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18 julio, 2014

Was Malaysian Airliner Even Shot Down At All?


NY Times: Jetliner Explodes Over Ukraine; Struck by Missile, Officials Say

Malaysia Airlines 17, which was carrying 298 people onboard, was shot down by a surface-to-air missile that might have been Russian made, American officials said.

NY Times: Fallen Bodies, Jet Parts and a Child’s Pink Book

Local residents and rescue workers saw smoldering debris litter miles of sparsely populated Ukrainian farmland after Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crashed.

Anti-NY Times
Notice how the Times, or rather, the "American officials" quoted in the first propaganda piece, make it a point to say that the missile believed to have brought down a Malaysian airliner, "might have been Russian made". One could just as easily speculate that it was "European made" or "American made", right? But the fix is already in to blame Putin for this mysterious tragedy.

What we find most intriguing are what appear to be staged photos surrounding this event - always a sure sign of CIA-Mossad orchestration. The "child's pink book" mentioned in the 2nd piece stinks of cornball Hollywood staging. With no known Americans on board, and just a handful of Australians, how convenient that the "pink book" should be written in English. See for yourself how strange, and how staged, some of these "wreckage" photos appear to be.

Nothing tugs on the heart strings more than dead little girls with pink stuff! Notice the Donald Duck book and the Board Game 'Stratego' (how appropriate) placed next to it (as if kids still play board games). A few scattered American / English playing cards adds a nice touch. Odd finds, considering that no Americans, and only a few English / Australians were on this flight (Mostly Dutch and Malaysian passengers).

Neat and clean luggage, with no signs of incineration. The retractable metal handle on one suitcase (black, right) isn't even damaged! Notice another bag with English language writing.

Planted wreckage from the missing Malaysian Airliner from the Indian Ocean? Everything burned to a crisp, but not the "child's pink book", of course. Nice "911ish" touch with the Christian Cross on the right. How convenient. It's a miracle!

A child's stuffed monkey

Perfect passports all gathered up for display? Are you kidding me???!!!

Nice "Sandy Hookish" fake cry for the camera, CIA man.

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