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29 septiembre, 2014

#CIA Triggers #Riots in #HongKong (Same Sh&t like #Venezuela)



NY Times: Crackdown on Protests by Hong Kong Police Draws More to the Streets
Downtown Hong Kong turned into a battlefield of tear gas and seething crowds on Sunday after the police moved against a student democracy protest.

Yesterday, it was a massive front page attack ad aimed at Russia. Remember?
Putin's Way
NY Times: It Pays to Be Putin’s Friend

Today, Sulzberger's Slimes is running an equally in-your-face article and huge photo aimed at China. 
The Wicked Witch of Washington wasn't joking when she wailed in 2013:

"Russia and China will pay a price for standing up for the Assad regime."

Today's big story tells of a "spontaneous" student uprising and a horrible "crackdown" taking place in Hong Kong (part of China for past 20 years). As loyal readers of The Anti-New York Times are well aware of by now, yet unbeknown to most of the silly young University punks of Hong Kong, these types of protests are the clear handiwork of the CIA. The fact that factory workers have joined the students is further evidence that this is a "color revolution' maneuver.

Idealistic 15-year old student-idiot waves a Time Magazine cover / Professional banners with Hollywoodish theme: "They can't kill us all."

Due to the fact that Hong Kong had been under British sovereignty until the Transfer of 1997, and still retains a degree of autonomy from China, 'The Agency' has always been able to maintain a strong presence in Hong Kong. Recall that it was Hong Kong flash-mobs, waving professionally made English language signs and banners, which greeted the CIA fake 'whisteblower' known as Edward Snowden.
Sulzberger's Slimes works hand-in-hand with the CIA. The Slimes is the motor of what 1960's CIA Political Warfare Director Frank Wisner once referred to as the "mighty Wurlitzer (jukebox)" that is the controlled front groups and elements of the American propaganda press. Wisner once boasted that his apparatus was “capable of playing any propaganda tune I desired.”

The Wurlitzer is mightier than ever!

The screaming jukebox of jive-talk that is the American Press can be expected to follow The Times lead of bashing China over its "human rights violations" of the "pro-democracy protesters". Expect Secretary of State FrankenKerry and Homo-Obongo to also express their pious "concern". Let us hope that China will not react to this street scum, these deluded dupes, these western wannabees as weakly and as pathetically as Ukraine's former President did.

Mr. Li Ping, The Anti-New York Times will tell you exactly what we told President Yanukovich in our January 26th issue:

JANUARY 26: The Ukrainian government was foolish to think that the so-called "opposition" (CIA-Soros rent-a-mobs) could be pacified by inviting a few of its political leaders into the government. This was the same fatal error made by many Kings and Prime Ministers of the 19th century. In each case, they ended up dispossessed, or even dead. There can never be coalitions nor compromises with evil doers who wish to destroy you. The more one compromises, the bolder a psychopath becomes.

President Yanukovich, .... Crush these bastard "protesters" with maximum power! ....put away the tear gas and rubber bullets and roll in the tanks and helicopter gunships. Target the mob leaders one by one and "disappear" them. Round up your traitorous politicians who are supporting this rebellion, and arrest them. If this is not done soon, Ukraine will fall into the hands of the West...

Crush this CIA-Soros "revolution" into a million little pieces - now!

Did your intrepid reporter nail that or what?! Yanukovich refused to listen and barely escaped Kiev with his life. Idiot! Let's hope that the Chinese leadership is reading the Anti-New York Times, and that it has learned the lesson of Kiev.

The spoiled, bratty, wannabee-western, know-it-all, vulgar college punks of CIA-infested Hong Kong need to be taught a painful lesson in respect!

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