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23 agosto, 2014

The ISIS Conspiracy Explained

NY Times: U.S. General Says Raiding Syria Is Key to Halting ISIS
Gen. Martin E. Dempsey was circumspect in describing the sort of broad effort that would be required to roll back ISIS in Syria and Iraq.


In the June 18 issue of The Anti-New York Times, we made the following forecast about ISIS, the new super villain that had just popped up out of nowhere:

"And now, just when the Iraqi government seemed to be getting too chummy with Iran, it's back in we go. But first, a pretext was needed; ISIS. 

The ISIS "uprising" is a US-Israel engineered plot using provocateurs, mercenaries, "jihadist" fanatics, and NGO's. The Axis of Evil and its various puppets seek to smash any independent Middle Eastern state that refuses to bow down to Greater Israel. 

Apart from its relationship with Iran and proximity to Syria, the other reason for blowing up Iraq has to do with planned chaos. The Zionist dream of a Greater Israel, to stretch from Iraq to Egypt, requires fragmented and weak Arab states that can later be ethnically cleaned." (emphasis added)

In the wake of the fake beheading of a CPR dummy standing in for known CIA asset James Foley (here), as well as other real ISIS atrocities, now comes the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to make the closing argument. From today's article:

“Can they (ISIS) be defeated without addressing that part of the organization that resides in Syria? The answer is no.”

General Dempsey is a disgrace to his uniform!

This is all so transparent now. What a brilliant set of strategic maneuvers we have witnessed over the past year or so. Here is a review of the events which have us on the brink of the very same Middle East war that was narrowly averted last year:

1. September 2013: Russia and China block an attack upon Syria (and Iran) by openly flexing their military muscle in the Mediterranean Sea
2. March 2014: US / Israel stages a coup in Ukraine
3. Summer 2014: NATO and puppet Ukraine threaten a military operation against Russia
4. Summer 2014: Japan, Australia, Vietnam, and the Philippines antagonize and divert China
5. Summer 2014: Phony controlled ISIS is unleashed in Iraq and Syria
6. Today: Neo-Cons and other assorted warmongers call upon the USA to "stop ISIS"
7. Soon? With Russia and China diverted, NATO slips into Syria to "save the world" from ISIS

Tooting our own horn once again, from our September 15 issue of 2013:

"Putin's strong diplomacy (backed by the threat of force), combined with overwhelming public opposition, forced Obongo to back down. But Evil never sleeps. It only changes its tactics. In a sense, the situation is perhaps more dangerous now than it was one week ago. The U.S. now understands that when it returns to the brink of war, it will have to bring a whole lot more firepower to the arena if they want to confront Russia, China, and Iran." 

With the 13th (an unlucky number) anniversary of the 9/11 false flag attacks upon us, the threat of an ISIS "attack" on a major US city looms large. That's one forecast we truly hope to be wrong about! 

In Egyptian mythology, Isis was the mother of Horus / The Eye of Horus & Pyramid are the NWO's symbolic calling card.

Dollar Bill / CBS / AOL

Pappa Sulzberger & Jay Z 

Lady Gaga
Two Pyramids form 6 triangles, 6 points, 6 sides

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