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06 enero, 2014

Israel, 2014, Nobel Prize, House of Saud, Syria, Iraq

Israel: Gas, Oil and Trouble in the Levant
By Felicity Arbuthnot

2014 Will Bring More Social Collapse
By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Politicized Nobel Prize. Rewarding Those Who Best Contribute to War, Chaos and Crimes against Humanity
By Živadin Jovanović

Volgograd and the Conquest of Eurasia: Has the House of Saud seen its Stalingrad?
By Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya

Syria’s Hospitals targeted by NATO-backed Armed Groups
By Prof. Tim Anderson

The Killing of Journalists in Iraq
2013: Another year of slaughter in Iraq claims the lives of at least 21 media professionals
By Dirk Adriaensens


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