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18 marzo, 2025

Efforts to Ban COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Gain Momentum

By Nicolas Hulscher
Global Research, March 06, 2025
Focal Points

Since the beginning of 2025, legislative efforts to ban gene-based vaccines have intensified. There are now a total of 9 U.S. states with initiatives to remove COVID-19 mRNA injections from the market:





SHOCKING: Your kitchen utensils may be poisoning you, researchers warn


toxic-kitchen-utensils(NaturalHealth365)  New research published in Chemosphere reveals an alarming reality: everyday kitchen utensils may quietly harm your well-being.  The research reveals the extent to which some cooking tools, particularly black plastic onescontaminate food with deadly toxins while we cook.

This new proof defies our assumptions regarding the safety of common household products that we use to make everyday meals.

The culprits in your kitchen drawer

Saunas: The overlooked key to better cardiovascular and mental health


sauna-use(NaturalHealth365)  Improving cardiovascular health isn’t always a matter of jumping on the exercise bike, treadmill, or elliptical trainer.  A new study published in the International Journal of Circumpolar Health finds that an unsuspecting relaxing routine can improve heart health and overall well-being: regular sauna bathing.

In fact, this simple yet effective practice can offer many of the same benefits as more intense exercise routines.  Discover how you can experience the great benefits of a sauna, at home, for a fraction of the cost of traditional (expensive) units – in this exclusive webinar created by Jonathan Landsman, host of NaturalHealth365 Programs.

The hidden health benefits of regular sauna use

How a mammogram actually causes breast cancer


mammogram-causes-breast-cancer(NaturalHealth365)  An X-ray picture of the breast, called a mammogram, is heavily promoted as the ‘primary way to screen’ for breast cancer, according to Western medicine.  Conventionally speaking, an annual detection screening is recommended as early as age 40 by both the American Cancer Society and the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, while the United States Preventive Services Task Force recommends screenings every other year starting at age 50.

While mammogram guidelines differ amongst organizations, they all agree there are concerns about the test.  Yet, disputes exist amongst experts when it comes to mammography detecting invasive breast cancer.  So, the question remains: do the benefits outweigh the risks?

In reality, more and more studies are showing that a mammogram breast screening has some major flaws – which put women at serious health risk and actually increase the risk of cancer.

Strange logic: Zero-stage cancer detected but treated aggressively

Lab-Grown Milk Coming to a Supermarket Near You

By Timothy Alexander Guzman
Global Research, March 06, 2025

Everything is getting scarier by the day, in our modern-day society, we as human beings have a lot to worry about, thanks to the ruling class of globalists including their corporations, the Military-Industrial Complex, the Zionist cabal, Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Tobacco, Big Tech and of course, Big Ag or Big Food which is what I want to focus on because they are in the process of creating lab-grown milk which can become a reality in your local supermarket. 

Forbes just published an article on lab-grown milk called ‘First Lab-Grown Whole Cow’s Milk to Debut in The U.S.’ based on a brand called (are you ready for this?) ‘UnReal Milk’, yes, it’s an Orwellian title to say the least.



Screenshot from Forbes


One of the reasons for this type of milk is to fight “Climate Change.” They say that dairy farmers are looking for ways to reduce their reliance on cows because they “fart” greenhouse gases known as methane gas. The United Nations has two main organizations that focus on the environment and agriculture, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have claimed that a cow can release more than 500 liters of methane per day, which supposedly accounts for about 3.7 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions released around the world.

How LOW Cholesterol Can Harm Your Health

Posted on: 
Wednesday, September 5th 2012 at 5:00 am
Written By: 
Sayer Ji, Founder

Can LOW Cholesterol Lead To Violence, Premature Death?

You've heard for decades about the dangers of high cholesterol, but did you know that LOW cholesterol can lead to violence towards self and other, and has been linked to premature aging, death and other adverse health effects?

In a world gone mad with anti-cholesterol anxiety, and where gobbling down pharmaceuticals designed to poison the body into no longer synthesizing it is somehow considered sane behavior, it is refreshing to look at some of the research on the health benefits of cholesterol, or conversely, the dangers of low cholesterol.

Measles Vaccine and Gain-of-Function: The Inconvenient Truth About CD150/CD46 Tropism Shift

Posted on: 
Wednesday, March 5th 2025 at 3:15 pm
Posted By: 
GMI Reporter

Originally published on www.jonfleetwood.substack.com by Jon Fleetwood

Children's Health Defense deleted my interview segment after I cited peer-reviewed research confirming the measles vaccine virus was created with GOF techniques.

Immediately after my Monday appearance on Children's Health Defense (CHD), many criticized my explanation that the measles vaccine virus was developed through experiments that could be classified as gain-of-function (GOF) research.

These individuals claim the process of making the measles vaccine virus does not qualify as GOF.

12 marzo, 2025

Florida Hints at Legal Action Against Fauci for Pandemic Response

Posted on: 
Wednesday, February 26th 2025 at 10:00 am

Originally published on www.childrenshealthdefense.org by Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis joined growing calls for states to prosecute Dr. Anthony Fauci for his role in the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting during a recent speech that the state's new attorney general could pursue such an investigation, the Florida Bulldog reported.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis joined growing calls for states to prosecute Dr. Anthony Fauci for his role in the COVID-19 pandemic, suggesting during a recent speech that the state's new attorney general could pursue such an investigation, the Florida Bulldog reported.

19 Foods Proven To Lower Blood Pressure

Posted on: 
Wednesday, May 10th 2023 at 6:00 am

19 Foods Proven To Lower Blood Pressure

Hypertension affects about 30% of adults worldwide. While most people try to cut back on salt to lower their pressure, a better strategy may be to add these healthy foods to the menu.   

Hypertension affects about 30% of adults worldwide. Among dietary factors salt has taken the brunt of the blame.  But sugar may be the real culprit in high blood pressure

A meta-analysis of 12 trials in the The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that sugar intake over a period of two months or more could on average spike systolic blood pressure by 6.9 mmHg and diastolic blood pressure by 5.6 mmHg.

One of the biggest problems is fructose in sodas.  Just last year another analysis of six prospective cohort studies found those drinking the most sugar sweetened beverages increased the risk of hypertension by 12 percent compared to those who drank none.  And with every additional serving of the sugared drinks risk shot up 8.2 percent.

Children are particularly at risk.  In a study of over 15,000 Iranian children and adolescents, those who drank over 90 ml per day (one-third of a serving) had a 2.74 fold increase in risk of hypertension. 

'Inhumane, Reckless': Critics Weigh in on Europe's Approval of Self-amplifying COVID mRNA Vaccines

Posted on: 
Tuesday, February 25th 2025 at 4:00 pm

Originally published on www.tdefender.substack.com by Suzanne Burdick, Ph.D.

The European Commission has approved a self-amplifying mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for ages 18 and up. The move drew criticism from scientists, who cited several concerns.

Europe has approved a self-amplifying mRNA COVID-19 vaccine for ages 18 and up. The move drew criticism from scientists, who cited several concerns, including high rates of serious side effects among clinical trial participants and no long-term safety data.

The European Commission, the European Union's primary executive body, on Feb. 14, granted marketing authorization for ARCT-154 -- marketed as KOSTAIVE -- a vaccine manufactured by CSL and Arcturus Therapeutics.

Lemon: 12-Evidence Based Health Benefits

Posted on: 
Wednesday, July 31st 2019 at 4:30 pm
Written By: 
Sayer Ji, Founder

Lemon Rx: 12 Evidence-Based Reasons Why It is A Powerful Medicine

You know lemon, right? It is a tart, exciting, delicious and indispensable ingredient in recipes and beverages. But did you know that scientists have identified it is as a powerful medicine as well?

The most powerful healing substances on this planet are masquerading as foods, and this is all the more true for fruits.  I've already written about The Amazing Healing Properties of 13 Common Fruits , including lemons, but it deserves its own mini-article for a number of reasons.

Here are 12 reasons why it deserves respect as a cutting-edge medicine, and not just something found in refreshing beverages or as an indispensable ingredient in a number of culinary recipes.

Lemon's Evidence-Based Healing Properties Revealed:

Bizarre-looking fungus improves cognition and immunity, new research suggests


tremella-mushrooms(NaturalHealth365)  Of all the medicinal mushrooms, tremella mushrooms are undoubtedly the strangest looking, with a translucent white color and a complicated-looking arrangement of frills and folds that causes them to resemble reef coral.  Botanically labeled as tremella fuciformis, tremella mushrooms are commonly known by nicknames that range from the charming (snow mushrooms) to the creepy (witches’ butter).  You may also hear them referred to as snow fungus, white fungus, and white jelly mushrooms.

But these intriguing fungi are so much more than visual oddities.  Valued as adaptogens and immune system boosters in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years, tremella mushrooms are now impressing contemporary researchers.  A clinical study in the Journal of Medicinal Foods concluded that tremella extracts can help protect brain cells and improve cognition and memory in patients with cognitive impairment.  You won’t want to miss out on the far-reaching “head-to-toe” benefits of these fascinating fungi.

Tremella mushrooms help reverse memory loss and slow the progression of neurodegenerative diseases

Acid reflux medication interferes with vitamin and mineral absorption


acid-reflux(NaturalHealth365)  Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or acid reflux as it is often known, is one of the most common health complaints among adults.  So much so that medications to treat the symptoms make up the third highest-selling class of drugs in the United States.

It is estimated that a staggering 20% of the the U.S. population suffer with symptoms of acid reflux.  While proton-pump inhibiting (PPI) drugs, such as Prilosec, Prevacid, and Nexium, bring welcomed relief from the symptoms of acid reflux, habitual use of these pharmaceuticals over time can be a health risk, increasing the likelihood of nutritional deficiencies, bone fractures, and heart disease.

Understanding the cause of acid reflux

1900 Scientists Say ‘Climate Change Not Caused by CO2’

The Real Environment Movement Was Hijacked

By Reality Books
Global Research, March 03, 2025

Millions of people worldwide are concerned about climate change and believe there is a climate emergency. For decades we have been told by the United Nations that Carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions from human activity are causing disastrous climate change. In 2018, a UN IPCC report even warned that ‘we have 12 years to save the Earth’, thus sending millions of people worldwide into a frenzy. 

Thirty-five years ago, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the (World Meteorological Organization) WMO established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to provide scientific advice on the complex topic of climate change. The panel was asked to prepare, based on available scientific information, a report on all aspects relevant to climate change and its impacts and to formulate realistic response strategies. The first assessment report of the IPCC served as the basis for negotiating the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Governments worldwide have signed this convention, thereby, significantly impacting the lives of the people of the world.

However, many scientists dispute with the UN-promoted man-made climate change theory, and many people worldwide are confused by the subject, or are unaware of the full facts. Please allow me to provide some information you may not be aware of.