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27 enero, 2014

Soros Activists Take Over Ukrainian Government Buildings

Spilna Sprava has direct connections to George Soros, the EU and the IMF. 
Kurt Nimmo

Early Monday members of Spilna Sprava took over the Justice Ministry in Kiev and demanded President Viktor Yanukovych resign. They smashed windows and erected barricades. In response, the government has threatened to impose a state of emergency. 

Soros and EU activists leave Ukrainian Justice Ministry.

Justice Minister Olena Lukash said negotiations between the protesters and the government should be discontinued if Spilna Sprava activists do not leave the ministry and other government buildings. “I will be forced to ask the president of Ukraine to stop the talks if the building is not freed immediately and negotiators are not given a chance to find a peaceful solution to the conflict,” Lukash told Ukraine’s Inter channel. Lukash said she would also demand Ukraine’s national security council “discuss imposing a state of emergency in this country.”
Following the action at the Justice Ministry, Spilna Sprava announced on its Facebook page it had decided to blockade the building instead of occupying it following Justice Minister Olena Lukash’s threat to declare a national emergency. “The activists form a tight cordon and are not allowing media representatives into the building,” the Ukrainian News Agency reported on Monday. “According to them, all Spilna Sprava activists have left the building because continued occupation of the Ministry of Justice could have led to an escalation of the conflict.”

Occupiers Work for Soros and the EU
Spilna Sprava, translated as “The Right Deed,” is an Open Society Institute supported and funded group. George Soros’ Open Society Institute, now known as Open Society Foundations (OSF), doles out grants to activist NGOs in central Europe attempting to undermine the Russian Federation. It builds upon and continues the work of the Ford Foundation. Since the early 1950s, the CIA has used the Ford Foundation as a funding cover.
Spilna Sprava is mentioned in the 2009 annual report of the International Renaissance Foundation (IRF), an organization described as “an integral part of the Open Society Institute network (established by American philanthropist George Soros) that incorporates national and regional foundations in more than thirty countries around the world, including Africa, Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.” IRF cooperates with the International Monetary Fund and European banksters interested in “economic reforms” and “integration processes and trends” in Ukraine and Moldova.
The IRF report describes Spilna Sprava as “[s]haring best practices, facilitating cooperation between Ukrainian, Polish and German NGOs through creation of a network of support for migrants and refugees.” It is partnered with a Polish NGO, the Euro-Concret Association, that conforms to the “the standards of the EU countries” and works closely with Arbeiterwohlfahrt Kreisverband Bremerhaven, a German NGO funded with support from the European Commission.
Germany, the EU and the US are pursuing not only economic, but also geopolitical, objectives in Ukraine. Given Russia’s loss of influence in Eastern Europe since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the incorporation of Ukraine into the EU would push Russia off to the edge of Europe,” writes Peter Schwarz.
The destabilization of the Ukrainian government is part of an ongoing geostrategic move by the globalists to undermine any challenge to their hegemonic designs:

Since the end of the 18th Century, Ukraine formed an important part of the Russian and Soviet state. Moreover, the Russian Black Sea Fleet is located in Crimea at a port leased to Russia by Ukraine.
Both the US and the EU have an interest in weakening Russia, which is considered to be an important ally of China. Immediately after his election in March, Chinese President Xi Jinping traveled to Moscow to strengthen the two countries’ “strategic partnership.” Both countries feel threatened economically and strategically by the aggressive incursions of the US and its allies in Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
The offensive against Ukraine raises profound historical questions. In two world wars, Germany sought to bring Ukraine under its control and committed abominable crimes in the process. The current brazenness of the German government is fraught with new dangers. The growing international tensions can quickly turn into armed conflict.

These international tensions and the globalist connection to the escalating protests not only in Kiev but now across Ukraine are naturally ignored by the corporatist media. Significant developments on Monday were overshadowed by the usual pablum, notably ad nauseam coverage of the 56th annual Grammy Awards ceremony on Sunday night.

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