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21 agosto, 2014

White Phosphorous Fire Bombs Against Donetsk Civilians

Ukraine Atrocities: 
The Illegal Use of White Phosphorous 
Fire Bombs Against Donetsk Civilians
By Eric Zuesse

report on August 15th from Russian Television alleged that the Ukrainian government that the U.S. installed in February of this year was resorting to internationally banned white phosphorous firebombs in order to help destroy the million people who lived in the now Ukrainian separatist capital of Donetsk. It lands super-hot and starts fires and burns to death almost anyone it touches.

The Ukrainian separatists are the residents in Ukraine’s southeast, where Viktor Yanukovych, the Ukrainian President, was elected overwhelmingly by the votes of the people in this region in 2010. They reject the government that Obama installed, and are therefore seeking independence from it. They reject that government not so much because Obama is forcing it on them, as because that government is trying to exterminate them.

Here is the original televised news report on the alleged August 14th firebombing of the Leninsky District in Donetsk:

And here is a raw video of this August 14th firebombing, taken from the distance:

A separate local Donetsk video of it is here:

And here is alleged to be a picture of the resulting burnt rubble.

Since this type of thing has been going on for months, there has been a mass-evacuation of the area by the families, leaving only their fathers who are the resistance fighters, and when an OSCE official from the western “democracies” came to visit the former residents, at refugee camps in Russia, these refugees were asking why only Russia is offering them any help.

Meanwhile, Russia opens more refugee camps, and the West blocks Russia from sending aid into the Ukrainian cities that are being bombed: food, water, and medicines.

But then, a news report on August 16th from eturbonews was headlined “Alleged War Crime: White Phosphorus Used in Residential Areas of Donetsk?” and it reported why there had not been immediate news-reporting of the results of this firebombing, if it had indeed occurred:
“According to eTN sources in Donetsk, WP bombs landed in residential areas in Donetsk at the Lenin district of Donetsk city, Petrovski district of Donetsk city and near the railway station Mandrykino. … The situation in Luhansk without electricity, water and food can be compared with activities used when committing genocide. Ukrainian forces isolated [the] East Ukrainian city and are not allowing water, food and medicine through after destroying electricity and communication services. According to an eyewitness statement Ukrainian army check points let travelers drive to the Eastern Ukraine, but no one is able to leave the Eastern part of the country. It’s like a big prison with hundred[s of] thousands of people and without food, water and electricity. … Scenes of devastation are emerging from across the city, with many buildings burned out or riddled with shell-holes. A large number of private homes in Donetsk have been burned down as firefighters fail to extinguish fires caused by shelling.” So, their source confirmed it.

So: the Ukrainian regime that the U.S. installed has simply been blocking off any ability of official ‘news’ media into Donetsk to report on the massacre. In other words: anyone who is still waiting for ‘news’ media to tell them about this firebombing will be waiting until everyone is dead and no one even cares, because it’ll then no longer be even ‘news’ at all — by then it’ll be only history. But that’s what it indeed will be.

And so will the people who had lived in Donetsk, just history, like the people who lived in Hiroshima, or in Dresden, or who were bombed to death by Germany’s Nazis in London, etc. Of course, the determinant of whether the victims here will be viewed sympathetically by history will be which side ultimately writes the history books on this war. But did the residents of Dresden and Hiroshima have any guilt that justified their being destroyed in this way? Perhaps one might say that most of them were either fascists or nazis and supported such barbarians, who would do such things.

However, one can’t even assert that here, because these victims in southeast Ukraine were instead trying to protect themselves from Ukraine’s nazis, who are our people in Ukraine. It’s “our side” that are the barbarians, the nazis, here. The victims are trying to protect themselves from us — from the people that the U.S. installed into power.

Are we guilty? If we support this government, we certainly are. Those of us who support it are the guilty ones here; those are the people who willingly share in Obama’s clear guilt on this matter (Obama being the person who appointed the persons, Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, who appointed the person, Victoria Nuland, who appointed the person, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who appointed the new Ukrainian Defense Minister, Mikhail Koval, who designed this ethnic-cleansing program and who even announced it to the public. And anyone in the U.S. House of Representatives who fails to introduce an impeachment resolution against Obama for his nazism in this regard is certainly guilty, along with Obama. If Obama isn’t even impeached and removed from office for bringing about and endorsing the perpetrators of this and other such atrocities in Ukraine, as he has done, then Americans have no reason to expect ultimately to be treated any better by the nazis that we then allow to remain in power  over us Americans. Nazism is profoundly un-American.

Any member of the U.S. House of Representatives who opposes impeaching Obama over this should certainly be removed by his or her voters this fall. That’s crystal clear, because Obama is the first-ever U.S. President to install a nazi regime anywhere in the world. He is veritably spitting not only onto the graves of all U.S. soldiers who died fighting nazis in World War II; he is even spitting onto the graves of America’s Founders, who would be shocked and appalled that between America’s greatness in WW II and today, America has descended so, from heaven, into hell.

What we do now will determine whether that’s where we will stay and where we belong. Because any country that continues to back this, belongs in hell. That’s for sure.

As to why Obama is doing that, I have written many articles about that, such as here and here. And that produces this, which produces this.

As they used to say: “Never again.” But this time, it’s up to us, not up to Germans or anybody else. It’s up to us, alone, to stop doing this.

On which side of this will the American people be? America’s heroic Founders, and our heroic soldiers who were killed in WWII, ask us this question from the beyond. Are we on this side, or on Obama’s? Each American, and especially each member of the U.S. House of Representatives, must ask and answer  that question.

These are extraordinary times, if for no other reason that this is the first U.S. President who has ever been (despite his deceptively liberal rhetoric) a nazi in the White House. No other one has ever done this.

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