Chandra Muzaffar
The Russian military has released military monitoring data which
challenge allegations circulating in the media pertaining to the MH 17
crash in the Donetsk Region of Eastern Ukraine on July 17 2014.
Questions have been raised about Kiev military jets tracking MH 17,
Ukrainian air traffic controllers and the deployment of Buk missile
systems. Kiev should also release military data on the circumstances
leading to the crash. So should the Pentagon which reportedly has
relevant intelligence and satellite data.
Since military data is hardcore
information, Kiev and Washington should be persuaded to be transparent
and accountable. The UN Secretary-General can play a role in this since
there is a specialized agency within the UN, the ICAO, dedicated to
international civil aviation. Military data from Moscow, Kiev and
Washington should be scrutinized by the independent international panel
that is supposed to probe the MH 17 catastrophe.
Such data carries much more
weight than videos purportedly revealing the role of the pro-Russian
rebels and the Russian government in the crash. One such video showing a
Buk system being moved from Ukraine to Russia is a fabrication. The
billboard in the background establishes that it was shot in a town —
Krasnoarmeisk — that has been under the control of the Ukrainian
military since May 11. Similarly, a You Tube video showing a Russian
General and Ukrainian rebels discussing their role in mistakenly downing
a civilian aircraft was, from various tell-tale signs, produced before
the event.
The public should be wary of
fabricated “evidence” of this sort, after what we have witnessed in the
last so many years. Have we forgotten the monstrous lies and massive
distortions that accompanied the reckless allegation that Iraq had
weapons of mass destruction (WMD) which led eventually to the invasion
of that country in 2003 and the death of more than a million people?
Iraq continues to bleed to this day. What about the Gulf of Tonkin
episode of 1964 which again was a fabrication that paved the way for
wanton US aggression against Vietnam that resulted in the death of more
than 3 million Vietnamese? The “babies in incubators” incident in Kuwait
in 1990 was yet another manufactured lie that aroused the anger of the
people and served to justify the US assault on Iraq. Just last year we
saw how an attempt was made by some parties to pin the blame for a
sarin gas attack in Ghouta, Syria upon the Assad government when
subsequent investigations have revealed that it was the work of some
militant rebel group.
From Tonkin to Ghouta there is a
discernible pattern when it comes to the fabrication of evidence to
justify some nefarious agenda or other. As soon as the event occurs
before any proper investigation has begun, blame is apportioned upon the
targeted party. This is done wilfully to divert attention from the real
culprit whose act of evil remains concealed and camouflaged. The
colluding media then begins to spin the “correct” version with the help
of its reporters and columnists who concoct “fact” out of fiction. Any
other explanation or interpretation of the event is discredited and
dismissed derisively to ensure that the “credibility” of the dominant
narrative remains intact. As the narrative unfolds, the target often
embodied in a certain personality is demonized to such a degree that he
arouses the ire of the public and becomes an object of venom.
The pattern described here is
typical of what is known as a “false flag” operation in which blame for
some dastardly deed is consciously transferred to one’s adversary. It
has happened right through history and many contemporary nation-states —
and not just the United States — are guilty of flying false flags.
To protect ourselves from being
deceived by such operations, the general public should always ask: who
stands to gain from a particular episode? Cui Bono is in fact
an important principle in the investigation of a crime. In the case of
the MH 17 carnage, the pro-Russian rebels do not benefit in any way from
downing a civilian airliner. Their goal is independence from the Kiev
government which is why they are fighting Kiev through sometimes violent
means including shooting down its military planes. Massacring 298
passengers in a flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur does not serve
their cause. Moscow which backs the rebels to an extent also gains
nothing from involving itself in such a diabolical carnage.
10 days after the carnage, it
is now clear who is trying to reap benefits from that terrible tragedy
in the skies. The demonization of the Russian President, Vladimir Putin,
orchestrated from various Western capitals, including Kiev, after
Crimea voted to join the Russian Federation, thus thwarting one of the
primary strategic goals of NATO’s eastward expansion, has now reached
its pinnacle. After MH 17, it has become a lot easier to convince
people— even without an iota of evidence — that Putin is a “mass
murderer”. The tarnishing of Putin’s image is crucial for those in the
West who want to curb Russia’s political re-assertion so that the US and
its allies can perpetuate their global dominance without hindrance.
MH 17 has helped the elite in
Washington in yet another sense. It has strengthened its push for
tougher sanctions against Russia which began after the Crimea vote.
Given their extensive economic ties with Russia, many European countries
such as Germany, France, Netherlands and Italy have been somewhat
lukewarm about widening and deepening sanctions. But will that change
now? Will an outraged European public, incensed by the MH 17 massacre,
demand that their governments punish Moscow?
It is obvious that those who
seek to punish Russia and the pro-Russian rebels, namely, the elite in
Washington and Kiev, are poised to gain the most from the MH 17 episode.
Does it imply that they would have had a role in the episode itself?
Only a truly independent and impartial international inquiry would be
able to provide the answer.
In this regard, we must admit
that while elites in Kiev and Washington may stand to gain from MH 17,
those who actually pulled the trigger may be some other group or
individual with links to the powerful in the two capitals. It is quite
conceivable that a certain well-heeled individual equipped with the
appropriate military apparatus and with access to air-control
authorities in the region may have executed the act of evil itself.
Because of who he is, and where his loyalties lie, that individual
may have also decided to target Malaysia. Was he giving vent to his
anger over our principled stand on the question of justice for the
Palestinians? Was he also attempting to divert public attention from
Israel’s ground offensive against Gaza which time-wise coincided with
the downing of the Malaysian airliner?
As we explore MH 17 from this
angle, would we be able to connect the dots between MH 17 and MH 370,
between July 17 and March 8, 2014?
We should not rest till the whole truth is known and the evil behind these two colossal catastrophes punished severely.
We owe this to every soul who perished on those fateful flights.
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