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12 agosto, 2014

Stop Vaccinating New Borns


Stop vaccinating new borns with massive Vitamin K dose, giving them allergies the moment they're born

While vitamin K is important to prevent brain bleeding in newborns, I strongly believe there are safer and non-invasive ways to normalize an infant's vitamin K levels that don't require a potentially traumatic injection given in massive mega dose quantities. 

It's well worth noting that the amount of vitamin K injected into newborns is20,000 times the newborn's typical level at birth.10 It seems most odd that conventional medicine repeatedly warns against mega dosing vitamins in adults, yet doesn't raise any questions at all about the practice of giving a massive dose of a synthetic vitamin to an hours-old infant. 

Also, infants are more or less universally born with low vitamin K levels. Is it then really reasonable to categorize it as a true deficiency state? Might there be a fundamental biological reason for being born with an initially low vitamin K level? 

The truth is, we don't know. Researchers determined that giving vitamin K at birth worked to virtually eliminate hemorrhaging, and that more or less marked the end of the thought process. 

Besides the question of whether or not a one-time mega-dose is the most appropriate route, the vitamin K injection also contains potentially toxic additives like aluminum. Many experts believe that aluminum is more toxic than mercury. 

The injection is also loaded with preservatives,11 such as polysorbate 80(known as Tween 80, which has estrogenic effects) and propylene glycol (a skin irritant). 

As explained by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, the introduction of toxins in combination with poor gut flora (which is a problem that affects a great number of infants born these days) can lead to developmental problems. It doesn't matterwhere these toxins come from—ideally, you'd want to avoid exposing your infant to any. 

Synthetic Vitamin K Injection Is Not Risk-Free as Claimed
As noted in a 2001 article in Pediatric Pharmacotherapy,12 the standard practice in the US is to administer an intra-muscular injection of 0.5-1 milligram (mg) of phytonadione within one hour of birth. Phytonadione is a fat-soluble synthetic vitamin K1 analog. 

Ironically, the phytonadione13, 14 drug insert warns that it can cause severe, sometimes fatal, allergic reactions when injected into a muscle or vein,15, 16 and is ideally taken by mouth or injected under the skin. Signs of an allergic reaction include hives, trouble breathing, swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat. 

One recent PLOS ONE study17 looking into this issue found that allergic reactions appear to be linked to the preservatives in the vitamin K1 injection: 

"[S]erious anaphylaxis-like symptoms appeared in beagle dogs after the administration of vitamin K1 injection for the first time. The plasma histamine concentration increased, and blood pressure decreased sharply.After sensitization, dogs were challenged with vitamin K1 injection and displayed the same degree of symptoms as prior to sensitization. However, when the vitamin K1 injection-sensitized dogs were challenged with a vitamin K1-fat emulsion without solubilizers such as Tween-80, the abnormal reactions did not occur... 

Our results indicate that the adverse reaction induced by vitamin K1 injection is an anaphylactoid reaction, not anaphylaxis. Vitamin K1 injection induces the release of inflammatory factors via a non-IgE-mediated immune pathway, for which the trigger may be the solubilizer."

Even more ironic, pregnant women are warned that it is not known whether taking phytonadione might harm their baby if taken during pregnancy or while breast feeding.18 The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for infants 0-6 months is 2 micrograms (mcg) per day, so they are receiving a dose that is 5,000 times the RDA. 

The RDA for adult women is 90 mcg/day. If you're an adult suffering minor bleeding due to warfarin use, a one-time dose of 2.5-5 mg is recommended. If an adult overdoses on phytonadione, they're advised to call Poison Control. And yet newborn babies are given a 1 mg injection whether they in need of it or not. This is a highly irrational approach anyway you look at it. It's simply not supported by the science in any way shape or form. 

The Case for Longer-Term Oral Vitamin K1 Supplementation
As noted in Pediatric Pharmacotherapy:19
"Oral vitamin K administration would appear to offer several advantages for routine VKDB prophylaxis... It has been suggested that longer regimens of oral vitamin K would prevent late VKDB while avoiding the concerns with IM [intramuscular] use. In 1992, The Netherlands adopted a regimen of 1 mg oral vitamin K at birth, followed by daily doses of 25 mcg from 1 week to 3 months of age in breastfed infants.
Surveillance data collected on infants receiving this regimen have revealed no cases of late VKDB.
Another alternative regimen now used in Switzerland consists of weekly 1 mg oral doses for two or three months with the Konakion MM® preparation. The primary disadvantages of these methods are the reliance on parent compliance. Giving an oral vitamin should not be looked at as so difficult, especially with the frequency of pediatric visits." 

The paper also notes that: "It is clear that oral administration of vitamin K produces adequate serum concentrations for the prevention of classic VKDB. While no oral liquid preparation is available in the United States, the injectable product has been found to be safe and effective when given by the oral route." In case you missed the yellow highlight above, there were zero, not one single episode of VKDB in infants given the oral dose. The concerns that Mooney brings up about the increase in VKDB are clearly related to noncompliance with the oral route, not to its efficacy. 

To me, it appears obvious that if the US made an oral vitamin K1 supplement to be taken for the first three months of life, that would be the safest method to avoid vitamin K deficient bleeding in infants. Not only should vitamin K1 be given orally, but vitamin D and vitamin K2 as well, since most parents are so adamant about shielding their children from the sun. As a result of this widespread sun-phobia, most children are vitamin D deficient from birth.20 According to one recent study,21 breastfed infants should ideally begin receiving vitamin D supplementation at birth. The study supports using a dose of 400 IUs of vitamin D per day for the first nine months of the baby's life.

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