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10 julio, 2014

Miley Cyrus - Shia LaBeouf (MK-Ultra)


Miley Cyrus’ “Trippy” Video that Was Filmed While 
She Was ‘Hospitalized’ Is Actually About MKULTRA

A “trippy” video featuring Miley Cyrus, the Flaming Lips and Moby is actually about Mind Control. It was filmed when Cyrus was “hospitalized” which is often a code word for “re-programming”. 

Miley Cyrus is definitely the current poster girl of Mind Control in the entertainment industry and there is no lack of material proving it. Only a few weeks ago, a video came out while she was under “doctors care” that was purely about mind control (see the article about it here). 

Her latest video, entitled Blonde SuperFreak Steals the Magic Brain was filmed WHILE Cyrus was hospitalized and is described as “completely insane” by most commentators. Watching this five minutes compilation of loud noise and upsetting visuals is indeed an excruciating experience. I could easily picture the video being forced fed to MK slave to torture them. I’m not even joking. (You can watch the video here, if you wish to suffer for a few minutes – warning NSFW).

Here’s Wayne Coyne’s description of the video 

The video story is something like this: Moby is an evil, power-hungry cult leader. He wants the world’s most valuable (according to our story) psychedelic supernatural possession… John F. Kennedy’s brain….the brain contains the original formula for the drug LSD!!! 

Miley Cyrus has the magic brain!!! And Moby enlists a nympho Manson girl-type blonde superfreak to go steel the brain from Cyrus. 

She steals the brain from Cyrus while Cyrus is still in bed in a drug-induced coma. Cyrus finally wakes up and is mega-pissed that her BRAIN has been stolen. She enlists a burned-faced Santa and a lesbian Bigfoot ( that are hovering in a nearby spaceship) to hunt down the blond superfreak that stole her brain. They have a relentless pursuit, all the while Cyrus laments the loss of her magic brain and Moby gains powerful rainbows from hell. In the end, the blond superfreak kills Santa and Bigfoot and a baby mole ends up with the brain…” 

Oh yeah. And the Flaming Lips are disguised as rainbows, mushrooms and flowers watching from the sky room where a giant diamond explosion happens.” 

While it is easy to dismiss the video as a “crazy video about drugs” there is much more involved here. Even the above description contains quite a few references to MKULTRA. 

First, the use of LSD on Mind Control subjects is a well-known fact. It is even clearly mentioned in the Wikipedia entry for LSD

In the 1950s, officials at the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) thought the drug might be applicable to mind control and chemical warfare; the agency’s MKULTRA research program propagated the drug among young servicemen and students. 

Moby plays the role of an “evil, power-hungry cult leader” – which can easily be a reference to a Mind Control handler. 

MK handlers use elements of black magic, spirit possession and ritualistic theatrics to traumatize their victims. 

The cult leader “gains powerful rainbows from hell” which can refer to the fact that handlers traumatize their victims to “go over the rainbow” – a code word for dissociation.

The cult leader enlists a “nympho Manson girl-type blonde superfreak” to steal Miley Cyrus’ brain. The choice of words here is important. “Nympho Manson-girl type blond superfreak” aptly describes a MKULTRA Beta Kitten. The serial killer Charles Manson was both an MK slave and programmer. His “girls” were given great amounts of tinted LSD while being brainwashed and manipulated by him to commit horrific crimes. The words “blonde superfreak nympho” all refer to Beta Programming. 

Cyrus is drugged with pills and is comatose while holding a brain in her hand – all ways of showing that she’s an MK slave. 

The superfreak enters Miley Cyrus’ room to steal her brain. “Stealing one’s brain” is an apt way of describing what handlers do to MK slaves during programming. Notice that there are blinds on the wall but no window – a way of saying that Miley lives in a world of illusion. 

Then Miley calls a burned-faced Santa and a lesbian Bigfoot (LOL so random, LOL drugs) to get the brain back but the superfreak kills them both. No need to make sense of any of this. It is MKULTRA garbage disguised as “LSD-inspired art”. The next image sums up the entire video.

A mouth converted into an eye – symbolizing MK slaves being “silenced” by the Illuminati system.

This video normalizing the plight of MK slaves was all filmed while Miley was “hospitalized” and bedridden, probable codes for “reprogramming”. This is how the entertainment business spreads its sickness to the entire world.

What is Happening to Shia LaBeouf?

In the past few months, Shia LaBeouf has made strange public appearances, acted “erratically” and even got himself arrested for “criminal trespass, harassment and disorderly conduct”. Is Shia’s “meltdown” yet another case of a celebrity MK breakdown?

Shia LaBeouf walks through the media after leaving Midtown Community Court following his arrest the previous day. 

On June 26, Shia LaBeouf was arrested after being kicked out of a Broadway musical. He was reportedly so disruptive that he was hauled out of the theater and taken to jail. Witnesses stated that he was smoking inside the theater, slapping random strangers on the rear end, and spitting at the police officers, which caused him to be placed in a face mask. Hours before, Shia was spotted yelling at a homeless man, claiming he stole his hat. Onlookers stated that Shia “did not make sense” and “seemed out of it” – an expression that can describe someone who has dissociated. 

While we all have our bad days, Shia has been making the news for all kinds of strange reasons in the past few months and years – including being arrested for refusing to leave a drug store and headbutting a man in a bar in London

In February, Shia appeared at the Berlinale International Film Festival with a bag over his said saying “I am not famous anymore”. 

People are still wondering why Shia appeared with this bag on his head as it did not appear to be a “clever marketing scheme” or anything of the sort. 

Was the “paper bag” incident actually a sick way for his handlers to humiliate him, perhaps to show that his career is purposely being destroyed? The bag incident occurred immediately after he stormed out of a news conference for the movie Nymphomaniac: Volume I, where he answered one question with a quote from French soccer player Eric Cantona: “When the seagulls follow the trawler, it’s because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea. Thank you very much.” 

Is Shia LaBeouf’s pattern of strange and humiliating incidents an MK “meltdown”, similar to what happened to Britney Spears and Amanda Bynes? Like other celebrities in the MK system, programming breakdowns often appear around the age of 30. 

Just as other celebrities involved in the MK system have, Shia has participated in works that are all about Monarch Programming. 

Playing the Role of a MK Slave 

In my 2012 article on Fjögur Píanó, I explained how the viral video symbolically depicted Shia Labeouf as a MK slave. Considering the events of the past months, it relevant to review the video. 

In the video, Shia is given a lollipop with a little scorpion inside – alluding that it is most likely a poisonous, mind altering drug. 

Shia then completely loses grasp of reality and is taken for a “fake ride” in an imaginary car by handlers. Is this what is happening to him in real life? 

Shia then finds himself locked in room full of framed butterflies – a clear way of representing Monarch Programming. As in every single MK-themed video, there’s a scene where the slave attempts to break programming through the symbolic shattering of a mirror. 

Shia then wakes up with a butterfly next to his face, hinting that programming was completed.

Is Shia’s “meltdown” a result of actual MK programming? Is he purposely being placed in awful situations to hurt his career by industry handlers? His situation is strikingly similar to other stars who, after years of success, spiral into a self-destructive pattern. Like Britney Spears and others, Shia was a child star raised in the Disney system. While it is easy to put all of the blame of “drugs and alcohol”, there is something more at play here. Drugs and alcohol are usually symptoms of a deeper problem.

Here’s what a younger, more clear-minded Shia LaBeouf had to say in 2008, five years before Edward Snowden said a single word. Is this why he is “not famous anymore”?

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