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04 agosto, 2014

The Zionist Allegory Of The 'Cease-Fire'


NY Times: Cease-Fire in Gaza Conflict Takes Effect as Talks Are Set

The United States and the United Nations announced the 72-hour pause early Friday, a diplomatic bolt-from-the-blue that will set the stage for arduous negotiations between Israel and Hamas.

Rebuttal by The Anti-New York Times
The Zionist Allegory of the 'Cease Fire'

A powerful and well armed home invader breaks down your front door and proceeds to mercilessly beat your wife and children with a metal pipe. Hearing the blood-curdling screams, you rush downstairs to engage the murderous invader. Though one of your children lies dead on the floor, as your wife and other two children bleed badly, the attacker is stunned at the ferocity of your justified resistance.

Two police men arrive at the scene (UN & US). Instead of breaking up the fight and arresting the invader, the two "neutral" Globo-Cops dispassionately declare:

"Knock it off boys. Let's sit down and talk it out."

You angrily respond: 

"Not until he gets of my house and you arrest him! He murdered my 5 year old daughter and has badly injured my wife and sons! Please, please help them!"

To which, the vile invader replies: 

"My nose is bleeding! The anti-Semitic homeowner did this to me! I'm sorry about his dead child, but he was using the little girl as a 'human shield'. Just because I am a Jew, do I not have a right to defend myself? ...... 
* Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands and organs? If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die. And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge?" (* Shylock, from Shakespeare's 'Merchant of Venice', a once timeless classic that is now banned in virtually all US High Schools)

Waaaaa...Waaaaa....Waaaaa. "Ve are being poisecuted!"....Waaaa.....Waaaa

The Globo-Cops respond with an illogical moral equivalence (following is an actual 1998 quote from former US Secretary of State Madeline Albright):

"I am sick and tired of hearing you two (Arafat & Netanyahu) give me a pile full of complaints about the other guy. That is not going to help us get to the point where we can make tough decisions."

As the Globo-Cops continue their bizarre lecture, the invader retrieves his metal pipe and starts to again beat upon your surviving family members. You rush to tackle him as he cries out, "You see how violent this terrorist homeowner is? He has broken the 'cease-fight' and attacked me again! God gave this house to me!"

The following day, Sulzberger's Jew York Slimes carries the bold headline:

"Warring Parties Tear Cease Fight Agreement to Tatters. House Guest Claims Home Owner Punched Him in the Nose"

Welcome to the upside down, black-is-white, good-is-evil, war-is-peace, fantasy world of Zion Crime Productions Unlimited! 

Israel vs Gaza / The "neutral" referee

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