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25 febrero, 2014

Russia - Crimea - World War III - Venezuela - Ukraine - USA

Russia Sends Troops to Crimea

‘The Russian Navy confirmed it has deployed Marines to Sevastopol in Crimea. Troops deployments began over the weekend.
It also confirmed that a large landing ship, the Nikolay Filchenkov, from the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, sent Marines based in Temryuk, Russia. The Filchenkov also delivered ten BTR-80 armored personnel carriers, according to the naval website.
The weekend airlifts using four Ilyushin Il-76 strategic aircraft out an airbase in near Moscow delivered personnel from the 45th Airborne Special Forces to Anapa on the Black Sea, according to the report. Six Soviet-designed medium twin-turbine MI-8 transport helicopters were also sent.’
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Russia May Be Preparing to Annex Crimea
‘According to Ukraine Liveblog Russian officials have arrived in Sevastopol on the Crimea peninsula and are preparing to issue passports.
The following translation appeared earlier today on the blog:
Russian State Duma deputies have arrived in Simferopol. The delegation is headed by Leonid Slutsky, head of the committee on the CIS. Russians promise to simply the issuance of passports to Crimeans.
Report summarizing their statements from Oleg Kryuchkov of censor.net.ua:’

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US has ‘neocon agenda’ in Ukraine, Russia: Analyst

‘The United States is pursuing a “neocon agenda” in Ukraine and Russia in order to weaken and destabilize the two countries, a political commentator says.
There is a “neocon effort to go after Russia because Russia did not support the war for Israel agenda against Israel’s enemies,” said James Morris, an editor for America-hijacked.com, an anti-Zionist blog.
“So the neocons would like to weaken Russia and that’s what we see happening in Ukraine,” Morris told Press TV on Monday.
“It’s a very dangerous situation” because the crisis in Ukraine could cause another world war, he added. “The neocons…. have been encouraging what’s been happening in Ukraine.”’
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Russia Fires First Retaliatory Salvo, May Limit Ukraine Food Imports
‘Russia represents over 25% of Ukraine’s exports and is the divided nation’s largest trade partner. As Ukraine remains deep in its self-described “pre-default” state, the economy languishes vainly in the hopes of a trade deal with ‘someone’ and a bailout from ‘someone’ else. However, the IMF’s first move to bail the nation out has now been met by a subtle punch to the country’s kidneys as Interfax reports that Russia threatens to limit food imports on the basis of “veterinary and phytosanitary risks.”‘
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Sleepwalking Again

On the 100th Anniversary of World War 1, the Western powers are again sleepwalking into destructive conflict. Hegemonic ambition has Washington interfering in the internal affairs of Ukraine, but developments seem to be moving beyond Washington’s control.
Regime change in Ukraine for a mere $5 billion dollars would be a bargain compared to the massive sums squandered in Iraq ($3,000 billion), Afghanistan ($3,000 billion), Somalia, and Libya, or the money Washington is wasting murdering people with drones in Pakistan and Yemen, or the money Washington has spent supporting al Qaeda in Syria, or the massive sums Washington has wasted surrounding Iran with 40 military bases and several fleets in the Persian Gulf in an effort to terrorize Iran into submission.
So far, in Washington’s attempt at regime change in Ukraine large numbers of Americans are not being killed and maimed. Only Ukrainians are dying, all the better for Washington as the deaths are blamed on the Ukrainian government that the US has targeted for overthrow.
The problem with Washington’s plot to overthrow the elected government of Ukraine and install its minions is twofold: The chosen US puppets have lost control of the protests to armed radical elements with historical links to nazism, and Russia regards an EU/NATO takeover of Ukraine as a strategic threat to Russian independence.
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American Conquest by Subversion: Victoria Nuland ( Wife of arch-neocon Robert Kagan) Admits Washington Has Spent $5 Billion to 'Subvert Ukraine'

‘Proof of what many of us suspected all along (after all, US meddling in the region has historical form). Global Research explains:
“After three visits to Ukraine in five weeks, Victoria Nuland explains that in the past two decades, the United States has spent five Billion dollars ($5,000,000,000) to subvert Ukraine, and assures her listeners that there are prominent businessmen and government officials who support the US project to tear Ukraine away from its historic relationship with Russia and into the US sphere of interest (via “Europe”).’

Can Washington overthrow three governments at the same time?

‘Washington, which failed in 2011 to bomb Libya and Syria simultaneously, is now engaged in a new demonstration of its strength: organizing regime change in three states at the same time, in different regions of the world: Syria (CentCom), Ukraine (EuCom) and Venezuela (SouthCom).
To do this, President Obama has mobilized almost the entire National Security Council team.
First, Advisor Susan Rice and Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power. These two women are champions of “democratic” talk. They have for many years specialized in advocating interference in the internal affairs of other countries under the pretext of preventing genocide. But behind this generous rhetoric, they couldn’t care less about non-US lives as shown by Ms. Power during the chemical weapons crisis in the Damascus suburb of Ghouta. The ambassador, who was aware of the innocence of the Syrian authorities, had gone to Europe with her husband to attend a film festival dedicated to Charlie Chaplin, while her government denounced a crime against humanity, the responsibility for which was placed upon President al Assad.’
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‘Coalition of the Willing’ Promotes Syrian No Fly Zone

‘“Quo Vadis Syrie”, (‘where is Syria heading’) one Damascus University classics major, turned international law student, asked this visitor as we both sat on the steps of the Law Faculty while enjoying a bit of sun yesterday afternoon. “Is our crisis nearly over so we can start re-building Mother Syria or do our enemies have other plans to destroy us? I worry that today’s calm will soon disappear with an arriving hurricane.” His comment was perhaps triggered by a certain sense here and more widely elsewhere that a forming “coalition of the willing” appears to be pressing for a ‘humanitarian’ No Fly Zone. Some American allies envisage and are making plans to implement, a NFZ stretching up to 25 miles into Syria which would be enforced using aircraft flown from Jordanian bases and flying inside the kingdom, according to Congressional sources.
Any NFZ would be very different from what is currently being promoted and advertised by certain war-mongers in Washington, Tel Aviv and several European capitals as well as among elements of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the League of Arab States. Post Round Two of Geneva II, the White House and the usual “bomb the bastards” coterie in Congress and among the US Zionist lobby, are said to be re-thinking the idea of a No Fly Zone (NFZ) for Syria. It would be planned and executed with US and a yet to be specified, “Coalition of the willing” using aircraft now at the ready in Jordan and Turkey to begin with.’
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US beefing up military presence in Jordan: Analyst
‘The US is seeking to build up its military presence in Jordan in an attempt to exert more control over the current situations in Syria and Lebanon, an American analyst tells Press TV.
“The US has continued to build its military capability in Jordan… Under the guise of a humanitarian operation, the United States is putting full combat command inside Jordan,” said Gordon Duff in a Sunday interview with Press TV.
“One of the reasons behind this is not only the issue in Syria, but the increasing meltdown that’s being orchestrated within Lebanon,” he noted.
The analyst argued that the US is considering a military role in the region, as Israel has no capability to operate in Lebanon again.’
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Destabilizing Venezuela Continues

‘A previous article discussed multiple Obama regime change fronts. His rogue agenda exceeds the worst of his predecessors.
He heads a Homeland Police State apparatus. He’s waging war on humanity and ravaging one country after another.
Obama wants the independent governments of Syria, Iran, Ukraine and Venezuela toppled. He’s got other targets in mind.
As for the game plan, it’s hard to keep track of his lawlessness, with the multiple initiatives ongoing at the same time.’
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Venezuela orders troops into border city amid fierce clashes
‘President Nicolas Maduro has ordered paratroopers into the restive Venezuelan border city of San Cristobal amid fierce clashes between government forces and opposition protesters, as the leftist leader warned the US to stay out of the country’s growing unrest.
The battalion was rushed in on Thursday night to “restore order” in San Cristobal, where Mr Maduro has threatened to impose martial law to quell the protests that began in the city two weeks ago and have since spread nationwide, claiming the lives of at least six people.
Venezuela, home to the world’s largest proven oil reserves, has been rocked by sometimes violent protests and rallies in the capital Caracas and other cities by government opponents angry at rampant inflation, chronic food shortages and one of the world’s highest murder rates.’
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Soon, the Battle for Venezuela
‘They are already sewing your funeral gown, Venezuela. They are now ready to welcome you back to that world of the lobotomized, destroyed nations that are fully submissive to Western political and economic interests – Indonesia, Philippines, Paraguay, Uganda, Kenya, Qatar, Bahrain, and almost the entire Eastern Europe. There are so many places like that – it is impossible to list them all.
They want you back in their deadly embrace; they want you to be corrupt and hopeless, as you were before the “Bolivarian Revolution”.
They want you to be the top oil exporter, but with all those horrific slums hanging, like relentless nightmares, over your cities. They want your elites and your military top brass to speak English, to play golf, to drive luxury cars and to commit treason after treason, as they used to commit treason for decades, before your brave predecessor, President Hugo Chavez, began serving and literally saving the poor, in Venezuela and all over Latin America.’
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Who is Behind Regime Change? “Revolution Business” NGO Supported by Wall Street and US Intelligence

‘Serbia’s Srdja Popovic is known by many as a leading architect of regime changes in Eastern Europe and elsewhere since the late-1990s, and as one of the co-founders of Otpor!, the U.S.-funded Serbian activist group which overthrew Slobodan Milošević in 2000.
Lesser known, an exclusive Occupy.com investigation reveals that Popovic and the Otpor! offshoot CANVAS (Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies) have also maintained close ties with a Goldman Sachs executive and the private intelligence firmStratfor (Strategic Forecasting, Inc.), as well as the U.S. government. Popovic’s wife also worked at Stratfor for a year.
These revelations come in the aftermath of thousands of new emails released by Wikileaks’ “Global Intelligence Files.” The emails reveal Popovic worked closely with Stratfor, an Austin, Texas-based private firm that gathers intelligence on geopolitical events and activists forclients ranging from the American Petroleum Institute and Archer Daniels Midland to Dow Chemical, Duke Energy, Northrop Grumman, Intel and Coca-Cola.’

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