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11 agosto, 2014

The 'Bad Guy Of The Month' Routine

By: Mike King

NY Times: U.S. Actions in Iraq Fueled Rise of a Rebel

At every turn, the rise of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been shaped by the United States’ involvement in Iraq — most of the political changes that fueled his fight, or led to his promotion, were born directly from some American action.

Rebuttal By The Anti-NY Times
As a child, your imaginative little reporter-to-be would anxiously await each new issue of the Spider Man Comic Book series with baited breath. Each exciting story of good vs. evil would end with a subtle hint as to who next month's villain would be. Would the Green Goblin be Spider Man's next deadly nemesis? Or would the webbed wonder do battle with the Sand Man? The Vulture? Dr. Octopus? The Lizard? The Scorpion? 

In the pre-I phone, pre-computer days of the early 1970's, this was absolutely riveting drama for a precocious 8-10 year old with a few nickels to spare.

Awesome action stories, for as little as 12 cents!

With the arrival of the Saturday Night Fever 'disco' era, little Mikey eventually grew out of this Spider Man obsession, as well as the Spider Man pajamas and lunch box. Sadly, the "educated" readers of Sulzberger's putrid propaganda sheet still retain their intellectual immaturity; manifested by the childlike vulnerability to any nonsense that Sulzberger's scribblers spew forth. Even as a child, I at least knew that the "Bad Guy of the Month", and Spider Man himself, were fictitional characters. But the mentally arrested, sophist fools who worship The Times seem incapable of discerning such entertaining fiction from actual facts.

Bin laden, Kin Jong Un, Boko Haram.......Save us Spider Man!

The CIA-Saudi-Mossad creation known as ISIS now has a leader with a name and a face for us to all hate on. Meet Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the latest 'Bad Guy' of the Month' to challenge the righteous super hero that is America. We are supposed to believe that right under the super-powered cyber nose of the NSA, as well as behind the backs of the limitless human assets of the CIA, US Army Intelligence, Mossad and the British M16, one Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (oooh, the name sounds so scary, doesn't' it?), just emerged out of nowhere to lead a high powered force of "Sunni radicals"; armed to teeth with advanced weaponry and whole fleets of brand new Toyota pick up trucks.

Who is paying for the shiny trucks, the gas, the food, the weapons, the ammunition, the professionally-made banners etc to keep this "spontaneous" ISIS army in business?

We must also believe that the US-Israel Mafia which murdered Hussein, Qaddafi, Arafat, Chavez (most likely) and scores, if not hundreds, of other lower level Arab leaders is suddenly morally and logistically incapable of ending the life of al-Baghdadi. Really?

Sorry Sulzberger; discerning observers aren't buying it!

Compared to that goofy narrative, tales of a nerdy teenager, who accidentally acquires the amplified powers of a radioactive spider, seem almost plausible. How bloody stupid, pathetically credulous, and intellectually lazy the 'sophisticated' readers of the Times are! 

The 'Bad Guy of the Month' routine still amuses the unquestioning sheeple of America.

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