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25 febrero, 2014

The CIA's Anti-Putin 'Nationalists' in Russia & Ukraine


Why do these "Nationalists" hate Putin so much?
A question about Vladimir Putin is often asked by Nationalists who remain suspicious of him. They ask, "If Putin is really a Nationalist, then why has he cracked down on Russian Nationalists?"
Fair question. Here is the answer.

"We have in our service persons of all opinions and of all doctrines, restoration monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists, and Utopian dreamers of every kind. We have harnessed them all to the task . Each one of them on his own account is boring away at the last remnants of authority, is striving to overthrow all established forms of order."
-Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

During World War II, Globalist U.S. President Roosevelt cooperated with Stalin's Soviet Union in order to defeat Hitler's Nationalist Germany (also Japan & Italy). The Globalists of the West had hoped that the Soviet Union and the U.S. would shape a New World Order (World Government) after the war. 
The United Nations grew out of World War II cooperation between the US and the Soviet Union.

Within a few years of the war's end, it became apparent that Stalin and his gang weren't about to take orders from the London-Washington gang. Stalin's vision of a New World Order was one in which Moscow ruled the world, or least the Communist part of it. Thus, the "Cold War" was born.

 The proud Communist thugs in Moscow would not submit to the Communist / Globalist thugs in DC and London. (Above: Kruschev & Brezhnev)

Many of America's "Cold Warriors" were never really anti-Communist nor anti-Globalist.
They were anti-Soviet Union / anti-Russia. The Cold War was actually a turf war between two competing Mafia families.

Prior to becoming a "Cold War" President, then General Eisenhower partied atop Lenin's tomb with Red Army Marshal Zhukov, and Stalin himself. 

On the intelligence front of this Cold War, the OSS (which later became the CIA) cultivated and manipulated the anti-Communist Nationalists of the Soviet Republic of Ukraine. During World War II, these "Right Wingers" were pro-Germany, and hence, America's enemies.
But with the focus now shifting towards the Soviet Union, the now underground Right Wing groups of Ukraine become useful idiots for disseminating CIA propaganda and undermining the Globalists' Soviet rivals.

As one of the key Republics of the Soviet Union, Ukraine was targeted by the clever CIA conspirators.

The chief strategist and money bundler behind this OSS-CIA anti-Soviet, pro "Nationalist" subversion tactic was a Ukrainian-American (with a very Jewish sounding name) named Lev Dobriansky. The "anti-Communist" Dobriansky wrote the "Captive Nations Week Resolution", which was adopted by Congress and signed into law by President Eisenhower. 

1. The "Ukrainian" Lev Dobriansky (center) built quite a name for himself as a dedicated "Anti-Communist". In reality, his true motivation was hatred of Russia itself, not of communism. This was a common play of latter day "Neo-cons".
2. Book: 'The Vulnerable Russians' by Lev Dobriansky (1967)

Dobriansky, his Marxist loving friend Zbigniew Brzezinski, and the CIA expoited the "multi-ethnic problem" of the Soviet Union. This "divide & conquer" tactic was, and still is, used as a weapon by the CIA and its front organizations and supporters.

1. Trilateral Commission founder Zbigniew Brzezinski (center) was Democrat Jimmy Carter's main string puller. Though a self professed admirer of Karl Marx, Brzezinski, like his pal Dobriansky, maintained a misleading reputation as an anti-Communist Cold Warrior.
2. Brzezinski engineered the Afghanistan provocation so as to lure the Soviets into a disastrous war with US armed "Al Qaeda" types.

With the 1990's collapse of the Communist Soviet Union and the dissolution of its various Republics, the Globalists seized upon the opportunity to swallow up the separate Republics and split up Russia itself.
To that end, separatist factions were exploited by the CIA (Chechen War) as well funded "Right Wing" groups suddenly gained in numbers and strength.

1. The terroristic Chechan "rebellion" was a CIA proxy war (think Libya & Syria) designed to split up Russia.
2. Dobriansky's gullible spawn: Patriotic "Nationalists" with noble sentiments, but no idea of who is infiltrating and controlling them. 

2014: Violent "neo-Nazis" lead the fight to overthrow Ukrainian President Yanukovich. The helmeted 'Nationalists" use Molotov cocktails, clubs, and bulldozers to attack police. They burn tires, create barricades, occupy buildings, and take hostages.
How odd that the Western Jewish liberal media doesn't seem to mind the presence of so many "neo Nazis" in the ranks of their beloved "protesters". 

Ukrainian "neo Nazis" fought Ukrainian police with every means at their disposal. (Nice theatric touch with the swastika)

Lev Dobriansky's daughter, Paula Dobriansky, was a Bush administration State Department official and is still an influential psycho neo-conservative. She and her crowd openly supported the "neo-Nazi" led Ukrainian coup which ousted Putin's ally, Yanukovich. Dobriansky also supports the subversion the Russian Federation. We're sure her "anti-Communist" daddy would have been proud!

Lev Dobriansky's daughter, Paula, is a huge supporter of The "Global Warming" Hoax. She was also a member of the neo-con PNAC gang that "predicted" that a "New Pearl Harbor" would drive America into war with Iraq.

After the dirty work of a coup was completed, the pro-EU leftist wench, Yulia Timoshenko, was let of jail and addressed the mob. She appears to be in charge of Ukraine, for now at least. If Timoshenko (or former boxer Vitaly Klitschko) have their way, Ukraine will be swallowed up by the homosexualized, Marxist EU / NATO monster; a true Nationalist's worst nightmare!
So, why are the "Right Wing Nationalists" not rioting anymore?
It's because, unknown to 90% of the brain dead ranks of these "Right Wing" groups, the secret handlers of the "neo Nazis" have turned the violence in Kiev off as easily as one turns off a water faucet!
The useful idiot "Nationalists" have served their purpose. Now, just like all those "anti-Israel" Al Qaeda recruits who never got around to actually attacking Israelis, the "neo Nazis" can be discarded like used up, dried up lemons. Can you "Nationalists" hear Ms. Dobransky, Mr. Brzezinski, and your CIA/Mossad team leaders all laughing at you? Fools!

The vile, corrupt, EU-loving, jailbird Billionaire wench Yulia Timoshenko is the Hillary Clinton of Ukraine. She's back in charge and firing up the CIA rent-a-mob now. But suddenly, the "neo-Nazis" don't seem to mind!
........Paging all you "neo Nazis"...Hello..."Right Sector"?.....Your country is about to be swallowed up the EUSSR. Why have you stopped rioting?.....Hello....Hello......Can I get a Molotov cocktail please......just one...Hello....Are you still there?

Since the disintegration of the Soviet Union, well funded "Right Wing Nationalists" have become very active in Russia. As in Ukraine, these anti-Putin "Nationalists" have no problem protesting side-by-side with Communists, homosexuals, feminists and other pro Western wannabee libtards.
Instead of attacking Putin, Shouldn't they be beating up their degenerate Left Wing Communist adversaries first?
*Again, this is not to suggest that all of the Nationalist marchers are CIA agents. We believe that the majority are sincere dupes who remain ignorant of the higher forces and individuals that are pulling thier strings.

1. A very strange CIA cocktail of anti-Putinism: Communists, Anarchists, libtards, homosexuals, and ....."Right Wing Nationalists"???
2. Why are "Nationalists" protesting against the man who put the Jewish Oligarchs in jail, saved Russia from collapse and disintegration, restored prayer and religion to the public sphere, signed an anti-homosexual propaganda law, banned abortions after 12 weeks, slashed tax rates, raised birth rates, restored Russian honor worldwide, and stood up to the US-EU-Israel Axis of Evil?

Some of these "Nationalists" have attacked and murdered immigrants from Russia's Caucus region. This does nothing to benefit the cause of Nationalism. To the contrary, it makes White Russians seem like barbarians while unecessarily promoting ethnic tensions within the Russian Federation (Dobriansky's ethnic strategy!)
It is important to note that Russia's multi-ethnic demographics date back to the days of the Czars; pre-dating Putin by centuries. To hear some of these "Nationalists" talk, one would think that 3rd Worlders are now a majority in Russia proper; as is rapidly becoming the case in major West European cities.
This is not the case.

1. Russian "neo-Nazis" sentenced to life in prison for killing 27 Muslims / Central Asians. Would Putin's "Right Wing" critics suggest that he pardon these monsters?
2. Gentle Hitler would never have approved of the murderous behavior of these "neo Nazis".

Putin, a true anti-Communist and anti-Globalist, is nobody's fool. He understands that the CIA's phony "Right" arm (controlled Nationalists, fake "neo-Nazis"), poses just as much of a danger to the stability of Russia as the CIA's "Left" arm (Voina, Pussy Riot, "dissidents", Kasparov etc)
THAT is why he will not tolerate their dubious brand of "Nationalism"!

Putin has the support of 75% of the Russian people. The remaining 25% consists of Communists, Anarchists, degenerates, pro Western wannabee libtards, homosexual activists ......and Dobriansky's gullible "Right Wing Nationalists".

"We have in our service persons of all opinions and of all doctrines, restoration monarchists, demagogues, socialists, communists, and Utopian dreamers of every kind. We have harnessed them all to the task . Each one of them on his own account is boring away at the last remnants of authority, is striving to overthrow all established forms of order."
-Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

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