call the drawer in the fridge where you keep your veggies and fruits the “snack” drawer.  This will reinforce the idea that veggies are a great choice for the whole family.

Sources for this article include:


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