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30 julio, 2014

Doctors Without Borders Spread Disease Across Borders

Fluoride used in U.S. water supplies found contaminated with lead, tungsten, strontium, aluminum and uranium
(NaturalNews) The sodium fluoride added to U.S. water supplies is contaminated with the toxic elements lead, tungsten and aluminum, a Natural News Forensic Food Labs investigation has revealed. Strontium and uranium were also found in substantial quantities in some samples, raising additional questions about the purity of industrial fluoride used for water fluoridation.
These ICP-MS results, shown below, were determined with the very same ICP-MS laboratory instrumentation used by the FDA and various universities. Mike Adams, director of the lab and one of the world's leading researchers into heavy metals contamination of foods, conducted the research.

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In the Wake of CDC Anthrax Release, Even More Errors Involving Deadly Pathogens Are Discovered

Earlier this month, we ran a report on the CDC anthrax blunder. As if that weren't bad enough, there have been additional exposures since we posted that report. This time, it involved the shipment of live, highly contagious, and deadly H5N1 avian influenza samples.
As previously reported, as many as 841 scientists and staff members at a US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) biolab were exposed to live anthrax in June. The live pathogen had been sent from a higher-security facility.
Biosafety protocols were apparently not followed at either of the facilities. The anthrax sample was supposed to have been inactivated prior to transfer, but due to multiple protocol breaches, it was still "live" upon arrival.
In addition to failing to properly inactivate the pathogen, samples were also found to have been transferred in Ziploc bags, and stored in unlocked storage refrigerators in an area where unauthorized personnel were free to wander by.
The director of the CDC's Bioterror Rapid Response and Advanced Technology Laboratory, Michael Farrell, was reassigned,2 from his posts, voluntarily resigned on July 22.3, 4 Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, head of the CDC, has now issued a report5 that admits to sloppy work ethics at the lab.

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Africans Accuse 'Westerners' Of Spreading Ebola!
The unprecedented Ebola epidemic has now killed 660 people in four African countries since it was first detected in March. Interestingly enough, angry locals are now blaming foreign health workers for spreading the disease. The fear of aid workers, mainly from 'Doctors Without Borders' is helping to spread the disease, health officials say. The article explains that whenever a westerner passes, villagers cry out, “Ebola, Ebola!” and run away.
This Times article and huge front page photo are intended to portray frightened African villagers as paranoid, superstitious and ignorant:
"Workers and officials, blamed by panicked populations for spreading the virus, have been threatened with knives, stones and machetes, their vehicles sometimes surrounded by hostile mobs. Log barriers across narrow dirt roads block medical teams from reaching villages where the virus is suspected."

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